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 [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011)

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Nombre de messages : 11161
Date d'inscription : 25/05/2009
Age : 37

[Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011)   [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 Icon_minitime1Mer 5 Jan - 0:38

Valeriane a écrit:

Now for the big question: Will Rob and Kristen pose as a twosome on the carpet?

source :

Je crois que pour ça faut pas trop rêver ! Ou alors y'aura taytay avec eux Laughing
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Nombre de messages : 16344
Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

[Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011)   [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 Icon_minitime1Mer 5 Jan - 0:56

on va [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 42735 déjà on n'y croyait plus à Rob aux PCA et il y est ! alors qui sait, on aura pitete une apparition de Rob sur le tapis rouge (et si tay tay pouvait juste un tout petit peu s'éloigner le temps de quelques photos, je ne serais pas contre lol, un peu comme pour l'avant première d'Eclipse)

bref je rêve d'une apparition officielle du couple main dans la main pour faire taire à tout jamais toutes celles qui sont encore dans le déni (si si j'en ai encore lu aujourd'hui lol)

vais mettre un cierge tiens... ah beh non plusieurs [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 342587

[Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 Cierge10
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Nombre de messages : 11161
Date d'inscription : 25/05/2009
Age : 37

[Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 Empty
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Valeriane a écrit:

bref je rêve d'une apparition officielle du couple main dans la main pour faire taire à tout jamais toutes celles qui sont encore dans le déni (si si j'en ai encore lu aujourd'hui lol)

Je serais pas contre non plus mais une fois de plus je pense que c'est pas demain la veille qu'on verra ça ! De toute façon y'en aura toujours qui seront dans le déni, même s'ils "officialisent" y'en aura toujours pour dire que leur couple c'est du bidon [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 598790

Enfin faudrait déjà qu'il soit sur le tapis rouge demain, mais vu que l'an dernier si mes souvenirs sont bons à part pour les bafta il a zappé toutes les arrivées, ca m'étonnerait pas qu'il refasse le coup cette fois ci ! [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 100157
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Nombre de messages : 16344
Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

[Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011)   [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 Icon_minitime1Mer 5 Jan - 1:23

il va peut être s'arranger pour arriver à la bourre comme pour les Teen Choice Awards le vilain lol! à moins que Krikri ne lui botte les fesses pour qu'ils ne soient pas en retard.

Pour les MTV Movie Awards, il ne figurait pas sur la liste des personnes présentes sur le red carpet mais une telle liste existe-t-elle pour les PCA... Mystère ?

Allez Roro un petit effort pour tous les fans qui ne pourront voir la cérémonie en direct. Ca nous ferait bien plaisir de t'apercevoir sur le red carpet qui lui a un lien streaming assuré.
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Nombre de messages : 3082
Date d'inscription : 19/01/2010
Age : 64
Localisation : Nancy (54)

[Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 Empty
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Super [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 705527 [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 705527 [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 705527 j'arrive à l'instant sur le RPattz "quelle merveilleuse nouvelle" là je crois pas que je vais pas m'en remettre, on va enfin voir leur bouille officiellement... [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 42735 pour les voir main dans la main on peu [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 862141 :val: [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 624219
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Nombre de messages : 16344
Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

[Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011)   [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 Icon_minitime1Mer 5 Jan - 8:28

More Details About Robert at People's Choice Awards by Gossip Cop

Robert Pattinson will join Twilight Sagaco-stars Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner at the People’s Choice Awards, a rep for the show confirms to Gossip Cop.
But wait, there’s more…

Gossip Cop is told exclusively by a source close to Pattinson that the actor is flying from theBreaking Dawn set in Louisiana to the awards show in L.A., just “for an hour, then back to the set.”

We have a gut feeling Pattinson won’t be leaving the People’s Choice Awards empty-handed.

source : gossip cop
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Nombre de messages : 16344
Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

[Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011)   [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 Icon_minitime1Mer 5 Jan - 8:32


une source proche de robert pattinson a indiqué qu'il viendra directement du tournage de Breaking Dawn pour le show à Los Angeles juste "pour une heure, puis repartira pour le tournage"

Gossip cop a le sentiment qu'il ne repartira pas les mains vides.

ça craint pour le red carpet ça [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 32551
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Nombre de messages : 12206
Date d'inscription : 30/03/2010
Age : 76
Localisation : Un petit coin au soleil

[Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011)   [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 Icon_minitime1Mer 5 Jan - 9:04

C'est déja pas mal qu'il soit là alors qu'on ne l'attendait pas [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 862769
Je vois que vous êtes gourmandes les filles ( noël est passé ) je ne me fait pas d'idées " main dans la main "j'y crois pas trop , pourtant comme vous je voudrais [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 862141
Enfin nous verrons bien [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 42735
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Nombre de messages : 5145
Date d'inscription : 12/11/2009
Age : 46
Localisation : au milieu des montagnes

[Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 Empty
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[Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 Medium10

Déjà beaucoup de surprises pour ces PCA alors continuons a y croire!

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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

[Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011)   [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 Icon_minitime1Mer 5 Jan - 15:42

Valeriane a écrit:
Ted Casablanca d'eonline il est tout content lol!

Who Is Kristen Stewart's Date for the People's Choice Awards?

Aren't you Twi-hards just so excited for the People's Choice Awards tomorrow?!

It's been a while since we've seen our fave cast on the red carpet, and we hear they will not disappoint at the always fun awards show.

So who is Kristen Stewart's date going to be? Yep, you guessed it! Or rather hoped it.

Seems her BF will be making an appearance after all...

Robert Pattinson will be attending the PCAs tomorrow!

Taylor Lautner was previously confirmed, but we're told by our studio sources Rob didn't want to disappoint fans, so they all tried hard to make it work.

Too fab!

So for those of you emailing us with those conspiracy theories about Summit keeping Robsten apart, you couldn't be further from the truth. No worries, though, we're sure everybody will come up with something juicy to conspire about in a matter of seconds.

Now for the big question: Will Rob and Kristen pose as a twosome on the carpet?

Weigh in below!

source :

Qui est le rendez vous galant de Kristen Stewart pour les People's Choice Awards?

Les Twi-hards , n'êtes vous pas excités pour les People's Choice Awards ce soir?!

Ca fait longtemps que nous n'avons pas vu notre cast préféré sur le tapis rouge, et nous avons entendu dire qu'ils ne nous décevront pas au show qui est toujours amusant.

Donc qui sera le rendez vous galant de Kristen Stewart? Ouais , vous avez bien deviné ! Ou alors vous l'aviez espéré.

On dirait que son petit ami fera une apparition...

Robert Pattinson sera bien aux PCA demain!

Taylor Lautner a été confirmé précédemment mais notre source aux studio nous ont dit que Rob ne voulait pas décevoir les fans, dont ils ont tous fait de leur mieux pour que ça marche.

Trop génial!

Donc pour ceux qui nous contactent par email à propos de leurs théories de conspiration sur Summit qui veut séparer Robsten , vous êtes très loin de la vérité. Pas de souci cependant, nous sommes sûrs que vous trouverez matière à conspirer dans quelques secondes .

Mais la grande question reste la suivante : Rob et Kristen poseront ils ensemble sur le tapis rouge?

A vos commentaires!

source :
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Nombre de messages : 2579
Date d'inscription : 31/12/2010
Age : 33
Localisation : Belgique

[Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011)   [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 Icon_minitime1Mer 5 Jan - 17:56

cheers cheers cheers [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 152401 [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 152401 [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 152401 [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 152401
On n'y croyait plus pourtant il sera bien présent !! [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 862769 [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 862769 Il fait plaisir à fond à ses fans là !! [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 731333 [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 731333 [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 731333
C'est vrai qu'il s'y vient directement du tournage, ca semble dur pour le red carpet Neutral Enfin c'est pas bien grave, car on va déjà le voir !! J'espère qu'il y a beaucoup du Robsten alors !! Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

Pas sur que je reste éveiller pour le live cette nuit mais j'essayerais !! Wink Smile

[Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 737819 pour toutes les infos !
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

[Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 Empty
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Message du Twitter des PCA

"C'est un beau jour pour les PCA!!! Que les festivités commencent"

[Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 Pca10
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Nombre de messages : 16344
Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

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[Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 598150
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Nombre de messages : 13333
Date d'inscription : 05/06/2010
Age : 62
Localisation : Trop loin de lui

[Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 Empty
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[Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 737819 les filles [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 152401
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Nombre de messages : 14223
Date d'inscription : 17/11/2009
Age : 51
Localisation : suisse

[Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 Empty
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[Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 737819 les filles
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Nombre de messages : 16344
Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

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toutes les infos en live sont désormais à suivre sur ce topic >>>

les photos seront mises dans le RPattz Book et les vidéos dans Into the move dans les rubriques "Apparitions publiques"
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Nombre de messages : 2579
Date d'inscription : 31/12/2010
Age : 33
Localisation : Belgique

[Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011)   [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 Icon_minitime1Jeu 6 Jan - 1:06

Merci bien les filles !! Vous faites un super travail ! Very Happy cheers
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Nombre de messages : 16344
Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

[Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 Empty
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Le palmarès

Casting préféré (Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart et Taylor Lautner)
Actrice de cinéma cinéma : Kristen Stewart
Film préféré : Eclipse
Film dramatique préféré : Eclipse
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Nombre de messages : 12206
Date d'inscription : 30/03/2010
Age : 76
Localisation : Un petit coin au soleil

[Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 Empty
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Merci Valériane.
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Nombre de messages : 3082
Date d'inscription : 19/01/2010
Age : 64
Localisation : Nancy (54)

[Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011)   [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 Icon_minitime1Jeu 6 Jan - 9:18

:val: petit clin d'oeil avant de partir bosser... reposes-toi bien après cette nuit blanche...
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Nombre de messages : 16344
Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

[Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 Empty
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Revue de presse

'Eclipse' Stars Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner All Winners At People's Choice Awards

It was a rough start for "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse" at tonight's People's Choice Awards—a ceremony fans expected the vampire franchise to sweep. Surprisingly, "Eclipse" was left empty-handed until the show's final moments.

Early in the ceremony, Johnny Depp bested both Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner for Favorite Movie Actor, while Zac Efron won Favorite Movie Star Under 25 over both Robert and Kristen Stewart. Some speculated that having two nominees in both categories split the vote, resulting in "Twilight"'s loss, though others argued that the winners were more deserving candidates. We'll let you decide that one for yourselves!

Thankfully, that was the end of the "Twilight" pity party, because Rob, Kristen and Taylor cleaned up the other four categories they were nominated in. Kristen won Favorite Movie Actress and was accompanied to the podium by Taylor to receive her award from "True Blood"'s Stephen Moyer and Malin Akerman. "I've never been to the People's Choice Awards," she said during her acceptance speech. "This is so exciting." She then proceeded to spill a rather substantial plot point from "Breaking Dawn" (if you haven't read the books, click at your own risk!).

A rather awkward exchange between host Queen Latifah and the "Twilight" trio followed (trust us, you don't want us to rehash it here), before "Eclipse" won the big award of the night: Favorite Movie. All three actors took to the stage, joking about who would deliver their thank yous first. Eager Taylor won, saying, "I can't believe this. You guys [the fans] are unreal. It still amazes me, for movie No. 3, 'Eclipse,' already. You guys have gotten us here today." After Kristen thanked the "Twilight" producers and Summit Entertainment, Rob chimed in, adding, "I couldn't hear what either of them said. I can guarantee they both wrote speeches...Thanks so much for everything." (Click on the clip below to see all of the Favorite Movie acceptance speeches!)

"Eclipse" also scored statues in the Favorite Drama Movie and Favorite Onscreen Team categories.

source :

'Twilight,' 'House' Top the People's Choice Awards

Dreamy vampires, a surly doctor and a rapper in "Recovery" are top winners at the People's Choice Awards.

"The Twilight Saga: Eclipse," TV's "House M.D." and Eminem each won four awards at Wednesday's ceremony, hosted by Queen Latifah at the Nokia Theatre in downtown Los Angeles.

Fans picked "Twilight" as their favorite overall movie and favorite drama. Stars Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner were their favorite on-screen team, and Stewart also won actress honors.

Johnny Depp was fans' favorite actor, Jackie Chan won for action star, Adam Sandler won for comedic star, and "Toy Story 3" was voted favorite family movie.

"House M.D." was TV's top winner. The show was fans' favorite television drama, and stars Hugh Laurie and Lisa Edelstein were the favorite actor and actress in the drama category. Laurie's character, Gregory House, was named favorite TV doctor.

"Glee" was voted top TV comedy, and star Jane Lynch was the favorite comedy actress. Neil Patrick Harris won comedy actor honors.

Eminem dominated the music category. He was fans' favorite hip-hop artist and male musician, and his song with Rihanna, "Love the Way You Lie," won favorite song and music video. Katy Perry was a double winner: Favorite female artist and favorite online sensation.

Rihanna, Usher and Taylor Swift were named favorite pop, R&B and country artist, respectively.

Fans chose the winners in all categories.

source :

'Twilight' Trio Take Over People's Choice Awards

Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner and Kristen Stewart fly in from 'Breaking Dawn' set for awards show.

It wasn't until an hour and a half into Wednesday night's (January 5) People's Choice Awards that the beloved "Twilight Saga" trio — Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner — finally made their appearance at the awards show, which meant fans unfortunately never got to find out whether Stewart would walk down the sapphire carpet with Pattinson, her rumored beau. But while the show began with a shutout for the "Twilight" stars, they ended up winning some of the biggest awards of the night, just as they did in 2010.

Johnny Depp won Favorite Male Movie Star for the fifth time in a row, beating both Lautner and Pattinson for the honor. Still sporting his "The Tourist" haircut, the favorite actor thanked his fans for the "stupefying honor" because it "comes from the people who keep us all here."

Zac Efron also bested both Stewart and Pattinson (and his ex-girlfriend Vanessa Hudgens) as Favorite Movie Star Under 25, another surprising shutout. "What an honor it is to be nominated among my contemporaries," Efron acknowledged, and thanked the connection he has with fans for keeping him around.

But where were the "Twilight Saga" fans, infamous for their skills that allow "Twilight" to continuously sweep fan-voted awards shows?

Turns out they were focusing their attention on getting Stewart the win for Favorite Movie Actress. The big three finally made their appearance more than three-quarters of the way into the show when Stewart accepted her big award. (By the way, it was Lautner — not Pattinson — who walked her to the stage.)

It was Stewart's first time at the People's Choice Awards, and in true KStew style, it was clear the "Twilight Saga" star was uncomfortable onstage. But she was sure to thank her fans, giving them a bit of a tease from the set of "Breaking Dawn."

"We're shooting 'Breaking Dawn' right now. It's going really well; it's really fun," she said during her acceptance speech. Spoiler alert! "I was a vampire this morning in Baton Rouge, so it's really weird."

Since it took the trio so long to show up to the awards show, host Queen Latifah wasn't going to let them off the hook so easily. They were seated front and center, and Latifah put them on the spot with a list of "questions" directed at their characters. Example: If a wolf ate a vampire, but the vampire wasn't dead, could the vampire eat the werewolf from the inside out? The awkward smile on Lautner's face was all the answer we needed. But the awkwardness was all worth it when Latifah mistook Pattinson's description of the "posh" airplane that they flew on from Baton Rouge for "plush." Oh, those silly Brits!

And "The Twilight Saga" ended the show with a bang, winning Favorite Movie, Favorite Drama Movie and Favorite Onscreen Team, presented by Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman. Pattinson beat Lautner and Stewart to the microphone, and Lautner threw some faux punches at his onscreen enemy. "Taylor wanted to go first, but I wanted him to go last," Pattinson joked, then let Lautner proceed.

"I can't believe this! You guys are unreal," Lautner gushed. "It still amazes me. For movie number three, 'Eclipse,' already, you guys have gotten us here today, but you guys have also given us the opportunity to, as Kristen said, be filming 'Breaking Dawn.'

"I can't wait for you guys to see it," he continued. "Mark my words: The best is yet to come."

Stewart took the stage after him, adding to her previous acceptance speech, "I just want to thank our producer Wyck [Godfrey]. Dude, thank you so much, and everybody at Summit of course. And the fans."

Last but not least, Pattinson took to the mic amid deafening screams from the crowd. He said he couldn't hear what either of his co-stars said in their speeches, but "can guarantee they both wrote speeches."

His spur-of-the-moment speech was short and sweet, saying, "Thank you so much for the fun, People's Choice. Thank you so much for everything. It's been a wonderful experience."

source :

People's Choice: Eclipse, Johnny, Katy, Kristen & the Kardashians Are Crowd-Pleasers

Eternal love goes a long way.

A year after Twilight lit the flame, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse was named Favorite Movie at the 37th Annual People's Choice Awards, capping off a great (or incredibly awkward and annoying) night for Favorite Movie Actress Kristen Stewart and a so-so one for Robert Pattinson, who lost out on Favorite Movie Actor for the second straight year to Johnny Depp.

Kristen Stewart, seated between Taylor Lautner and R.Pattz (the trio were also winners for Favorite On-Screen Team) in the audience, looked smashing as usual, but gave another one of her "What are you talking about?" speeches in accepting her solo award.

"We're making Breaking Dawn now, and yeah..." she trailed off, letting the applause finish her sentence.

But that's what the people wanted to see!

For this go-around, fans voted online for their favorites in 45 categories spanning movies, TV, music and online entertainment. Though they only got to see a few of them handed out tonight while CBS aired a very long Cover Girl commercial, a record 175 million votes were cast this year. And some really big names had projects to promote, so the fans were duly rewarded with a good showing by the celebs.

Eminem, along with Eclipse and House , was the winningest single entity of the night with four awards, including Favorite Male Artist, Favorite Song and Music Video for "Love the Way You Lie" with Rihanna, and Favorite Hip-Hop Artist. Katy Perry was named Favorite Female Artist and Online Sensation.

Taylor Swift was unsurprisingly named Favorite Country Artist.

"I want to thank you so much for always being people who I can count on," the 21-year-old crossover star said. (Unlike some people, perhaps?)

Depp, fresh from The Tourist and Alice in Wonderland (and nominated for Golden Globes for both), was named Favorite Movie Actor for the second year in a row, calling it a "stupefying honor because it comes from the people"—but not before giving a shout-out to Swift, who presented him with the award.

"My daughter said if I didn't say hi to you I would be in big trouble," he told the singer. "So, 'hi' from my daughter." (She may not have gotten the guy this week, but what a consolation prize!)

The all-inclusive kudosfest was so inclusive, we even felt the love over here as E!'s Keeping Up With the Kardashians beat out Jersey Shore, Real Housewives of New Jersey and a couple others for Favorite TV Guilty Pleasure, which is apparently what they're calling reality shows these days.

"We really have the best job in the world," Kim Kardashian, onstage with Kourtney and the newly titian-tressed Khloé said in thanks.

The trio were also targeted in the audience by perennial People's Choice host Queen Latifah, who congratulated them on their "success and weddings and babies and just straight pimpin' and gettin' that money!" She also got them to admit that, as always, they had fought on the way to the show but had already made up.

In the scripted TV department, House was Favorite TV Drama and stars Hugh Laurie and Lisa Edelstein, who snapped a photo of the crowd with her phone, were Favorite TV Drama Actor and Actress. Laurie was top TV Doctor, as well.

Glee and star Jane Lynch were Favorite TV Comedy and Comedy Actress, while Neil Patrick Harris, who adorably thanked longtime partner David Burtka for being "a phenomenal man and an even better dad," was Favorite TV Comedy Actor.

Hawaii 5-0 was named Favorite New TV Drama and the widely panned $#*! My Dad Says was named Favorite New TV Comedy. Well $#*!!

Demi Lovato, busy getting better in Chicago, won in absentia for Favorite TV Guest Star for her spot on Grey's Anatomy.

The people also loved them some Conan O'Brien, naming him Favorite Talk Show Host and forcing him to crouch to reach the microphone.

"It goes up at the Oscars!" he shouted in mock outrage before thanking "everybody who made what could have been a horrible year one of the greatest years of my life."

source :

Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner: We Review 'Twilight' Stars' People's Choice Fashions

There were plenty of things to look forward to during Wednesday night's People's Choice Awards, but none excited us more than seeing our favorite "Twilight" threesome at the event. That's right, Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner were all in attendance, and they certainly didn't hesitate to glam it up for the night.

While there was a ton of speculation surrounding KStew's outfit prior to the show, she surprised us all by arriving in a sparkly, gold Reem Acra dress. We thought Kristen dazzled in the short (very short!) dress (which was quite reminiscent of her look at the 2010 Movie Awards) and loved the loose hair. While we could have done without the black belt, we thought Kristen's decision to top off the look with black pumps was a total hit.

While Kristen brought the glitz, RPattz toned things down more than a couple notches in dark pants, a black collared shirt and beige jacket (he seems to have an affinity for those). While we adore Rob, we would have loved to see him in something a little more refined. That being said, the poor guy was coming straight off a cross-country flight, so we can't help but cut him a little slack!

Robert's style may not have completely won us over (next time!), but Taylor managed to totally impress us with his clean-cut look in a sharp black suit. Maybe he and Rob can trade some fashion tips before the next awards show?

source :

Kristen Stewart Spills 'Breaking Dawn' Details: 'I Was A Vampire This Morning'

We spent the first hour and a half of tonight's People's Choice Awards wondering where in the world Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner were, but Kristen gave us our answer when she accepted the Favorite Movie Actress award on stage. After all, the "Twilight" trinity weren't about to let a silly thing like filming "Breaking Dawn" in Baton Rouge get in the way of attending the PCAs. The three hopped a "posh" private plane this evening just to make it to L.A. in time! That's dedication!

But which scene exactly were they filming? Well, Kristen admitted she was "a vampire this morning," so that pretty much says it all. In the words of MTV News editor Katie Byrne, "Spoiler alert!"

Looks like filming has progressed pretty quickly in Baton Rouge, since less than a month ago Bella and Edward were going on their honeymoon to Isle Esme. (Though they could be filming out of sequence.) But were you a little surprised Kristen gave away "Breaking Dawn: Part 1"'s big twist on national television? Or do you think everyone who would care about the series already knows Bella becomes a vampire?

source :

via Robert Pattinson Life
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Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

[Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 Empty
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[Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 Slade10
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Nombre de messages : 16344
Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

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MessageSujet: Re: [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011)   [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 Icon_minitime1Jeu 6 Jan - 12:14

attention : information capitale de la soirée

lu à l'instant sur twitter

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@RPattzBaby: Kristen refusing Rob's hand while camera is on them doesnt mean an LQ, she was just not ready to be outed as a couple

beh alors la pépette va bien falloir se lancer un jour ! [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 373855
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

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MessageSujet: Re: [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011)   [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 Icon_minitime1Jeu 6 Jan - 12:16

Traduction des encarts dans l'après midi Wink
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Nombre de messages : 12206
Date d'inscription : 30/03/2010
Age : 76
Localisation : Un petit coin au soleil

[Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011)   [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 Icon_minitime1Jeu 6 Jan - 12:34

Valeriane a écrit:
attention : information capitale de la soirée

lu à l'instant sur twitter

Citation :
@RPattzBaby: Kristen refusing Rob's hand while camera is on them doesnt mean an LQ, she was just not ready to be outed as a couple

beh alors la pépette va bien falloir se lancer un jour ! [Eclipse] People's Choice Awards 2011 (votes clos - résultats le 05.01.2011) - Page 4 373855

Elle préfère un pub de l'île de Wight lol! bien qu'a un moment j'y est cru mais c'est un effet d'optique
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