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 [Twilight] Infos en vrac

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Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

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MessageSujet: Re: [Twilight] Infos en vrac   [Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Mer 1 Avr - 19:23

Livre de Catherine Hardwicke : le 3 juin en France

Le carnet de tournage de Catherine Hardwicke sera disponible dans toutes les librairies françaises à partir du mercredi 3 juin !

Dans ce livre, la réalisatrice de Twilight revient sur son expérience vécue durant ces quelques mois consacrés à l'adaptation cinématographique de Fascination. Il contiendra également quelques révélations sur le tournage, le casting, les costumes ainsi que des photos inédites de toute l'équipe en plein travail. Catherine Hardwicke souhaite avec ce livre montrer "aux fans et aux futurs réalisateurs le processus par lequel l'équipe et [elle] sont passées pour réaliser Twilight

source : twilight france
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Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

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MessageSujet: Re: [Twilight] Infos en vrac   [Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Jeu 2 Avr - 22:29

Christian Serratos (Angela) était nommée aux Young Artist Awards dans la catégorie "BEST PERFORMANCE IN A FEATURE FILM - Supporting Young Actress". la cérémonie a eu lieu le week end dernier et elle a remporté le prix

son myspace >>>
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Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

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MessageSujet: Re: [Twilight] Infos en vrac   [Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Jeu 2 Avr - 23:15

Le script de Twilight en pdf (à télécharger) >>>

(trouvé sur twilighters)
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Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

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MessageSujet: Re: [Twilight] Infos en vrac   [Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Ven 3 Avr - 10:24

Meyer et Twilight envahissent le monde arabe
Et les attentes des clients sont grandes...

On nous reproche régulièrement de ne pas être tendres avec Twilight, alors qu'il n'en est rien, mais surtout, la nouvelle d'aujourd'hui tend à réjouir plus encore du sort de la série de Stephenie Meyer. En effet, selon les propos de Haissam Fadel, responsable des ventes et des droits, au Centre culturel arabe, au cours d'une interview donnée durant la Foire d'Abou Dhabi, Twilighe fait des miracles.

« Les livres d'Harry Potter ne se sont pas aussi bien vendus quand ils furent traduits en arabe, que ce fut le cas dans le reste du monde. Cela vient du fait que les lecteurs ne savaient pas exactement si les livres étaient pour adultes ou pour enfants », précise-t-il. Pourtant, le fait que l'éditeur égyptien Nahdet Misr ait diffusé ces livres a ouvert une part du marché et du secteur.

[Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 808066v_9210
Twilight, en arabe dans le texte

Pour Haissam, qui dispose de filiales à Casablanca et Beyrouth, l'achat des droits pour les quatre livres qui se fit au cours de la Foire du livre de Francfort a représenté une manne. « À l'époque, les livres n'étaient pas encore si connus dans le monde arable, mais le film a changé tout cela. » Et quand le film sortira en mai, la promotion de livre sera définitivement assurée.

Hasisam explique que justement il voulait profiter de cet engouement, ce qu'on ne lui reprochera pas, et pour lui, il fallait diffuser la totalité des livres le plus rapidement possible. Ainsi, il fit appel à plusieurs traducteurs pour que les ouvrages soient placés en librairie simultanément. « Bien sûr nous aurions aimé n'avoir recours qu'à un seul traducteur, mais nous avons constaté dans les librairies que les clients achetaient la totalité des livres d'un coup, aussi nous avons voulu leur faire ce plaisir. »

La première impression a été largement supérieure à ce qui se fait d'ordinaire, c'est-à-dire 2 ou 3000 exemplaires, et l'on parle alors de 10.000 exemplaires pour un premier tirage. Si le potentiel de Twilight se découvrira au fur et à mesure, on ne peut qu'espérer beaucoup du choc culturel qui en adviendra et de la confrontation du public avec les ouvrages de Meyer. On peut probablement aussi s'attendre à des campagnes d'opposition farouche, malheureusement.

Rédigé par Clément S., le vendredi 03 avril 2009 à 09h17
Source : Publishers Weekly
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Nombre de messages : 658
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 32

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MessageSujet: Re: [Twilight] Infos en vrac   [Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Ven 3 Avr - 14:07

Citation :
Le script de Twilight en pdf (à télécharger)
Il n'aurait pas celui de New moon. [Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 217271
Merci pour le script. Wink
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Nombre de messages : 16344
Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

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MessageSujet: Re: [Twilight] Infos en vrac   [Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Sam 4 Avr - 3:01

le Director Notebook de catherine hardwicke n° 1 des ventes. elle remercie les fans de twilight

Citation :
Dear Twilight fans,

I wanted to send out a note of thanks to all of you. I recently found
out that my book, Twilight: Director’s Notebook, will debut at #1 on
this Sunday’s New York Times bestseller list. I am stunned. Throughout
this entire process, from pre-production on the film, to the premieres,
to my book events, I have always been overwhelmed by the support the
Twilight fans have had for me, the movie and now my book. I wanted to
give the fans, as well as aspiring filmmakers, a closer look at how we
made the movie and I hope you enjoyed entering my world of making films
as much as I have had in being part of the Twilight world.

source : spunkransom
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Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

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MessageSujet: Re: [Twilight] Infos en vrac   [Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Sam 4 Avr - 13:14

Interview d'Ashley et Kellan (en VO)

[Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 Twilig37

Q & A with Twilight stars

Twilight is out on DVD this Friday (April 3rd). The two disc special edition has some brilliant Extras, including footage of the actors on set and great interviews with both director Catherine Hardwicke and series author Stephanie Meyer, plus a clip of Robert Pattinson actually playing the piano - could this hottie be any more talented?

I'm already counting down to the release of New Moon in cinemas later this year but for now, there's much to be excited about with the release on DVD of Twilight and what better way to celebrate than to find out what actors Ashley Greene (Alice) and Kellen Lutz (Emmet) thought of the movie and their roles as part of the Cullen clan...

Q: How did you both feel when you found out you'd been cast in Twilight?

Ashley: A little bit overwhelmed. You don't really know how to feel. I think whenever my agent or my managers told I was like, really? You kidding? Really?! And then it was the whole emotional thing. It was crying, and going, why am I crying? I'm supposed to be happy! And then of course I called everybody I know.

Kellan: I've always wanted to play a vampire and having my good friend Ashley cast as Alice, it was amazing. It's fun to work with your friends, cos it doesn't seem like work then, you get to just hang out, make memories and have a good time. You know, I was kind of bummed that we didn't get fangs, but the white make-up totally made up for that, yeah!

Q: How surprised are you by the success of Twilight?

A: We were really surprised. I mean we knew because there was a book,that there would be some sort of a following, but when we finished filming, and the anticipation followed, we realized that it was a bigger deal. Then come opening weekend we made our money back on opening night, so we were like yeah! We were all surprised at how well it did, it's just kind of unfathomable how well it did.

K: For me, I didn't know Twilight was a book series when I got involved with it... I know, boo me! I need to read more apparently! But Ashley bought the books to my hotel room, and said, hey, have you read the books? And I laughed in her face, then she had all the copies for me, so I read them as quickly as I could. Loved the book series, and then I realized why the fans, you know, followed it so closely. And, you know, it's a great story, about that bit of love that we all know. It's beautiful, and, I fell in love with it. So to see how quickly I fell in love, I knew it was going to be a big hit. It's definitely a roller coaster ride. But we all enjoyed being a part of it. The fans guys are amazing!

Q: How has the success of the film changed your life?

A: I think it's changed every aspect of my life, except my friends. My friends still treat me the same, which is very nice, and my mum, and my dad, still make me do dishes! But its, everything else, it's kind of amazing what it's done for me and my career and my life and in just a year. There's doors that are opening that have never been opened, and I'm getting the opportunity to work on films. It's really nice whenever you have a friend call you and say 'Hey I'm the lead of a film, do you want to do it?' And be in the position to be able to do it, cos that's what kind of happened after Twilight. It's fantastic. It's changed my life completely. It created a career for me, which is the kind of thing everyone strives for, isn't it?

K: I'm from the mid-west, so I lived in a lot of small towns where there were not too many people. My grandparents in Iowa are like the King and Queen, because they have a grandson who's in Twilight, and he knows people in Twilight, so everyday they have people knocking on the door asking for autographs, or if they can send me things to sign. They're just so popular, it's great getting phone calls from them saying, "You make us so proud!" That was my Grandpa! But then yes it's definitely opened up doors. Ashley and I did a movie together, due to Twilight, called Warrior, and it's really nice to have doors opened, allowing you to further your career, try new things as an actor, and you know, it has given us the opportunity to do that. That's what Twilight has done for all of us. I really appreciate it, it's that chance to really just do what you love, and thanks to Twilight, we all get to do that.

Q: What made you get into the acting business in the first place?

A: I couldn't even tell you. I grew up in Jacksonville, Florida, and it's not at all a town of thespians. It's kind of sad, I mean you grow up and you go to college. And I kind of fell into an acting class and in the second that I took the class, I realized right then and there that this was what I wanted to do. I loved it. I just love being able to have parents who have supported me, and trusted me enough to know that I was serious. I graduated early and moved down to LA, with every class I took and for every part that I was booked, it just furthered that passion. Now I know it's what I want to do for the rest of my life!

K: For me it's the girls! Kidding - really it's one of those things where my life was going one way, and I'm from a big family so my mother really directed all our lives, and once we got to California, I found out what acting was. It was never really a dream of mine, it's something that I was amazingly lucky to fall into. It was just one of those things where when I was out of my mum's arms, I kind of decided that I was going to follow my heart, and thank god I did.

Q: Are your characters people that you'd like to hang around with in real life?

A: I guess! They're the coolest characters ever! Both of our characters are! Both our characters are just so kind of happy to be alive and just so happy and really sweet. Emmett's a big goof-ball and Alice is just so sweet and cute. What she can do is awesome. It would be really cool to have her as a best friend. And yeah, our characters just both totally love life and I would totally hang out with them.

K: I think you're my best friend! I love my character. I got so lucky with Emmett. It's great to act as a character who loves life as much as I do, and life is just so short, why not have fun every second that you can? That's what I try to bring to the role of Emmet, he's just a big teddy bear that I love to play. I'd love to have a best friend like him.

Q: You mention about Warrior that is a new film, that you both worked on, a lot of people have been asking about it, can you just tell us a bit about it and when we're likely to see it?

K: Never. You can never see it! It's just ours personally! It's a coming of age story, I play Connor Sullivan who's this cocky lacrosse player. Lacrosse is a tough sport! What happens is my father is in Iraq, he's in the marine corp and he goes back to Irag to fight so we have to move our family to different cities all the time. In one city I learn about lacrosse and I get to make new friends, yey, that's always fun. On another trip when the family moves to New York his dad ends up dying. So I really have no-one in my life, I've just moved to a new school and all the East Coast Lacrosse guys hate me cos I'm a West Coast Lacrosse boy and I have my own way of playing. Ashley plays Brooklyn, who, I just fall in love with cos she's beautiful and she can kick any guy on the Lacrosse teams butt at Lacrosse. So she's kind of my girl to lean on. I just get into a lot of trouble - my path to becoming a man, a real man! She's there to help me out, and it's going to be a really great movie. It's not just a sports movie, where I score the winning goal. There's a lot of emotional scenes and it's great to have someone so talented, that is so close to me as a friend, working alongside me. It makes the acting really genuine and not forced, so thank you again for working on the movie with me.

A: Everyone has to go see it. It's good.

K: It's out around August. They never tell us.

A: Summer.

Q: A lot of people wonder about the audition process. Can you tell us a bit more about that in terms of Twilight?

A: It's a long process - I think I auditioned five times. I originally started out auditioning for Bella and went in a few times for that. I saw Catherine Hardwicke, and eventually she said 'No, you're not right for Bella'. So Kristen got it. It was sad, it's one of those projects that everyone really wanted, especially after reading the books and becoming a fan. Then I got a call saying I was going back in for Alice, which I was stoked about, so excited. I dad to go back several times for that, and when I didn't hear anything, I thought they were giving it to a different girl. I went home for thanksgiving, and thought that was that, then all of a sudden I got a call. My managers and agents called me four times, I didn't know what was going on, and then I answered my phone, and they said 'oh sorry, you're going to have to cut your hair'. I was like, what? They were like, 'You got the role!' So it was a journey, but it was that much better at the end of it, getting the part.

K: She made a great Alice in the end, right? I went up for Bella as well...! I didn't get a call back for some reason? Said my hair wasn't long enough, or something? Wow, five times? No, it's funny. I was doing a project in Africa for seven months, called Generation Kill, and I came back, and I told my agents that I wanted to take a break. I read Twilight, loved it, but an actor had already booked in the role of Emmet, so there was no real role. They wanted me to go for the part of Edward, but I knew, I'm not Edward! So I decided to go back home, and said I wanted to take a break from acting, to see my family, and go to the mid-west and see my grandparents and hang out with my dog who I missed! Then I got the call saying that I had to go back, because the guy that was set to play Emmet had fallen through - they'd re-opened it up. I thought - I want to play Emmett. So I flew back to LA and auditioned. I wore a wife beater - everyone else was small, and they started doing press-ups and I was just laughing. That's good, keep on, five, six...six, that's it? But it was really fun, I love auditioning, and I went in there, and rocked it as much as I could and they called me that night asking if I could fly to Oregon where Ashley and the rest of the cast were already rehearsing, doing the baseball scene, just rehearsing as much as they could be, so I was like yeah I'll fly up there. I auditioned for Catherine, and it's funny, I asked Ashley who was already booked as Alice if she had any advice and I remember cos Catherine held up a lot of headshots and asked, who do you guys like for Emmet, and Ashley was like, 'Oh Kellan!'

A: I was like, oh oh oh, pick him, and she was like 'calm down'!

K: So I probably wouldn't be Emmet, if it wasn't for Ashley here. Yeah, thank you again! I thank her for everything cos she helps me out so much! You know it's funny cos I asked Ashley for any advice and she told me that in her audition she sat up in the chair and like jumped out at Catherine and she loved it. I had an audition with Catherine in her hotel room, and I was on her I blushing?! Its sunburn, sunny in here! But I jumped, I jumped from her bed at her, and I think I jumped a little too far cos I really hit her! I thought, 'Oh gosh I've just ruined this' but she loved it! 'Oh my god! You're my Emmet, yes! She said' Do it again!! After that she said, ok, you're my Emmett, go and play baseball practice. I was wearing boots and jeans, stuff like that, and everyone else was in athletic gear, cool workout pants. I was wearing a jacket, and trying to run in boots, it wasn't fun! So yeah, here we are today.

Q: Ok, on the subject of baseball, how did you come up with Alice's signature baseball throw?

A: Well, it was a process, There were a lot of processes in this movie. I had to train with a professional baseball coach for, I think, two weeks, and it was ridiculous. It was a lot of work. He kept saying you throw like a girl, and I was like, I am a girl! I'm a dancer, not a baseball player. In the audition of course, they were like do you know how to play baseball, and I'm going, yeah, totally, just cast me, I'm very good!

Q: Ok, question for Kellan, do you perform your own stunts?

K: Yes

(à suivre)
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Nombre de messages : 16344
Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

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(la suite)

Q: and would you like to do more in future films?

K:I love action movies, I love getting hurt, I love bleeding, you know, its funny, I did all the stunts in Twilight, which, especially the truck scene where they woke me up in my trailer at 4 in the morning, it was freezing, and they were saying, 'OK, we're ready for the truck scene.' Yeah...They tell me, get on top of the truck, I'm like, ok this is easy, then they start the engine and I think, what are you guys doing?! Then they slowly start going, ten, twenty, thirty, forty miles an hour, freezing, my cheeks are going aarr...and they're like, alright now jump. What?! Where am I jumping? I loved doing the baseball scene too, all the harness work - You want to do it again?' Yeah, please, let's keep going! So yeah I love action movies, I want to take my career further that way and just shoot guns and blow up cars, fun stuff like that. But its funny doing Warrior that we did, our stunt guys were more like girls, they were terrible, and so me and the other actors were like we'll do this.

A: There was a lot of blood.

K: Yeah, much blood. My shoulder was all bloody and bruised and they were like is that make-up, no! That hurts!

A: Method!

K: All method acting!

Q: The books have been criticized in some quarters as being anti-feminist and creating poor role models for young women. What are your thoughts on that, and what sort of positive things do you think female readers can take from the characters?

A: I think people are going to pick at it anyway that they can. I read the book, and I loved the book, and I know that's mostly directed at Bella's character and I think it's kind of ridiculous. You know, the way I see it, she is a strong character, in the way that she handles things, and she's not a character that is boy crazy. I don't know, I don't know how to address it, I don't agree with it. I don't think Stephanie Meyer wrote the book to prove some point, she was really writing a love story, and if you've ever been in love, you do crazy things and it's not because of anything other than the fact that you're in love. Girl power! I'm going to get hate mail now.

Q: Lots of children have role models in life and who have inspired them, who was your role model, and why?

K: My father has always been my role model in life. My parents separated when I was younger so I didn't really get to see my father growing up too much and it was one of those things when you live with so many boys and you have so many older brothers yelling and making fun of you and calling you baby baby baby, then I'd go crazy and started throwing fists. My father, when I did visit him never raised his voice once to me, and my mother was the opposite, I love her to death, and that's the only way to deal with boys, when you've got six in the house, yell, sit down, eat your food. After the divorce, my father moved to LA with only one hundred bucks to his name and built up who he is today from there, and he's such a successful man and such a strong business entrepreneur that I've always looked up to how strong he was when he was alone and it's great to live in LA where he's at now. I get to make that relationship grow, and we're so much closer now, and I've always looked up to him, he's the nicest father I could ask for.

A: Damn it Kellan! Yeah, same thing. I have a lot of people that I admire in the business, for certain reasons, but as far as role models go it's definitely, my parents. They are amazing and they're still together, to be where I am now it's just crazy to think about, we grew up very poor, but you would never know it. I had such a happy childhood and my parents did such a fantastic job of raising me and my brother we were always just so, you know, teaching us to enjoy the things in life that you should and life experience and they've said over and over again their goal in life is to make our lives just a little bit better than theirs, which I think is a fantastic way to look at raising your children. I have this relationship with them that some people think is crazy, and I talk to mum three times a day, and my mum and dad always made sure to tell me they love me at the end of the day and they you know, sent me off to LA, supported me, paid my rent for a year, which is kind of crazy, totally my fault. But anyways, yeah they've been sort of my pillar of strength through everything so they're definitely the role models.

Q: Fame is very hard, especially because of the paparazzi and publicity that goes with it, what inspires you to continue acting and being a positive role model with all those sort of distractions that fame brings

A: The inspiring factor is that I love what I do and again I love being able to affect people in a positive way. I love being able to give back and I love acting, it's just such a fun job. How amazing is it, you know, I get to work and do what I love and everything else is just something that sort of comes along with it, and you can chose to deal with it recklessly or you can chose just to accept it as part of life and move on, because, honestly, if you don't go out to a nightclub, you don't really get hassled that bad by the paparrazi, I mean I don't, yet, and if that ever happens then maybe ask me again in ten years. But aside from Britney Spears and Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie it's really not that overwhelming to deal with, so the inspiring factor is just that I love what I do.

K: Exactly, I mean we love what we do. For me it's such a hobby because I didn't have the dream to be an actor, so everyday is something new. I love auditions, it doesn't seem like a job that a lot of actors who grew up in LA and they've always had the dream to be famous, they get sad after auditions because they don't book a role and I think that outlook's terrible. I mean I think we're lucky to be able to just audition, if we get something, I get to play a vampire and that's...

A: Pretty good

K: That's so cool, I mean how many people can say they can do that? And again it's just an occupation, just like a doctor or just like a teacher, there's a group of people who are after us. You know, we aren't different from anyone else, we're still human, and for the paparazzi to follow us out it's, it can get us that kind of crazy if you do put yourself in that kind of situation and you do party it up and you're drunk leaving a club and they're just there to shoot away. But if you just stick to your normal life and nothing really changes, then...

A: If you're normal and boring, they don't want to take your pictures anyway!

K: Yeah the normal and boring! But yeah, most of the time, that's a job for them to be paparazzi so you kind of have to, it's a give and take scenario. The more products you do and the more you're out there, the more they want you, I mean before Twilight no-one even knew my name and I was fine with that and nothing's changed at all, it's just to be able to give back too. And then when you are doing charity, a lot of stuff that we like to affiliate ourselves with...

A: It's nice.

K: It's nice because we can help the charities out more. So by going to events, like we had that Bowling for Autism one that we had a lot of supporters come out there and auction, help auctioning off stuff, just really giving back and helping our community out is the best thrill of it.

Q: Kellan, You appeared in an episode of heroes, can you tell us a bit about that?

K: Hayden has some soft lips, she plays the main girl. Heroes was fun, I was really bummed, I was playing her fiancée five years in the future, and I was really hoping I'd get some sort of power besides the ability to kiss, that I made my own power. But no, it was a great, it was an honor to be part of the show I really wish I was able to do more episodes or get a cool power cos I really love the show.

Q: What are the downsides of being famous?

K: It's not really a down side, but you definitely sell your privacy, so a lot of things that you want to do, or you used to do, just going shopping or going to the grocery store, or you know, I went to circuit city which is an appliance store, and I brought Lost on DVD, and I was followed buying Lost, and it's weird. A lot of times, no one likes you 100% of the time, so when you have people criticizing certain things, you know, thank god I'm not on the internet, like some actors, you know, they have to see what comments are made on IMDB or stuff like that and it kind of breaks them down a little bit in a way and it's really kind of sad to go that route. But just again, you know, no-one's going to like you 100% of the time, and it sucks for people who don't like us for certain roles you do, but tough luck!

A: Yeah, same thing! It's simply the scrutiny, the scrutiny can be a little over the top sometimes, and then the insane,I mean it's kind of on both sides of the spectrum, it's amazing that we get to travel as much as we do but it also takes a toll on your sleep schedule and on your relationships and seeing family and stuff like that. But yeah, they're really the only two things really.

Q: If you could pick anyone in the world to be your Bella or Edward, who would it be, and why?

K: Ladies first!

A: Hmm...

K: Be honest!

A: Of course! Ok, yeah I'm going to go with Kellan! Kellan, you don't know this about me, but I'm actually desperately, madly in love with you!

K: Well the secret for you Ashley... I'd let you be my Bella!

Q: What is the thing you hate the most about filming Twilight?

K: It's stopping. I had such a blast hanging out with the cast and the crew, and it was sad, you know, not saying goodbye, cos we hopefully would see each other for New Moon but you know, you have friends for life and it's great that we all got to hang out in LA, everyone's really cool, so it's tough saying see you later.

A: Yeah definitely, especially for something like this. We're supposed to have such an extreme family bond, it's like you have all these really great friends, and then you leave, and you're you know thrown together in this situation, and then we leave. And we're all really busy so you feel like a piece of you has been taken away. So there's definitely that, and then getting hit with hail!

K: See I loved that! The weather!

A: You like pain though! See I don't like pain!

K: Yeah

pfffiuuuu un vrai roman, j'essaierai de la traduire mais je ne sais pas quand
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Nombre de messages : 420
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 37

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MessageSujet: Re: [Twilight] Infos en vrac   [Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Sam 4 Avr - 17:02

J'aime bien la façon de voir les choses d'Ashley , ça à l'air d'être une fille qui a les pieds sur terre et assez humble , bref j'aime beaucoup

Merci pour cette interview pour une fois qu'on peut en savoir un peu plus sur les personnalités du reste de l'équipe Razz
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Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

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MessageSujet: Re: [Twilight] Infos en vrac   [Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Dim 5 Avr - 17:14

le site twilight-france a traduit quelques passages de cette itw

Citation :
Comment vous êtes-vous sentis quand vous avez découvert que vous aviez été retenus pour Twilight ?

Ashley : Un peu sous le choc. On ne sait pas vraiment comment le ressentir. Je pense qu'à chaque fois que mon agent ou mes managers me l'ont dit, j'étais du genre : "vraiment ? Vous plaisantez ? Vraiment ?!" Et ensuite c'était une chose entièrement pleine d'émotions. Il y avait des pleurs, puis des "pourquoi je pleure ? Je suis supposée être heureuse !" Et ensuite j'ai bien sûr appelé toutes les personnes que je connaissais.

Kellan : J'ai toujours voulu jouer un vampire et avoir ma très bonne amie Ashley de retenue pour le rôle d'Alice, c'était étonnant. C'est amusant de travailler avec vos amis, parce qu'alors on n'a pas l'impression de travailler, on arrive juste juste pour traîner ensemble, se faire des souvenirs et bien s'amuser. Vous savez, j'étais un peu déçu que nous n'aillons pas de canines, mais le maquillage blanc intégral a compensé cela, oui !

Avez-vous été étonnés par le succès de Twilight ?

Ashley : Nous avons vraiment été surpris. Je veux dire que nous savions, parce qu'il y avait un livre, qu'il y aurait une sorte d'attente, mais quand nous avons fini de tourner et que l'attente a suivi, nous nous sommes rendus compte que c'était une affaire plus énorme. Est alors arrivé le week-end de sortie [dans les salles américaines] où nous avons remboursé dès la première nuit d'exploitation [le budget du film].

Kellan : De mon côté, je ne savais pas que Twilight était une série de livres avant d'y être impliqué... Je sais, "booouuu" à moi ! J'ai apparemment besoin de lire plus ! Mais Ashley a amené les livres dans ma chambre d'hôtel et m'a dit "hé, as-tu lu les livres ?" Et je lui ai ris au nez, alors qu'elle avait tous les exemplaires pour moi. Donc je les ai lus aussi vite que je pouvais. J'ai adoré la saga et j'ai enfin compris pourquoi les fans, vous savez, on suivit le film de si près.

Qu'est-ce que le succès du film a changé dans votre vie ?

Ashley : Je pense qu'il a changé chaque aspect de ma vie, sauf mes amis. Mes amis me traitent toujours la même façon, ce qui est très agréable. Ma maman et mon papa me font toujours faire la cuisine ! Mais c'est tout le reste, c'est étonnant de voir ce qu'il s'est passé pour moi, ma carrière et ma vie, et tout ça en une seule année. Il y a des portes qui n'ont jamais été ouvertes et qui s'ouvrent. Et j'ai l'opportunité de travailler sur des films.

Kellan : Je suis du Mid-West, j'ai donc vécu dans beaucoup de petites villes où il n'y avait pas beaucoup de gens. Dans l'Iowa, mes grands-parents ressemblent au Roi et à la Reine, parce qu'ils ont un petit-fils qui est dans Twilight et qui connaît les acteurs de Twilight. Donc chaque jour ils ont des gens qui frappent à leur porte pour demander des autographes ou s'ils peuvent m'envoyer des choses à signer. Ils sont tellement populaires, c'est génial d'avoir des appels téléphoniques de leur part disant "tu nous rends si fiers!" (c'était mon grand-père). Mais oui, ça m'a définitivement ouvert des portes.

Beaucoup de gens se posent des questions à propos des auditions. Pouvez-vous nous en dire un peu plus sur ce qui s'est passé pour Twilight ?

Ashley : C'est un long processus - je pense avoir auditionné 5 fois. A l'origine, j'ai commencé à auditionner pour le rôle de Bella et je suis revenue plusieurs fois pour cela. J'ai vu Catherine Hardwicke et elle m'a finalement dit : "non, tu ne correspond pas à Bella". Et Kristen a décroché le rôle. J'étais triste, c'est un des projets que je voulais vraiment décrocher, particulièrement après la lecture des livres et après être devenue une fan. Puis j'ai reçu un appel disant je devais revenir aux auditions pour le rôle d'Alice. Mes manager et agent m'ont appelé 4 fois, je n'ai pas compris ce qu'il se passait et puis j'ai décroché mon téléphone et ils ont dit "oh désolé, tu vas devoir te couper les cheveux". J'ai répondu "quoi ?" et eux "tu as obtenu le rôle !"

Kellan : Elle fait une super Alice finalement, non ?! J'ai travaillé sur un projet en Afrique pendant 7 mois et quand je suis revenu, j'ai dit à mes agents que je voulais faire une pause. J'ai lu Twilight, je l'ai adoré, mais un acteur avait déjà été sélectionné pour le rôle d'Emmett donc il n'y avait plus vraiment de rôle important. Ils voulaient que j'aille au casting pour Edward, mais je savais que je ne suis pas Edward ! Donc j'ai décidé de retourner chez moi. [...] Et puis j'ai reçu un appel disant que le gars qui devait jouer Emmett n'avait pas été gardé et qu'ils relançaient les auditions ! J'ai pensé "je veux jouer Emmett". J'ai donc pris un avion pour Los Angeles et passé l'audition. Ils m'ont appelé une nuit pour me demander si je pouvais prendre un avion pour l'Oregon afin de rejoindre Ashley et le reste de l'équipe qui s'entraînaient pour la scène de la partie de baseball. J'ai répondu "oui" et je suis parti là-bas.

Si vous pouviez choisir n'importe qui dans le monde pour être votre Bella ou Edward, qui serait-ce et pourquoi ?

Kellan : Les dames d'abord !

Ashley : Hmm....

Kellan : Soit honnête !

Ashley : Évidemment ! Ok, oui, je choisirais Kellan ! Kellan, tu ne sais pas cela à propos de moi mais je suis désespérément, irrémédiablement amoureuse de toi !

Kellan : Et bien un autre secret pour toi Ashley... Je te laisserai être ma Bella !
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

[Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Twilight] Infos en vrac   [Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Lun 6 Avr - 21:54

Si vous voulez la traduction de certains passages n'hésitez pas dites le moi !!!!
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Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

[Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Twilight] Infos en vrac   [Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Sam 11 Avr - 13:50

Twilight le jeu vidéo

Un Scene it Twilight sortira eux USA en octobre avec des images de New Moon!

- Clips from the first movie!
- Content from New Moon!
- Watch the movies, test your knowledge!

This game features clips, questions and puzzlers from the highly successful Twilight franchise and includes content from New Moon! From the Twilight-themed puzzles to the customized mini-games and bonus activities, Scene It? Twilight Edition will immerse players in the Twilight saga and is sure to resonate with fans of all ages. Game includes game DVD, 4x collectible metal tokens, 150x trivia cards, 30 fate cards, 1x 6-sided die, 1x 8-sided die, and instruction sheet.

Le DVD sera zone 1.

info : le monde de francesca

le site "scene it" français >>>
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Nombre de messages : 420
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 37

[Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Twilight] Infos en vrac   [Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Sam 11 Avr - 19:04

Ah c'est trop fort scene it j'y ai joué il y a pas si longtemps c'est un vrai régale à plusieurs mais ça rend fou se truc lol [Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 217271
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Nombre de messages : 658
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 32

[Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Twilight] Infos en vrac   [Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Sam 11 Avr - 19:14

Aahaha! *rire saqique* J'vais tous vous laminer! Twisted Evil
Nan sérieux, je connais pas ce jeu, mais j'ai cliqué sur le site ça à l'air assez marrant!
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

[Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Twilight] Infos en vrac   [Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Dim 12 Avr - 12:55

Je crois qu'il avait déjà sorti un scene it pour les pirates des caraibes et les high school musical c'est sur que ça va être marant mais bon pour nous on n'a pas encore la certitude que ça sortira en france, à mon avis pas avant noel pour que ça fasse un tabac Marketing quand tu nous tiens
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Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

[Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Twilight] Infos en vrac   [Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Lun 13 Avr - 22:17

[Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 861451MTV

Le film Twilight est pré-nommé 9 fois aux MTV Movie Awards 2009. Outre les nominations respectives de Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner et Cam Gigandet, le film est nommé :

catégorie "meilleur film" >>>

catégorie "meilleure scène de baiser" >>>

catégorie "meilleure scène de combat" >>>

fin des votes 20 avril 2009

Dernière édition par Valeriane le Mar 14 Avr - 18:02, édité 1 fois
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Nombre de messages : 420
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 37

[Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Twilight] Infos en vrac   [Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Mar 14 Avr - 0:06

Oui j'ai déjà voté xD
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

[Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Twilight] Infos en vrac   [Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Mar 14 Avr - 10:33

Bon voilà c'est fait les votes sont pris en compte
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Nombre de messages : 420
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 37

[Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Twilight] Infos en vrac   [Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Mar 14 Avr - 18:44

Lucymuir a écrit:
acab a écrit:
Oui j'ai déjà voté xD

Crying or Very sad je voudrais bien voter, mais je n'arrive pas à m'inscrire .. me refuse le truc URL .... Help!!! [Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 688307

Tu as réessayé aujourd'hui ?
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

[Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Twilight] Infos en vrac   [Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Mar 14 Avr - 18:52

Parce que ça marche
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

[Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Twilight] Infos en vrac   [Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Mar 14 Avr - 19:49

ah bon
Je vais essayer de voter à nouveau
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

[Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Twilight] Infos en vrac   [Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Mar 14 Avr - 19:52

bon ben on peut voter plusieurs fois
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Nombre de messages : 16344
Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

[Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Twilight] Infos en vrac   [Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Mer 22 Avr - 21:00


Le prix d'un show tv allemand : un rôle dans la saga Twilight

une émission allemande de télé-réalité appelée "Mission à Hollywood", offre un extraordinaire prix : un rôle dans l'un des films de la saga Twilight!

"l'acteur et producteur Til Schweiger commence un nouveau casting show "Mission à Hollywood" le 8 Juin sur RTL.

Ce mercredi, la chaîne de télévision nous a informés qu'ils sont à la recherche d'un nouveau rôle dans l'une des suites de Twilight.

Douze jeunes femmes ambitieuses vont se battre pour faire partie du film. L'émission se déroulera sur huit épisodes.

Les jeunes femmes devront s'entraîner avec des coachs professionnels pour des scènes de baisers, d'action ou les cascades, de danse, et devront reconstituer des scènes de films comme Dirty Dancing ou James Bond.

RTL a également dit qu'ils vont travailler avec des acteurs célèbres, oscar du maquillage des artistes et des cinéastes connus.

Durant ce casting, ils devront se battre pour des rôles pour série télévisée allemande série "Doctor's Diary", la série télévisée américaine "Bones" ou le nouveau clip de Lady Gaga.

source : newmoonmovie
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Nombre de messages : 658
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 32

[Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Twilight] Infos en vrac   [Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Mar 28 Avr - 16:55

Le site moviemistake a répertorié 10 fautes (et plus) dans Twilight, certaines d'entre elles sont évidentes (comme les tubes de Bella à l'hôpital -oui,même moi j'avais vu ça-) et d'autres beaucoup plus subtiles.

[Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 14315910 [Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 14341710 [Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 14371010

Plus ici:
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Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

[Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Twilight] Infos en vrac   [Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Mar 28 Avr - 17:10

j'avais vu ça sur le site cinémovies qui en profite pour tailler au passage disant que les fans sont trop occupées à regarder pattinson pour les voir. je dirais plutôt qu'on n'a pas l'esprit aussi tordu qu'eux et quand on va voir un film c'est pour ce qu'il raconte et non pour ce genre de "détails"
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