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 [Revue de presse] Visite du plateau de New Moon par le site

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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

[Revue de presse] Visite du plateau de New Moon par le site Empty
MessageSujet: [Revue de presse] Visite du plateau de New Moon par le site   [Revue de presse] Visite du plateau de New Moon par le site Icon_minitime1Ven 7 Aoû - 19:45

By Kimmy

In April, I had the amazing opportunity of visiting the set of New Moon! I got to travel all the way from California to Vancouver and meet all of the fansite admins from the other Twilight websites, and go on the set of the movie we were all so excited to see. The other admins were Lori from the Twilight Lexicon, Kara from, Kara from Twilighters Anonymous, Matt from TwilightSource, and Kassie from Twilight Series Theories. I was the youngest one there, I was only 16 then! Everyone else was at least 20. xD Right before we left to go on set, we went out to dinner with a Summit Entertainment representative, who told us we were going to be watching them film the scene where Sam finds Bella in the woods and carries her back to her house. Of course when we heard this we were even MORE excited, if that is even possible!

After we were done eating, our car arrived and we went on a long ride over to the set. As we went up a small dirt road, we saw a group of about 20-30 people, mostly teenage girls, camping out in sleeping bags! As we drove by, they all flashed their cameras through our windows. We got out of the car and were given passes that told us we were allowed to be there by Rachael, the publicist on set. As we walked closer and closer we saw Bella’s house! It looked identical to the one that had been in Twilight but in Vancouver. Near the house was Bella’s truck, and Charlie’s police car. They had lights set up strategically that made it so when they filmed it looked like it was evening, when it was actually 9:00 at night, but the lights were so incredibly bright it made it hard to see. Also, I had forgotten my glasses, so almost all of the stuff I am typing I saw by squinting. *facepalm* We saw some people who we could tell were probably Jacob’s friends, they looked Native American. I saw Graham Greene and Billy Burke talking to each other over by Bella’s truck. I was just gaping at the enormous set that was so familiar to me, and I couldn’t believe I was actually there! All of a sudden, Chris Weitz was standing right there next to me. We had the longest interview with him than anyone else, it landed up being almost a half hour long! He only left when someone came up to him and told him he was needed. He was such a nice guy, he answered all of our questions and you could tell he really has a passion for what he was doing. After Chris left we all sort of just stood there, talking amongst ourselves, when we saw Gil Birmingham standing there giving us strange looks. He was in full costume, complete with his cowboy hat! Also, he could STAND! (Insert sarcastic face. =P) Of course we must’ve looked sort of strange standing there in a clump on set, not looking like we were really supposed to be here. Then all of a sudden he comes up to us and asks us, “Who ARE you guys?” We all introduced ourselves, and were lucky enough to get a short interview with him before he had to leave to go film.

At this point, we were all standing in the middle of the road, and someone told us we had to go over to the side since cars were coming. We all went over and stood and watched the cars come through, and then who is it that comes out of them? Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner! Taylor was wearing a jean jacket, jeans, and a green shirt, and his Jacob wig! Looks a zillion times better than it did in Twilight, let me tell you. Kristen was wearing the sam tan coat she was wearing in Twilight. She seems so much smaller in person, and the jacket made her look even smaller. She looked like she was in total Bella mode, it made me excited to see them start to film. It seems like the main actors in a movie arrive only RIGHT before they start filming, since Kristen and Taylor went straight from their cars to the set to start working.

Then, filming began! This meant that in little chunks we would have to stop and wait for them to film a take, and we would continue talking. One time Chris Weitz accidently called “cut!” before the scene was actually done, and all the crew on set laughed. Another time, a plane flew over the set causing us to have to wait for the plane to be far enough away to not interfere with the sound of the scene. Wyck Godfrey, one of the producers, came over and talked to us as well. He was so nice to us and even when they were rehearsing a scene would whisper us stories, he seemed like he was having such a good time!

Now I’ll give you a summary of the scene that was being filmed! You see Charlie (Billy Burke), Harry Clearwater (Graham Greene), Billy Black (Gil Birmingham) and Jacob (Taylor Lautner) looking at maps that are laid out over the front of Bella’s red truck. Charlie looks very worried and looks like he is discussing search plans to find Bella in the woods. Then, all of a sudden Charlie picks up his phone and starts talking to someone, and you see Sam, played by Chaske Spencer, walk out through the woods carrying Bella! Jacob yells “Charlie” when he see’s Sam walking out, and then they all look over. The shot, as we could see it on the monitor, is set up so when Sam walks out with Bella in his arms, you can see him in the background of the shot with Charlie and Jacob talking. It’s really great! Right when you see him walk out, Jacob runs towards them and then Chris yells “cut!” right before Jacob makes it over to them.

Chaske was wearing only shorts, and he was shirtless. It was freezing out, and in reality Chaske isn’t a werewolf with a 108 degree body temperature (haha) so after every take they gave him a huge puffy black coat to wear. He also had a personal trainer who followed him around and told him what excercizes to do to keep him all pumped up! Taylor also had someone helping him with his exercises.

Wyck came back and spoke to us a little more (all of these discussions with people will be explained in the further weeks, hehe) while they were rehearsing shots. We watched the same scene filmed again and again. As you can imagine, we eventually REALLY wanted Jacob to actually get to Bella, but every time it was cut right before he made it to her. We watched them get ready for a closeup shot of Billy saying his lines, using a double to get the lighting all ready. I looked over to the tents, and saw Taylor discussing something with someone in the tent. I also looked behind me and saw Chaske in his huge puffy coat over by a heater lamp. Of course, while I was trying to be as much of a journalist as I possibly could, he caught me looking at him and he smiled at me! I apologize for my inner fangirl…haha.

The next interview was Chaske, but unfortunately we weren’t allowed to record him. Stay tuned for that in the coming weeks. When he was standing right there next to me, it surprised me just how tall he was. For the record, I’m a very tall person, around 5′9. People often comment on how tall I am…but standing next to Chaske I felt tiny! He is definitely perfect for the part! When he would carry Kristen out of the woods, their sizes were totally perfect to how I imagined it. Since she’s so tiny, it makes him look spot for the part of a gigantic werewolf.

Next, Taylor came over to talk to us! He was such a nice guy, perfect for Jacob. He really is! Unfortunately for me, I had an awkward moment, and tried to shake hands with the wrong hand causing some awkward twisting and the entire group to laugh. xD Afterwards, I made an effort to switch all my stuff to the other arm so I could shake his hand properly, causing everyone to laugh again! I think I’m just a very awkward person! He got to talk to us for a short time, and he was so nice and sincere, it was great. His wig looks really realistic, don’t worry everyone!

After he was done talking to us, he went back over to talk to Kristen. We had been told earlier that we would not be able to talk to Kristen since she’s a method actor and doing a lot of intense scenes. However, while my back was turned, she came over! Someone told me and I turned around and saw her standing there. Afterwards, everyone told me that I had the most stunned look on my face when I saw her, which is pretty embarrassing. I had just totally not expected to see her when I turned around. ;D She was really nice and said hi to us and told us she had to get back to filming. We were all very happy that she came over and talked to us!

After that all the actors had to go in behind some barriers to do scenes that weren’t out in the open, so we all had to go back to the van again. We gave our passes back to Rachael, and got back in the car and drove back past the somewhat smaller group of fans who flashed their cameras through our windows again. I could’ve sworn one of them got me right in the face! Everyone chatted on the way back, and I admit I got hardly any sleep that night listening to my interviews! It was such a surreal experience, and I can’t wait to share all our interviews with you
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

[Revue de presse] Visite du plateau de New Moon par le site Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Revue de presse] Visite du plateau de New Moon par le site   [Revue de presse] Visite du plateau de New Moon par le site Icon_minitime1Dim 9 Aoû - 18:02

By Kimmy

En avril j'ai pu visiter New Moon ! J'ai voyagé de Californie à Vancouver et rencontré tous les administrateurs des autres sites Twilight et on était excité d'aller voir le plateau Les autres sont Lori de Twilight Lexicon, Kara de, Kara de Twilighters Anonymous, Matt de TwilightSource et Kassie de Twilight Series Theories. J'étais la plus jeune (16 ans). Tout le monde avait au moins 20 ans. Avant de partir on a eu un repas, la visite des représentants de Summit Entertainment qui nous ont dit qu'on allait voir la scène où Sam trouve Bella dans les bois et la ramène à sa maison Bien entendu on était encore plus impatient, si c'est possible !

Après le repas, la voiture arriva et on a pris la route. On était sur une petite route, on a vu un groupe de 20-30 personnes, des adolescentes dans des sacs de couchages ! Alors qu'on passait, ils ont tous pris des photos. On est sorti de la voiture, on nous a donné des pass et on nous a dit de rester avec Rachael. Comme on s'approchait on a vu la maison de Bella ! Identique à celle de Twilight mais à Vancouver. Près de la maison, il y avait le camion de Bella et la voiture de police de Charlie. Il y avait de la lumière et quand ils ont tourné on croyait que c'était le soir, alors qu'il n'était que 21h mais les lumières étaient si fortes. En plus j'avais oublié mes lunettes, donc je ne voyais pas bien. On a vu des gens qui devaient être les amis de Jacob, c'était des Indiens. J'ai vu Graham Greene et Billy Burke parler près du camion de Bella. J'étais éblouie par cet immense plateau si familier et je n'en croyais pas mes yeux ! Tout à coup, Chris Weitz était à mes côtés. On a eu la plus longue interview avec lui, environ 30 minutes ! Il n'est parti que quand on l'a appelé car il était demandé. Il est sympa et a répondu à toutes nos questions et est très passionné par ce qu'il fait. Après son départ, on parlait entre nous quand on a vu Gil Birmingham nous regardant étrangement. Il était en Billy Black avec son chapeau ! Et il était debout. on devait avoir l'air bizarre sur ce plateau, on n'était pas supposé être là . Puis il est venu nous voir et nous a dit "Qui êtes vous ?" On s'est présenté et on a eu une courte interview avec lui.

On était au milieu de la route et on nous a dit de bouger. On a bougé et on regardait les voitures. On a vu Kristen Stewart et Taylor Lautner! Taylor avait une veste en jeans, un jeans, un t shirt vert et sa perruque ! Bien mieux que dans Twilight. Kristen portait la même veste que dans Twilight. Elle est plus petite en vrai et la veste la rend encore plus petite. On aurait dit qu'elle était en mode Bella. j'étais excitée de les voir jouer. Les acteurs étaient arrivés juste avant le tournage, puisque Kristen et Taylor sont sortis de leur voiture et sont partis sur le plateau.

Puis début du tournage ! Donc silence. Une fois Chris Weitz a dit "Coupez" au mauvais moment et tout le monde a ri. Une autre fois ce fut un avion qui a joué les perturbateurs. Wyck Godfrey, un des producteurs, est venu nous parler. Il était sympa et nous a parlé, il avait l'air de s'amuser !

Voici le résumé de la scène ! On voit Charlie (Billy Burke), Harry Clearwater (Graham Greene), Billy Black (Gil Birmingham) et Jacob (Taylor Lautner) regarder des cartes posées sur le camion de Bella. Charlie a l'air inquiet et parle de recherche pour trouver Bella dans les bois. Puis tout à coup Charlie prend son téléphone et parle à quelqu'un et on voit Sam ( Chaske Spencer) sortant des bois avec Bella dans les bras ! Jacob crie "Charlie" quand il voit Sam. On a vu la scène sur l'écran de contrôle ! A ce moment là, Jacob court vers eux et Chris crie "coupez!".

Chaske ne portait qu'un short, il était torse nu. Il faisait froid dehors, mais Chaske est un loup (ha ha). Il y avait aussi un coach avec lui ! Taylor aussi.

Wyck est revenu nous parler pendant les répétitions. On a vu cette scène plusieurs fois. On voulait que Jacob prenne Bella, mais à chaque fois ils coupaient avant. On les a vus faire un gros plan de Billy. Je regardais vers les tentes et vu Taylor discuter avec quelqu'un dans la tente. J'ai regardé derrière moi et j'ai vu Chaske avec son gros manteau près d'une lampe chauffante. Il m'a vue et a ri ! Désolé de me la jouer fan.. ha ha.

La prochaine interview c'était avec Chaske, mais nous ne furent pas autorisés à l'enregistrer. A venir dans les prochaines semaines. Il est très grand. Je suis grande (1,75m) mais à côté de Chaske je me sentais toute petite ! Il est parfait pour le rôle! Quand il porte Kristen c'est comme j'avais imaginé. Puisqu'elle est minuscule, c'est parfait pour le gigantesque loup.

Ensuite, Taylor est venu nous parler ! Il est si gentil, le parfait Jacob. J'ai eu une maladresse quand j'ai voulu lui serrer la main, je me suis emmêlé les pinceaux et tout le monde a ri. Puis j'ai mis mes affaires dans l'autre main pour lui serrer la main, de nouveau tout le monde a ri ! Je crois que je suis maladroite ! Il nous a parlé un petit moment, il est gentil et sincère, c'était génial et sa perruque est très réaliste !

Ensuite il est reparti parler à Kristen. On nous avait dit qu'on ne pourrait pas parler à Kristen pour qu'elle se concentre. Mais elle est venue ! Tout le monde m'a dit qu'on pouvait lire la surprise sur mon visage, embarrassant. Je ne m'attendais pas à la voir. Elle a été sympa. On était ravi.

Puis tous les acteurs sont partis pour une autre scène et on est reparti dans le van. On a rendu nos pass à Rachael, on est repassé devant le groupe de fans qui ont repris de photos. Je pense que l'une d'elle a eu mon visage ! Tout le monde parlait et je n'ai pas pu dormir je ré écoutais mes interview. C'était irréel et j'ai hâte de vous les faire partager.
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[Revue de presse] Visite du plateau de New Moon par le site
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