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 [Presse] Glamour Magazine (Allemagne) - Juin 2010

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6 participants

Nombre de messages : 11161
Date d'inscription : 25/05/2009
Age : 37

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MessageSujet: [Presse] Glamour Magazine (Allemagne) - Juin 2010   [Presse] Glamour Magazine (Allemagne) - Juin 2010 Icon_minitime1Mar 15 Juin - 2:54


Traduction rapide en anglais :

- they did a telephone interview, rob’s “agent” (i guess the blonde woman) told the interviewer not to ask any private stuff in a very harsh way, so she says
- rob seemed to have a hangover, or to be really shy
- he says that he’s about to go to the elephant training and tells that he has to learn how to teach stunts to an elephant
- he choses roles by reading scripts, the story has to feel different and the dialog has to show some quality
- what was the most challenging thing for him on set yet: he says he had to read the minds of 40 people in a fight sequence in eclipse and he had to do pretty strange faces for that
- lol, the connection broke so rob had to call back
- he wants to record some music someday
- Billy Ocean’s “Greatest Hits” was his first cassette
- “Beside you” by Van Morrison is his favorite song
- Van Morrison influences him a lot, so does director Jean-Luc Godard
- she asks him, if he’s glad that the saga is going to end soon, he says he isn’t sure, his role as edward and the entire saga got such a big part of his life that it will be weird for him
- he doesn’t like to wear the twilight make up
- she wants to know how long it takes him in the bathroom to get ready in the mornings and he says it depends on what he did the night before and she says, let’s pretend he partied and he says, well then he has to stay in the bathroom the entire day
- he doesn’t do anything before 10 am, he likes the feeling of having something achieved that day
- the fan event in munich last november was the most bizarre thing for him
- he answers his fanmail by himself, whenever he’s in LA or in london he takes some time to do it, but he usually never manages to answer more than 40 letters in a row (awwww, that’s awesome!)
- he doesn’t like dessert
- he used to wear his mom’s wayfarer, but someday ray-ban sent him an entire box full of new glasses, but he lost all of them, some got stolen he says, now he only owns one pair of ray-bans
- he hates the question “do you belive in vampires?”
- he believes in eternal love
- he’s glad about his current life
- best part of the fame are the jobs, worst part is that he gets paranoid
- he definitely wants to record an album one day, direct a movie and found a new religion, because he doesn’t wanna pay any taxes anymore

crédit scans :, traduction anglaise : via spunk ransom
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Nombre de messages : 11161
Date d'inscription : 25/05/2009
Age : 37

[Presse] Glamour Magazine (Allemagne) - Juin 2010 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Presse] Glamour Magazine (Allemagne) - Juin 2010   [Presse] Glamour Magazine (Allemagne) - Juin 2010 Icon_minitime1Mer 16 Juin - 13:11

Traduction :

- L'interview c'est fait par téléphone, l'agent de rob a dit au journaliste de ne pas poser de questions sur sa vie privée d'une mannière assez dure.
- Rob semblait avoir une gueule de bois, ou d'être vraiment timide.
- Il dit qu'il est sur le point d'aller à une formation sur les éléphants et raconte qu'il doit apprendre comment apprendre certaines cascades à un éléphant.
- Il choisit ses rôles en lisant les scripts, l'histoire doit sembler différente et les dialogues doivent être d'une certaine qualité.
- Quel a été son plus grand challenge sur un plateau de tournage : il dit qu'il devait lire dans l'esprit de 40 personnes dans une scène de combat dans Eclipse et il a dû faire des têtes bizarre pour ça.
- la communication a été coupé et rob a dû rappeller.
- Il veut enregistrer de la musique un jour.
- Le Best of de Billy Ocean a été sa première cassette.
- Beside you de Van Morrison est sa chanson favorite.
- Van morrison l'a beaucoup influencé, comme le réalisateur jean-luc godard.
- Elle lui demande s'il est content de que la saga touche bientôt à sa fin, il dit qu'il n'est pas sûr, son rôle d'edward et la saga entière est une grande partie de sa vie, ca sera bizarre pour lui.
- il n'aime pas porté le maquillage de Twilight.
- Elle veut savoir combien de temps ca lui prend dans la salle de bain pour être prêt le matin, il répond que ca dépend de ce qu'il a fait la nuit précédente, donc la journaliste demande si c'est un lendemain de fête et donc il dit que dans ces cas la il doit rester dans la salle de bain toute la journée.
- Il ne fait rien avant 10h du matin, il aime le sentiment d'avoir quelque chose à accomplir ce jour.
- L'évènement avec les fans à Munich en novembre dernier a été la chose la plus bizarre pour lui.
- il répond au courrier de ses fans lui même, où qu'il soit à L.A ou à Londres il prend du temps pour le faire, mais il ne répond jamais a plus de 40 lettres à la suite.
- Il n'aime pas les desserts.
- Il avait l'habitude de porter les "Wayfarer" (marque de lunettes de soleil Ray-Bans) de sa mère, mais un jour Ray-Ban lui a envoyé une boite entière de nouvelles lunettes, mais il les a tous perdu, certaines paires ont été volées selon lui, maintenant il n'a plus q'une paire de Ray-Bans.
- Il déteste la question "Croyez-vous aux Vampires ?"
- Il croît en l'amour éternel.
- Il est heureux de sa vie actuelle.
- La meilleure partie de la célébrité c'est son travail, la pire part c'est qu'il est devenu parano.
- Il veut définitivement enregistrer un album un jour, réalisé un film et trouver une nouvelle religion, car il ne veut plus payer de taxes.

Dernière édition par Sabine le Mer 16 Juin - 15:34, édité 1 fois
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Nombre de messages : 9405
Date d'inscription : 16/03/2009
Age : 51
Localisation : ici et ailleurs

[Presse] Glamour Magazine (Allemagne) - Juin 2010 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Presse] Glamour Magazine (Allemagne) - Juin 2010   [Presse] Glamour Magazine (Allemagne) - Juin 2010 Icon_minitime1Mer 16 Juin - 13:20

Merci sabine pour la traduction...
J'aime beaucoup cette "interview" mais j'aime par dessus tout ses réponses [Presse] Glamour Magazine (Allemagne) - Juin 2010 731333
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Nombre de messages : 13333
Date d'inscription : 05/06/2010
Age : 62
Localisation : Trop loin de lui

[Presse] Glamour Magazine (Allemagne) - Juin 2010 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Presse] Glamour Magazine (Allemagne) - Juin 2010   [Presse] Glamour Magazine (Allemagne) - Juin 2010 Icon_minitime1Mer 16 Juin - 14:12

nicolisandra a écrit:

J'aime beaucoup cette "interview" mais j'aime par dessus tout ses réponses [Presse] Glamour Magazine (Allemagne) - Juin 2010 731333
+ 1
[Presse] Glamour Magazine (Allemagne) - Juin 2010 737819 Sabine

Alors il va peut être me répondre [Presse] Glamour Magazine (Allemagne) - Juin 2010 705527
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

[Presse] Glamour Magazine (Allemagne) - Juin 2010 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Presse] Glamour Magazine (Allemagne) - Juin 2010   [Presse] Glamour Magazine (Allemagne) - Juin 2010 Icon_minitime1Mer 16 Juin - 15:10

[Presse] Glamour Magazine (Allemagne) - Juin 2010 737819 [Presse] Glamour Magazine (Allemagne) - Juin 2010 645304 Sabine
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Nombre de messages : 3082
Date d'inscription : 19/01/2010
Age : 64
Localisation : Nancy (54)

[Presse] Glamour Magazine (Allemagne) - Juin 2010 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Presse] Glamour Magazine (Allemagne) - Juin 2010   [Presse] Glamour Magazine (Allemagne) - Juin 2010 Icon_minitime1Mer 16 Juin - 15:30

[Presse] Glamour Magazine (Allemagne) - Juin 2010 737819 Sabine, moi aussi j'aime beaucoup les réponses qu'il donne, il est trop bien notre Robert [Presse] Glamour Magazine (Allemagne) - Juin 2010 480877 quelle humilité !
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Nombre de messages : 51
Date d'inscription : 29/03/2010
Age : 39
Localisation : De Nancy vers un coin paumé de la Marne

[Presse] Glamour Magazine (Allemagne) - Juin 2010 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Presse] Glamour Magazine (Allemagne) - Juin 2010   [Presse] Glamour Magazine (Allemagne) - Juin 2010 Icon_minitime1Mer 16 Juin - 19:12

[Presse] Glamour Magazine (Allemagne) - Juin 2010 737819 Sabine
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

[Presse] Glamour Magazine (Allemagne) - Juin 2010 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Presse] Glamour Magazine (Allemagne) - Juin 2010   [Presse] Glamour Magazine (Allemagne) - Juin 2010 Icon_minitime1Jeu 17 Juin - 20:45

L'interview complète mais Sabine a traduit l'essentiel donc c'est juste pour informations

Robert Pattinson Interview In German Glamour Magazine

TRANSLATION by noldorelf

Robert Pattinson, 24, likes to spend his day in bed rather than attending an interview. However he made an exception for us.

It was a non-recurring chance! Over 250 readers sent us questions online they liked to ask our Onscreen-Vampire Robert Pattinson. Then again we are sorry to say: marriage proposal couldn’t be transferred during that 18 minutes and 4 seconds.

„No personal questions!“ Robert Pattinson‘s agent announced in a kind of harsh american english way and was about to connect us with Robert Pattinson by phone. 80% oft the questions on the list were more or less of a personal nature, sent in advance by the (female) readers. I tried to calm down the lady on the phone, anyway. The vivid disputed relationship between with Pattinsons „Twilight“ –partner Kirsten Stewart really did not met the interest of our readers that much. Yet his work did including the third part oft he crazy succesful Vampire Saga ‘Eclipse‘. It’ll premiere July 15th in Germany. Two months in advance like it should be with all that Twilight Hype the start of ticket sales and our interview were on the on the same day, on Robert Pattinsons birthday.

The rather hesitant „Hello…?“ on the other end of he line was a slight hint somebody probably did some partying the night before or might be actually shy.

Hi Robert! Happy Birthday! We hope not to bother you too much today..
„Oh, thanks very much“, laughs a bit nervously. „No you don’t, I’m sitting in the car right now on my way for to the elephant training.“

Elephant Training?
“I have to learn how to teach them tricks – for the next movie ‘Water For Elephants’. Die-hard Pattinson-Fans know the actor is preparing for the character as a student of veterinary medicine who joins a travelling circus. That‘s why he has little time for Q&A: Before that he completed the period drama ‚Bel Ami‘ and there’s also coming up a Western with Hugh Jackman and the last Part of Twilight.

How do you make decisions for a new project?
“That‘s a matter of luck. Reading most of the scripts I know after 15 pages where a plot is going to. It simply has to feel differently. How the dialogues are written – these are indications of quality to me.”

Our readers would like to know what the biggest challenge was for during a movie so far.
In ‘Eclipse’ there was a scene I as the telepathic vampire had to keep track with a battle reading the thoughts of 40 persons at the same time making really strange expressions with my face, so you see…“ And there was one of those moments you really hate intervieweing by phone, the following words were sad to say incomprehensible because oft he noise.

Hello? Hello? Are you still on?
The agent joined into the conversation: „ Sorry there was a disconnection. Ah, Robert is calling back now“

Hello again? Can you hear my now?

Good. I’d like to continue with the questions of our readers. You are interested in music. Will you make an album sometime.
Eerrhm yes I think I do. I wrote a lot songs but have to find the time for all that. Movie and music I cannot do both.
What was the first CD you ever bought?
Billy Oceans Greates Hits but that was a tape at that time.

Do you have a favorite song?
Beside You‘ by Van Morrison“ Kristen Stewart was doting about that particular poignant song in an interview recently, by the way.

What kind of people influence you?
Van Morrison by any means. And…mmh.. Who else? Jean-Luc Goddard the director. A caucasion Blues muscian and the most influential filmmaker of the 60s? Actually not something one would expect by an Blockbuster Hero.

Are you a little relieved by the fact that the finale of Twilight is within sight?
I got mixed feelings about that. Lately I had to do some re-shoots for Eclipse, I noticed how much I got used to Edward. It‘ll be weird. All of my colleagues are really close to me. As a matter of fact this a crucial part of my life. Until the whole Hype is over that‘ll take certainly at least two years.

Is there something irritating about the role?
What’s coming aling with it. The Make-up bugs me. You feel trapped under all that cover up.

By the way one of our readers wants to know how much time you spend in the bath in the morning
That depends what I did the night before.

Okay when you were partying that is?
Sometimes I have to spend the wohl day there.

How does a good day look like in your life?
It doesn’t start befor 10am in any case. Usually I like every day which gives you the feeling to achieved something. Days to remember are good days.

Do you recall a particular crazy moment with the fans?
I think the most freaky experience was in Germany during the promotion tour for New Moon last November. Extremly funny: At the Olympia Hall in Munich. 30 000 people deafening screaming Chris Weitz our director, Taylor Lautner, Kristen Stwert and I had nothing to do but standing there waving.

Are you replying you fan mail by yourself?
I’ll try, yes. When I’m at home in L.A. or staying with my parents in London. Taking some time get on of thoses boxes, which stand over a year at the agency. So if somebody gets an answer by me it’ll be rather late. I do keep all of these letters but I cannot answer more than 40 in a row.

One reader asks for you favorite dish.
I don’t eat Desserts. Never like them very much.

You do like Ray-Ban-Wayfare Shades as one can see on the Paparazzis pictures. How many do you own?
There was a time I wore my mom‘s Wayfarer shades. When the people from Ray-Ban noticed they sent my a whole box two and half years ago. They have all gone by now, disappeared during travelling, a lot of them stolen and the others I lost. There a just two pairs left.

What is most annoying question you have been asked?
Uuh- I don’t know yet. I have not heart one today I would recall otherwise.

I am really glad
Still I have one: Do you believe Vampires exist?

What about true love at any rate?
Yes, I believe that is definitely possible.

Are you happy with you current life? Do you wish it to continue like that for the next decade?
Mmh, yeah, pauses for a moment I am, yes I am definitely happy. Things change with every situation in life. Some of them are much clearer to me now than a few years ago which I am very glad about.

The best and worst aspect about beeing famous?
The best there is I have lot of work I can do. I have controll about what to do and I don’t have to accept everything I am offered. The worst aspect is you get paranoid meeting new people. You never know their true intentions.

Have you made bad experiences with that?
No actually I have not. I’ve always been really careful. I was never the accessible type. One has to be on one’s guard.

Right on cue the distinctive voice of the agent intervenes: „Last question!“ Last question right now, indeed.

Okay. What three things you like wo do in your life?
Defintely make an album, direct a movie and found a religion.

How would that (religion) be like?
How it would look like…that I don’t have to pay taxes ever again.

We wish you all the best for that and have a happy birthday!
Thanks I will have that.

source spunk ransom
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