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 [Twilight] Infos en vrac

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alinette 74
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Date d'inscription : 25/05/2009
Age : 37

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MessageSujet: Re: [Twilight] Infos en vrac   [Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 14 Icon_minitime1Ven 11 Déc - 11:30

La c'est vraiment nous prendre pour des c**, ils nous font poirauter en annoncant de super exclusivités et le résultat fait juste pitié ! [Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 14 336287
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alinette 74
alinette 74

Nombre de messages : 15
Date d'inscription : 27/11/2009

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MessageSujet: Re: [Twilight] Infos en vrac   [Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 14 Icon_minitime1Sam 12 Déc - 15:11

OUi moi j'avais esperé un scoop sur eclipse pourquoi pas une nouvelle photo mais rien de tout ça ,trés deçevant Sad
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

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MessageSujet: Re: [Twilight] Infos en vrac   [Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 14 Icon_minitime1Sam 12 Déc - 20:31

Venant de Summit c'est pas étonnant, ils^prennent les fans pour des imbéciles
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

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MessageSujet: Re: [Twilight] Infos en vrac   [Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 14 Icon_minitime1Dim 3 Jan - 13:48

Top ten 'Twilight' moments to look forward to in 2010

'The Twilight Saga: Eclipse' - Summit Ent.It's officially 2010, and you know what that means . . . another year of Twilight!

2009 was a great year for Twilight fans, and we've already discussed this fact thoroughly. Well, 2010 seems to be shaping up - already - to be a great one as well.

Of course, the year will hold ups, downs, and in-betweens . . . and there'll be a few surprises to be sure, but right now there are several coming events of the year that'll make 2010 another year for Twilight fans!

Without further adieu, here are the top ten Twilight moments to look forward to in 2010!

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse trailer
This is, right now, one of the most immediately anticipated moments in the Twilight fandom. We've already seen one still (showing Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart in the meadow), the title art, and the first promotional poster for the film. Yet, only six months out from the movie's release, there's not much about Eclipse (aside from the devoted Twittering from director David Slade) that has been seen. There's been a bit of speculation about when and where the first trailer will debut, but even Slade himself has stated that he doesn't know. If the first trailer for The Twilight Saga: Eclipse is anything like the one for The Twilight Saga: New Moon, though, it'll be a monumental occasion . . . Can't wait to see those reaction videos!

The Twilight Saga: New Moon DVD and deleted scenes/commentary
Sometime this spring, the DVD for The Twilight Saga: New Moon will be released. Last year, when Twilight's DVD was released, there were DVD release parties across the country, including showings from cast members and the director at the various venues of celebration. Perhaps the New Moon DVD will receive the same treatment. Regardless, the release will be a moment of fun for Twilight fans, and two of the things that the DVD will bring - aside from the actual movie, that is - are deleted scenes and commentary. In the Official Companion for New Moon, there was at least one image from what appears to be a deleted scene (this one, showing Robert Pattinson and Ashley Greene outside of the Swan home). There are two others we've discussed here as well. According to director Chris Weitz, there'll be about twenty minutes of deleted scenes. Usually, in addition to deleted scenes, a film DVD offers a special commentary option with the director and, potentially, castmates from the movie. For Twilight, the DVD commentary came from Catherine Hardwicke, Robert Pattinson, and Kristen Stewart. In the commentary, the three had the opportunity to reflect on filming and their opinions on certain scenes as they watched. While New Moon has already been discussed (extremely thoroughly) by all parties involved, it'd still be fun to hear their reactions to the film as it progresses on-screen!

Remember Me, Valentine's Day, The Runaways, and other films by the cast
The Twilight fandom is a devoted bunch. Becoming fans of the cast for the films is practically part and parcel of being a fan of the series. This is especially true when it comes to the "Big Three" (Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Taylor Lautner). So, to see their work outside of the saga come to fruition will be fun and pertinent to a lot of the fans.

In Robert Pattinson's case, his spring release film Remember Me (which debuts on March 12, 2010) will probably be a must-see for Twilight fans and fans of the actor. The film tells the story of a young man enduring and overcoming a family hardship in the Big City. He is joined in the film by Lost star Emilie de Ravin, Pierce Brosnan, and Chris Cooper. The release of Remember Me will certainly be a great moment for Twilight fans in 2010.

Along the same vein of the Remember Me release, Taylor Lautner's spring film Valentine's Day (though does not lead the unbelievable cast for the picture) will also hit home for Twilight fans and fans of the actor. Lautner's immediate co-star and on-screen love interest in the movie is Taylor Swift, and the first promotional trailer for the film that stars the two was only recently seen. Valentine's Day will be released on February 12, 2010, and it'll definitely make the cut as a moment for Twilight fans in 2010.

Kristen Stewart, too, has an important film that'll make its way to theaters in 2010. The Runaways, which also stars her New Moon and Eclipse co-star Dakota Fanning, will be released sometime in 2010. It tells the story of the all-girl band "The Runaways," and Stewart stars as Joan Jett, who was very involved in the filmmaking process. Stewart's Welcome To The Rileys will be hitting theaters in 2010, too (after it, along with The Runaways, makes a stay at Sundance).

In addition to these films, the Twilight cast'll have many, many pictures being released in 2010. A full list is available here.

Eclipse soundtrack, artists, and contenders
If the formulation of the soundtrack for The Twilight Saga: Eclipse is met with the same widespread interest by artists as New Moon's was, it'll be a long stretch of would-be contributors over the next few months. Already, artists like the band Muse have been putting forth their intentions of becoming a part of the Eclipse soundtrack (though Muse is a shoe-in for a great many reasons, you well know). Another probable contributor for the Eclipse soundtrack is The Killers, who appeared on the New Moon soundtrack and who David Slade has done a music video for (in conjunction with UNICEF). From his tweets, one might also speculate that the band Dead Weather might be a strong contender for the album, considering he raved about the band's video and tweeted pictures of one of their concerts that he attended during the film process. In any case, chances are that there'll be a push by some bands and singers who want to be a part of the Eclipse soundtrack (especially after the grand reception that the New Moon soundtrack received), and, in turn, there'll also be some fan speculation about what artists should or will make it onto the album. Soon after, a full list of contributors will be announced - as well as a composer for the film's score. The Eclipse soundtrack, then, will certainly be a memorable point in time for 2010.

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn announcement
Sometime in 2010, one hopes, the official announcement that The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn is greenlit will be released. At this point, fans have no doubt that the film will be made, but whatever the hold-up may be, it hasn't happened yet. Of course, it's probably just a matter of time . . . At any rate, the day that the official announcement comes will be a fantastic one for fans of the Twilight series. Until then, we wait with bated breath . . . and speculate whether it'll be one or two films.

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse premiere
This June, shortly prior to the theatrical debut of The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, the film's cast, producers, and director will make their way to Hollywood (the likeliest venue) to celebrate the worldwide premiere of the movie. Chances are, there'll have been a press day, a ton of cast interviews, and some very global travelling before the day of the premiere, but the premiere is something special. Presumably, it'll be broadcast in the same (though hopefully with a more well-received commentator) way that New Moon's was. For New Moon's premiere, fans camped out for days to earn their rightful spots on the red carpet. No doubt those same devoted groups will be making their way to the streets of Hollywood once more once Eclipse's premiere rolls around.

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse release
Whether you'll see it in IMAX theaters or not, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse is coming . . . hard and fast. Set for a June 30th release in the United States, the film approaches steadily. Once the premiere for the movie is over, the film will make its way to theaters, and between the midnight showings and opening weekend, all signs point to a huge debut for Eclipse. By the time the film does come to the big screen, there'll have been a great deal of mounting anticipation for fans of the saga (including speculation about which scenes should be in the movie, which quotes will make the cut, what scenes certain still images from the movie represent, etc.), and Eclipse opening will be one of - by far - the most memorable moments in 2010.

The Host movie
No doubt the announcement that The Host would be made into a movie was a huge occasion for Stephenie Meyer's fans. Back in April, when the idea of The Host as a movie was discussed, fans were very enthusiastic about the idea that the book has movie potential, so the fact that Meyer has agreed to bringing the story to film has been very exciting. In 2010, progress on the film should be seen in some form or another - whether it be scripting, casting, or actual filming. The Host, which is Stephenie Meyer's first non-Twilight saga novel (and first adult science fiction/fantasy novel), is the first of a proposed three-part series, and when Stephenie Meyer appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, she discussed the possiblity of continuing her writing on that series. So, in addition to watching The Host come to cinematic fruition, perhaps there will be more progress on the book front with this series. All this should prove to be a very exciting piece of 2010 for Twilight fans.

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn casting
Once the official announcement for The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn's production is out, there'll definitely be some casting moments worth noting in 2010. While the film is not officially being cast right now, there may be an open casting call (but you'll need to hear this from a verified source, of course). Even if not, there are a ton of roles that'll be cast in Breaking Dawn. In the story, there are many new characters, including several which are pivotal to the story's events and progression. So, it'll be interesting to see which new faces join the Twilight cast . . . and how (and whether) fans couple those faces with the characters they purport to portray.

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn filming
This is sheer speculation, of course, but it could turn out that Breaking Dawn is filmed in 2010. All rumors and signs point to that possiblity, so, if so, it'll be yet another occasion of looking into the fishbowl for Twilight fans as Breaking Dawn (be it part one, or part all) goes into filming this year. Depending on the director, location, and devotion of fans, the experience could be complete and totally involved as it was with New Moon, or it could be a bit shut-off and elusive as it was with Eclipse.

So, any of these you're most looking forward to? Anything not on the list that you think will be a significant time for Twilight fans in 2010? Comment below and let us know! Should be an exciting year.

source Twilight Examiner:
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

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MessageSujet: Re: [Twilight] Infos en vrac   [Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 14 Icon_minitime1Dim 3 Jan - 13:52

Pour ma part , j'attends avec impatience la confirmation de Breaking Dawn avec une date de tournage ainsi que le 1er trailer d'Eclipse sans oublier Remember Me. Voilà mon Top 3
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

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MessageSujet: Re: [Twilight] Infos en vrac   [Twilight] Infos en vrac - Page 14 Icon_minitime1Dim 10 Jan - 13:05

Retour vers le passé

Photos et vidéo de l'avant première de Twilight en Angleterre : 03.12.08

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