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 [Web] Entertainment Weekly - novembre 2009

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Nombre de messages : 16344
Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

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MessageSujet: [Web] Entertainment Weekly - novembre 2009   [Web] Entertainment Weekly - novembre 2009 Icon_minitime1Jeu 12 Nov - 20:44

EW Speaks With The Stars Of New Moon - Highlights from the New Moon Issue



NEW YORK – In the Twilight sequel New Moon, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner are at each other’s throats over Kristen Stewart. Off screen, all three are loyal friends. In a candid interview with this week’s Entertainment Weekly, they share thoughts on rumors, fans, moviemaking – and hair.

Below is a portion of the Q&A:

EW: How are you all coping with living in a fishbowl?

Robert Pattinson: It really depends on the mood. When I met you last year [before Twilight came out], I was doing interviews very sporadically and I never got recognized. Now it’s like anywhere I go there’s immediate recognition. So there’s more of a responsibility…

Stewart: I don’t mind working every day. It’s just, suddenly, I have this other role. And that’s really disappointing. All I’d like to do is go outside with a book and figure out what to do with the day. And if I can’t do that, then I’m just going to sit in my hotel room on my balcony and chain smoke. [Pauses] I’m going to stop smoking. I’m not such a good smoker, anyway. It’s not in my bones. I’m gonna drop it.

Pattinson: The three of us have been working for two years [straight]. It does feel like your day has a shape just as soon as you wake up. I just forget what it’s like when you’re free.

EW: Taylor, you’re the only one who almost lost a shot at the sequels. Do you have a different relationship with fame because you had to fight for your job?

Lautner: No, I kept my eye on the prize 100 percent of the time. I was motivated. I wasn’t even thinking about anything else.

Stewart: Thank God you got the job. I wouldn’t have wanted to deal with you if you didn’t. After all those months of working out!

Lautner: I just wanted to focus on what I could control, and I worked really hard.

EW: You mean in the gym? Because I see your abs everywhere these days.

Lautner: Yeah, the gym was a major part, but I really studied the books and the character, too. And it all turned out good.

Pattinson on his hair in Eclipse: I swear to you I’ve never experienced anything like this. It’s every single day. In Twilight, they wanted me to have extensions down to my hips.

Stewart: He’s a liar. He doesn’t remember. He’s remembering how they made him feel, but they were just, like, down to here [pointing to her shoulders].

Pattinson: So I told them, “Look, that’s just not going to happen.” I said, “It looks like this already – I’ll come to set like this.” I sound so stupid, but in a lot of ways the hair is 75 percent of my performance, so in the second one I said, “Listen, I need to tone down the hair. Let’s make it a little more real, a little bit more…Method.” [Laughs] And then in the third one, I’m doing fight scenes and there’s a strand going down my forehead and they’re like, “We need to do it again because no one will recognize you! No one will know who it is!” I’m like, really, is my face that generic?

Stewart: They want proof that you’re doing your own stunts, man!

Pattinson: I have to look like the poster at all times. Just in case they want to use any clip for the trailer. Any clip at all! There were about five people in different departments who, because of my forelock, ended up in tears.

EW: Kristen, it must be nice to watch the guys’ appearances get obsessed over for a change.

Stewart: Seriously, it’s a trip to sit back and look at the sexual objectification of these dudes. I’ve never been asked to do any of this stuff.

EW: You guys are lucky. You clearly all dig each other.

Lautner: The amount of time we have to spend with each other – if I didn’t like these two, it would be exhausting.

EW: Rob, you made Remember Me this summer, between sequels. Was that the set in New York, where you were knocked into a cab by hordes of fans?

Pattinson: That was completely made up. I was walking across the street, and there was one cab going about one mile an hour and it nudged my leg. The story ended up being how I got hit by a cab because of a mob of screaming fans, [but] it was 4 o’clock in the morning and there was one person there – a paparazzi….And then there was another time – apparently they said on the news that I had a drug overdose. The security guy saw it on TV, and I wasn’t in my room, and he was like, “Uh-oh!” It’s just so weird. I wake up and my room is too messy to order room service, and so I end up eating a pack of M&M’s for breakfast – and it takes me about five hours to find it. That’s my first five hours of the day. [Laughing] And then you see the news and think, “Who cares if he had a drug overdose? It would probably make him more interesting!”

EW: Kristen and Rob, why do you think people are so obsessed with the state of your offscreen relationship?

Pattinson: Good question. That’s a little thing I have to think about every day.

Stewart: Maybe it’s just my personality, but I’m never going to answer it. I probably would’ve answered it if people hadn’t made such a big deal about it. But I’m not going to give the fiending an answer. I know that people are really funny about “Well, you chose to be an actor, why don’t you just f---ing give your whole life away? Can I have your firstborn child?”

EW: You don’t think just saying, for example, “Listen, we dated for a few months, it was weird, we’re better off as friends” would end the speculation?

Pattinson: No way.

Stewart: People are deeply judgmental and I’m not strong enough. I would love to be like, “I don’t care what anybody thinks.” But I’m a very private person. And think about every hypothetical answer: “Okay, we are. We aren’t. I’m a lesbian.” I’ve thought about this a lot. There’s no answer that’s not going to tip you one way or the other. I’m just trying to keep something. If people started asking me if I was dating Taylor, I’d be like, “F--- off.” I would answer the exact same way.”

(Cover Story, Page 30)

soruce : robert pattinson life
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Nombre de messages : 16344
Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

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MessageSujet: Re: [Web] Entertainment Weekly - novembre 2009   [Web] Entertainment Weekly - novembre 2009 Icon_minitime1Jeu 12 Nov - 20:45

Which of Robert Pattinson’s costars does he find the most difficult? His Hair.

“I swear to you I’ve never experienced anything like this. It’s every single day,” says New Moon star Robert Pattinson of the constant on-set fuss surrounding his character Edward’s signature mane. During a break from shooting Eclipse, the next film to be adapted from Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight novels, Pattinson — sitting alongside costars Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner — recounts the continuing saga. “In Twilight, they wanted me to have extensions down to my hips.” (“He’s a liar,” Stewart interjects playfully. “He doesn’t remember. He’s remembering how they made him feel, but they were just, like, down to here [pointing to her shoulders].”) Pattinson continues. “So I told them ‘Look, that’s just not going to happen.’ I said, ‘It looks like this already, I’ll come to set like this.’”

“I sound so stupid, but in a lot of ways the hair is 75 percent of my performance,” the 23-year-old actor admits, his locks now comfortably hidden under a Yankee’s cap. “So in the second one I said, ‘Listen, I need to tone down the hair. Let’s make it a little more real, a little bit more…Method,’” he says with a laugh. “And then in the third one, I’m doing fight scenes and there’s a strand going down my forehead and they’re like, ‘We need to do it again because no one will recognize you! No one will know who it is!’ I have to look like the poster at all times. Just in case they want to use any clip for the trailer. Any clip at all! There were about five people in different departments who, because of my forelock, ended up in tears.”

For more of our interview with the stars of New Moon, plus a look at which actors they view as role models, pick up the new issue of Entertainment Weekly, on stands November 13, or order one now with a free New Moon poster.

source : via robert pattinson life
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

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MessageSujet: Re: [Web] Entertainment Weekly - novembre 2009   [Web] Entertainment Weekly - novembre 2009 Icon_minitime1Jeu 12 Nov - 21:05

Quel est le collègue de Robert Pattinson qu'il trouve le plus difficile? Ses cheveux.

“Je vous jure je n'ai jamais vécu un truc pareil . C'est chaque jours,” dit Robert Pattinson en parlant de la signature capillaire de son personnage. Pendant une journée de repos sur Eclipse, Pattinson parle de la saga. “Dans Twilight, ils voulaient me mettre des extensions qui allaient jusqu'au hanche .” (“C'est un menteur ,” intervient Stewart . “Il ne se souvient pas . Il se souvient juste de son ressenti , mais ils arrivaient jusque là [montrant ses épaules ].”) Pattinson poursuit. “Donc je leur ai dit ‘Ce n'est pas possible .’ ai je dit , ‘Vous avez vu le truc ,je ne viendrai pas sur le plateau comme ça.’”

“Ca a l'air stupide , mais de nombreuses façons, mes cheveux représentent 75 % de ma performance ,” dit il ses boucles cachées sous sa casquette des Yankees . “Donc pour le 2ème j'ai dit , ‘Ecoutez , il faut me les teindre un peu plus clair . Soyons plus réaliste ….,’” dit il en riant . “Et dans le 3ème je fais des scènes de combats , et il y a une mèche qui tombe sur mon front et ils disent, ‘On doit le faire car personne ne va te reconnaitre ! Personne ne saura qui tu es !’ Je dois toujours ressembler aux posters . Au cas où ils veulent l'utiliser pour les trailer. Pour n'importe quel lip ! Il y a 5 personnes dans chaque département qui , à cause de ma frange , finit en larme.”

Pour davantage de notre interview , achetez Entertainment Weekly, en kiosque le 13 novembre , ou commandez en un avec un poster gratuit de New Moon .

source : via robert pattinson life
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

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MessageSujet: Re: [Web] Entertainment Weekly - novembre 2009   [Web] Entertainment Weekly - novembre 2009 Icon_minitime1Jeu 12 Nov - 21:38

POur le 1er article , je n'ai traduit que les passages concernant Rob et j'ai enlevé un paragraphe où Rob parlait car je l'ai déjà traduit pour le 2ème encart

EW a parlé avec les stars de New Moon – Preview du numéro spécial New Moon

Voici un exemple des questions/ réponses:

EW: Comment gérez vous le fait de vivre comme dans un bocal?

Robert Pattinson: Tout dépend de l'humeur . Quand je vous ai rencontré l'an dernier [avant la sortie de Twilight ], je faisais des interviews de façon très sporadique et je n'étais pas reconnu . Aujourd'hui peu importe où je vais , on me reconnait . Donc il y a plus de responsabilités …

Pattinson: On travaille non stop depuis deux ans . On dirait que votre journée est formatée dès votre réveil. J'ai oublié ce que c'est d'être libre.

EW: Rob, vous avez fait Remember Me cet été , entre les 2 films . Comment était le plateau à New York, où vous avez été frappé par un taxi à cause de fans?

Pattinson: cette histoire fut inventée . Je traversais la rue et il y avait un taxi qui roulait à 1km/h et il a effleuré ma jambe . On a dit que j'avais été renversé par un taxi à cause d'une horde de fans , mais il était 4h du mat' et il n'y avait personne – un paparazzi….Et une autre fois – ils ont apparemment dit que j'avais fait une overdose . Le gars de la sécurité l'a vu à la TV, et je n'étais pas dans ma chambre et il a dit e, “Oh -oh!” C'est bizarre Je me réveille et ma chambre est trop bordélique pour le room service , donc je finis par manger des M&M pour mon petit déjeuner – et je mets 5 heures pour le trouver . Voila comment je passe les 5 1ères heures de ma journée. [rires ] Et ensuite vous voyez les news et vous vous dites , “Qui se fiche de savoir que j'ai fait une overdose ? Ca le rendrait plus intéressant!”

EW: Kristen et Rob, pourquoi pensez vous que le gens s'intéressent tant à vous hors caméra?

Pattinson: Bonne question. Je me le demande chaque jour.

EW:Vous ne pensez pas si vous dites “Ecoutez , on est sorti quelques mois ensemble , c'était bizarre , on est mieux en tant qu'amis” , cela mettrait fin aux spéculations?

Pattinson: Hors de question.

soruce : robert pattinson life
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