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 [Remember me] Revue de presse

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Nombre de messages : 11161
Date d'inscription : 25/05/2009
Age : 37

[Remember me] Revue de presse - Page 9 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Remember me] Revue de presse   [Remember me] Revue de presse - Page 9 Icon_minitime1Dim 28 Mar - 8:32

Interview d'Emilie pour "The Independent" :

With her new film, Emilie de Ravin has hit the jackpot. Not only does she get to cavort in steamy scenes with heartthrob du jour Robert Pattinson (OMG! RPattz!) in Remember Me, but she gets to bask in the heat of a talked-about movie that, without Pattinson's involvement, may have been another under-the-radar romantic drama.

Pattinson's first project since the unprecedented success of the Twilight films sees him as an angry rich kid – sans creepy vampire makeup – who falls in love with a ballsy young philosophy student, played by de Ravin. At 28 – five years Pattinson's senior – she is still girlish enough to pass for 21.

You'll most likely recognise the Australian actress de Ravin as the young mother Claire in Lost (currently in its explosive sixth series on Sky1), but her association with Pattinson has catapulted her into the celebrity weeklies.

When we meet in New York, where the film is set, a blizzard is raging outside the hotel window. Like Pattinson, she seems embarrassed about her success, shrugging off compliments and rolling her eyes at talk of fans and paparazzi. "I get recognised," she says with a dismissive wave, "but I'm not the sort of person who frequents popular clubs. I try to keep out of that."

De Ravin is part of a new breed of celebrity – like Pattinson and his Twilight co-star Kristen Stewart – who shun the glamour and adulation that many see as a perk of the job. When de Ravin slouched onto the red carpet at the London premiere of Remember Me recently, grinning awkwardly in her black Oscar de la Renta mini-dress, she and Pattinson looked as though they would rather be anywhere else.

Despite their 'I'm-so-normal' façade, journalists are warned not to ask about their private lives on pain of death. A hovering publicist peers up from her BlackBerry at the mere hint of a personal question to de Ravin (it could be worse: no less than three handlers accompany Pattinson during his interview). But this much we know: she married the American actor Josh Janowicz in June 2006 after being together for four years. The couple separated last year, but are rumoured to have reunited.

"Love is such an objective thing," she says, in a suitably vague answer to a necessarily vague question about love. "I mean, I can say I love my family, or I love my Diet Coke," she continues, gesturing towards her Coke can. "So I guess, in different ways, yeah, I do believe in love."

But in terms of relationships?

"It's different with every person. It depends if it... clicks. It's chemistry."

Either way, if she's in love when we meet, there is no ring on her finger. Of course she was romantically linked to Pattinson during filming, but RPattz could star opposite Ellen DeGeneres and there would be rumours. Having said that, the young stars' on-screen chemistry is undeniable. Viewers will be surprised to learn they met just one week before filming commenced.

"She's really cool," says Pattinson, pushing back his James Dean-esque mane, when we meet later that afternoon. "She was actually the last girl we saw and she was cast on the day of her audition, so we went straight out to a bar. It was so close to filming that we didn't have time to rehearse. But she got it right from the beginning, so it was easy."

De Ravin agrees that the best preparation was getting to know each other. "Our relationship in the film is intense," she nods. "We spent a lot of time together, talking about our characters and their relationship, because it's so important to be comfortable together. Then, when we were actually shooting, everything fell into place and felt natural. It didn't ever feel like we were reading a scene or going through the motions."

Watching Pattinson brooding or de Ravin screaming at her on-screen father (Chris Cooper), I have to ask: did they manage to have any fun on set?

"If you're getting ready to do a really emotional scene then, right before it, you're probably not going to be outside playing basketball," she shrugs. "But everybody involved was passionate about it so there was a good vibe."

Having not spent much time in New York before landing the role, de Ravin has now fallen in love with the city. "New York is a character in the film," she smiles, either not noticing or not caring what a cliché that is. "It was great to be able to walk around the city on days off. And it's so rare to be able to shoot in the real locations. When we have dinner, we were actually in The Oak Room and when we were doing a scene in the house Ally [her character] grew up in, that was in Queens."

Of course, the downside of shooting around the city is that Twilight fans and paparazzi had easy access to locations.

"It was distracting at times," admits de Ravin. "We shot 90 per cent on location in Manhattan or Queens so it was very accessible. It's not like they can close down Central Park. So it was difficult for Rob and I to figure out the logistics of a rehearsal when you've got thousands of people watching. Even if you're not looking at them, you're aware of it. It can be hard to focus."

It must have been a very different experience from filming Lost in the relative seclusion of Hawaii. As we speak, de Ravin is about to finish shooting the final season of the hit show. Can she tell us anything about how it ends? Do they ever get off that bloody island?

"I honestly don't know," she laughs. "We're filming the next episode in a few days and I don't even have that script yet. But that's the same with every show on TV. With films, you have time to read the script properly and rehearse. You can develop a back-story and, by the time you start shooting, you know everything you need to. That's one of the many things I love about film in comparison to TV."

Although de Ravin clearly yearns for a film career, you can't help feeling that she isn't really cut out for Hollywood. Ask her where home is and she says emphatically: "Temporary home is LA. But home home is Melbourne."

What does she miss most about it? "Everything," she sighs wistfully. "Walking around the city and the gardens and the restaurants. I don't get home as much as I would like to. There's a lot of downtime on Lost, so I might have three weeks off, but you never know in advance if you might be needed. I miss my family so much, my ideal holiday is just to hang out with them. I'm kind of a homebody. I like to sit at home and watch movies and eat good food."

De Ravin is no stranger to film, having starred in 2005's high-school noir Brick, alongside Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and the 2006 horror The Hills Have Eyes (tagline: "The Lucky Ones Die First"). So she's no red carpet virgin; it's just that it's not really her natural home.

"Once in a while it's fun to dress up for a premiere," she shrugs. "But I'm not someone that's going to stick on heels and a dress every day. Shopping stresses me out."

What about staying in shape? Her impressive abs are on display in Remember Me. She must work out?

"No, I don't really do anything. I'm not very fit."

Just good genes then?

"Yeah. Thanks mum."

So there you go: Emilie de Ravin is a study in laid-back cool. One of that frustrating breed of beautiful I-just-rolled-out-of-bed-and-this-is-how-I-look people. A lot like Robert Pattinson in fact. So, when she was filming scenes with RPattz, who spent the most time on their hair?

She explodes with laughter: "Oh come on! Totally Rob," she grins, before shaking her head at the ridiculousness of the question and, more seriously, adding, "Neither one of us really did much. It was just like... " she mimes messing up her hair with devil-may-care nonchalance.

Then she shrugs again.

source : via robsessed
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

[Remember me] Revue de presse - Page 9 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Remember me] Revue de presse   [Remember me] Revue de presse - Page 9 Icon_minitime1Jeu 1 Avr - 11:15

Pierce Brosnan impressed by fan-magnet Robert

Pierce Brosnan has revealed his 'Remember Me' co-star Robert Pattinson was pursued by beautiful girls on set every day.

The former James Bond star - who plays Robert's estranged father in the gripping family drama - had to make do with older admirers while the 23-year-old heartthrob soaked up the attention of screaming teenagers.

Pierce, who shot the movie with Robert in New York, told Empire magazine: "I remember being outside the Plaza Hotel in Manhattan. We were shooting in the Oak Room and there were 2,000 girls out there from 12 to 21. Actually, there were some gorgeous looking girls out there, but they weren't around my caravan. I had the mothers at my end and some beauties there were too! But it was very sedate by my end of the motor homes. I'd walk out and get a hearty cheer. I'd trip up the steps of the Plaza feeling very good with myself that I still have the juice. But as I'd be walking down the corridors into the Plaza I would hear this wave, this cacophony of sound as girls clamoured for Robert. His girls go through the rafters for him."

The 56-year-old star thinks Robert - who has become an international heartthrob after playing vampire Edward Cullen in the 'Twilight' movies - will be able to handle his enormous fame, but he personally finds it almost incomprehensible.

He added: "I never experienced anything like that as a young man of 23. I'm sure he'll weather the waters swimmingly. He's a grand lad and I wish him well in every way."

source monsterandcritics via robertpattinsonlife
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

[Remember me] Revue de presse - Page 9 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Remember me] Revue de presse   [Remember me] Revue de presse - Page 9 Icon_minitime1Jeu 1 Avr - 14:11

Pierce Brosnan impressionné par l'aimant à fans qu'est Robert

Pierce Brosnan a révélé que Robert Pattinson était poursuivi par des hordes de filles sur le tournage chaque jour.

L'ancien James Bond- qui incarne le père de Robert dans ce drame familiale – a dû se contenter des fans plus âgées tandis que le beau gosse de 23 ans était le cintre d'intérêt des adolescentes.

Pierce, qui a tourné avec Robert à New York, a dit au Empire magazine: "Je me souviens avoir été en dehors du Plaza Hotel de Manhattan. Nous tournions dans la Oak Room et il y avait 2,000 filles ( de 12 à 21 ans). En fait , il y avait de jolies jeunes filles ,mais pas autour de ma caravane . J'avais les mères mais elles étaient belles aussi ! Mais c'était calme dans mon coin. Je me baladais le coeur léger . Je montais les marches du Plaza me sentant bien car je me disais que j'avais encore la côte. Mais quand je suis sorti du Plaza j'ai entendu ce grondement , cette cacophonie pour Robert. Ses fans seraient prêtes à tout pour lui."

La star de 56 ans pense que Robert saura gérer cette célébrité , même s'il la trouve incompréhensible.

Il ajoute : "Je n'ai jamais vécu ce qu'il vit à 23 ans . Je suis sûr qu'il surmontera tout ça . Il est génial et je lui souhaite le meilleur pour la suite."

source monsterandcritics via robertpattinsonlife
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Nombre de messages : 11161
Date d'inscription : 25/05/2009
Age : 37

[Remember me] Revue de presse - Page 9 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Remember me] Revue de presse   [Remember me] Revue de presse - Page 9 Icon_minitime1Ven 9 Avr - 10:20

Tate Ellington parle de Robert dans une interview avec "The Oxford Eagle" :

Q: Tell us a little about auditioning for “Remember Me” to being on set to now seeing it on the big screen.

A: The audition process for “Remember Me” was a nightmare. I had to go in four separate times over the course of a few months. The first time I went in I didn’t think I was right for the part, I had only read half the script and I forgot my sides. I was off to a great start. I was told that I had done great, but they were going to try and find a “name” in L.A. If they didn’t find a name then I would be in the running. I figured that was it, and put it out of my mind. A month later, I got a call that I would be coming back in for the director. I thought the director hated me. I thought I was doing so badly that I almost got and apologized for wasting everybody’s time. Turns out he loved me. A few weeks later I went to meet Rob and do a screen test with him. Luckily, I was performing on Broadway at the time so I could relax a little bit because I new I had a paycheck. Rob was great! The screen test went wonderfully. The director and producer loved me, but Summit still wasn’t sold. I had to go back in a few later to sort of hash out what I would do with the character. The director fought for me and eventually I got the job. It is strange to see it out there. It is completely out of your hands now. It’s an odd feeling. I am extremely proud to have been a part of it. I have read most of the comments and reviews about it. I am so thankful that they love it or hate it — that people are actually talking about it. I love that people actually have an opinion about it and a strong one at that.

Source : via spunk ransom
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

[Remember me] Revue de presse - Page 9 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Remember me] Revue de presse   [Remember me] Revue de presse - Page 9 Icon_minitime1Ven 9 Avr - 11:49

Tate Ellington parle de Robert dans une interview avec "The Oxford Eagle"

Q: Parlez nous un peu de votre audition pour “Remember Me” , du tournage et de voir le voir sur les écrans

A: L'audition pour “Remember Me” fut un cauchemar . J'ai dû passer 4 auditions en quelques mois . La 1ère fois que j'y suis allé, je ne pensais pas que j'étais fait pour le rôle , je n'avais lu que la moitié du script et j'avais oublié mon texte . Ce fut génial dès le départ . On m'a dit que ce que j'avais fait était génial , mais ils allaient tenté de trouver une star à L.A. S'ils ne trouvaient pas , alors je serais en lice . Je pensais que c'était fichu et j'ai oublié ce projet . Un mois plus tard , j'ai eu un coup de fil me demandant d'aller voir le réalisateur . Je pensais qu'il me détestait. Je pensais tellement avoir foiré que je m'étais presque excusé de leur avoir fait perdre du temps . Il se trouve qu'il m'adorait . Quelques semaines plus tard, je suis allé rencontrer Rob et j'ai fait un test avec lui . Heureusement c'était à Broadway et je pouvais me détendre car je savais que j'avais un salaire . Rob fut génial ! Le test s'est passé à merveille . Le réalisateur et le producteur m'adoraient , mais Summit n'y croyait toujours pas . J'ai dû y retourner quelques semaines plus tard pour les convaincre de ce que je ferais pour le personnage. Le réalisateur s'est battu pour moi et j'ai enfin eu le rôle . C'est bizarre de voir ça . Aujourd'hui de le voir sur écran maintenant . c'est un sentiment étrange mais je suis fier d'en faire partie . J'ai lu la plupart des commentaires et des critiques . Je suis reconnaissant qu'ils aiment ou qu'ils détestent — les gens au moins en parlent . J'adore que les gens aient une opinion, aussi forte soit elle.

Source : via spunk ransom
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

[Remember me] Revue de presse - Page 9 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Remember me] Revue de presse   [Remember me] Revue de presse - Page 9 Icon_minitime1Ven 9 Avr - 11:51

ah fsummit . Tate est vraiment génial dans ce rôle! Il apporte la touche d'humour nécessaire au film
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Nombre de messages : 11161
Date d'inscription : 25/05/2009
Age : 37

[Remember me] Revue de presse - Page 9 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Remember me] Revue de presse   [Remember me] Revue de presse - Page 9 Icon_minitime1Mar 13 Avr - 2:43

Pierce Brosnan parle de Robert dans une interview avec "" :

BYRNE: You co-star with Robert Pat­tin­son in Remem­ber Me and with Carey Mul­li­gan in The Great­est, both hot young stars. Coin­ci­dence, or are you keen to get down with the kids?

BROSNAN: I think both Robert and Carey are excep­tional when it comes to young actors, in that they’re more than just pin-ups or flavours of the month. You can sense in both of them a strong desire to do good work. I don’t think either one is try­ing to get by on their looks; they’re both look­ing for work that’s a lit­tle more chal­leng­ing than that. And it’s always a won­der­ful feel­ing, being around peo­ple who are com­pletely in love with what they’re doing.

BYRNE: Hav­ing lived with fame for quite some time now, did you have any advice for the belea­guered young Robert when it came to deal­ing with all those scream­ing teens?

BROSNAN: I think Robert knows that there’s very lit­tle he can do right now except put the head down and work. It’s not exactly fun, hav­ing that kind of crazed atten­tion. It might be flat­ter­ing at first, but the nov­elty soon wears off

source : Robpattznews via thinking of rob
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

[Remember me] Revue de presse - Page 9 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Remember me] Revue de presse   [Remember me] Revue de presse - Page 9 Icon_minitime1Mar 13 Avr - 10:48

Pierce Brosnan parle de Robert dans une interview avec "" :

BYRNE: Vous jouez avec Robert Pat­tin­son dans Remem­ber Me et Carey Mul­li­gan dans The Great­est, deux jeunes stars sexy. Coin­ci­dence, ou voulez vous tourner avec des jeunes gens?

BROSNAN: Je pense que Robert et Carey sont exceptionnels en tant que jeunes acteurs , ils ne sont pas que des pin-ups ou la folie du mois . Chez eux , vous sentez cette envie forte de bien faire . Je pense qu'ils ne veulent pas réussir grâce à leur apparence ; ils cherchent des rôles qui sont un défi . ET c'est toujours un merveilleux sentiment 'être au côté de gens qui adorent ce qu'ils font.

BYRNE: Etant célèbre depuis pas mal de temps , avez vous des conseils pour le jeune Robert pour gérer toutes ces fans qui hurlent?

BROSNAN: Je pense que Robert sait qu'il n'y a rien d'autre à faire que de baisser la tête et travailler dur . Ce n'est pas marrant d'avoir toute cette folie, cette atten­tion autour de vous . C'est d'abord flatteur , puis la nouveauté passée, ça vous agace un peu

source : Robpattznews via thinking of rob
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

[Remember me] Revue de presse - Page 9 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Remember me] Revue de presse   [Remember me] Revue de presse - Page 9 Icon_minitime1Mar 13 Avr - 19:32

Robert Pattinson Getting Last Laugh For 'Remember Me'

Pretty boy “Twilight” star Robert Pattinson got a little roughed up by the film critics for his movie “Remember Me,” with Emilie de Ravin. But Rob may be getting the last laugh now that the box office numbers are rolling in.

“Remember Me,” about a troubled youth attempting to deal with tragedy, is slowly working its way around the world, opening in such far flung country as Argentina and Australia.

So far, the film has grossed $45.7 million at the box office, which obviously isn’t anything close to 3-D blockbuster “Avatar’s” billion dollar plus take. But “Remember Me” only cost $16 million to bring to the big screen.

Experts predict the film could do as much as $60 million worldwide, when all is said and done. In relative terms, that makes it a box office success, (Kate: YAY) especially for a film that received lackluster reviews, mainly for the plot.

Rob felt a special connection to the film and felt it was something that had to be made. But the shear force of his popularity is probably driving the numbers.

Pattinson stars as Tyler Hawkins, who lives in posh Manhattan but is estranged from his successful father (Pierce Brosnan). Tyler is alienated and resentful, but he soon finds someone he can relate to. (Emilie de Ravin).

The film also includes Lena Olin, Ruby Jerins, Chris Cooper and Tate Ellington. “Remember Me” was directed by Allen Coulter from a screenplay by Will Fetters, and they are getting most of the bad press.

In its worldwide trek, the film opened in Argentina, France and other European countries this past weekend, and was a hit in Paris. It came in at No. 6 in the City of Light, which is not bad for an American film.

The drama’s international weekend take was $4.7 million at 2,302 screens in 36 territories, bringing its international box office to $27 million.

The film made back its money before even going overseas. So far it has grossed $18.7 million in North America, bringing the total to $45.7 million.

The film’s top foreign markets before last weekend’s openings were surprisingly Russia ($3.15m), Italy, ($2.35m), Germanyn ($1.9m), Brazil, ($1.71) the UK/Ireland ($1.5m) (Kate: Whoo hoo!!! Sorry :-}) and Australia ($1.21m).

Going foward, the film will open in several other countries, from Chile in South America to Turkey. (Kate: Yay Goz, you'll finally get to see it)

And it has yet to open in several top Asian markets, such as China, Japan, and South Korea.

All in all, not a bad showing for a small indie film, and Rob’s first outing as a lead in a movie outside of the “Twilight” series — and without Kristen Stewart.

Rob will be back in vampire form, in June when the latest “Twilight” installment “Eclipse” is released.

source the improper via robsessed
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

[Remember me] Revue de presse - Page 9 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Remember me] Revue de presse   [Remember me] Revue de presse - Page 9 Icon_minitime1Mar 13 Avr - 19:33

Cet article revient sur le succès au box office de remember Me et on dit donc que les moqueries sur Robert Pattinson vont cesser car les chiffres parlent d'eux même.

Je ne traduirais pas , non pas par fainéantise , mais car il reprend quasiment mot pout mot les chiffres qui avaient été publiés hier
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

[Remember me] Revue de presse - Page 9 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Remember me] Revue de presse   [Remember me] Revue de presse - Page 9 Icon_minitime1Dim 18 Avr - 11:00

FABRIC Magazine: Emilie de Ravin Talks About Robert Pattinson And Remember Me

Aussie-born actress Emilie de Ravin doesn’t fit the blonde, Hollywood airhead mould. She has a lot to say for herself with a refreshing outspokenness that immediately lets you know that she’s no ordinary girl. But nor is her latest movie, Remember Me, an ordinary story.

“The thing that really pisses me off with a lot of scripts and films is that they are too idealistic,” asserts de Ravin. “This was real and gritty; beautiful and ugly; sexy and sad – but romantic at the same time.” And if anyone understands the complexities of relationships it’s Emilie who, at just 29, has already been married and divorced, to actor Josh Janowicz. “When I read the script, I knew I needed to play this character. I remember thinking, ‘If I don’t get this, I’ll quit.’”
In Remember Me de Ravin plays Ally Craig, a young woman trying to return to normality after seeing her mother tragically killed, when Tyler, played by Twilight hunk Robert Pattinson, walks into her life. “I think Ally isn’t ruling out love, but neither is she looking for it,” explains de Ravin. “They launch into something that attracts them not just physically but on a mental and intellectual level, too. It feels very real,” she says. So what was it like working with man-of-the-moment R-Patz? “I didn’t know who Rob was!” she laughs. Surely not? “Really – I just read the script and fell in love with it.” This is typical of de Ravin’s attitude to Hollywood: for her, it’s more about picking the right projects and being lucky enough to be surrounded by decent people, than being a star.

source via spunk ransom
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

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MessageSujet: Re: [Remember me] Revue de presse   [Remember me] Revue de presse - Page 9 Icon_minitime1Dim 18 Avr - 11:20

FABRIC Magazine: Emilie de Ravin parle de Robert Pattinson et de Remember Me

L'actrice australienne Emilie de Ravin ne coprrespond pas au stéréotype de la blonde Hollywoodienne. Elle a des tas de chose à dire et est très volubile, et donc on comprends tout de suite que ce n'est pas une fille ordinaire . D'ailleurs son nouveau film Remember Me n'est pas une histoire ordinaire.

“Ce qui m'agace dans de nombreux scripts et films c'est qu'ils sont trop idéalistes ,” affirme de Ravin. “Ce film est si réaliste ;beau et moche ; sexy et triste – mais aussi romantique .” Et si quelqu'un peut comprendre la complexité des relations c'est bien Emilie qui , à 29 ans , fut marié et a divorcé de l'acteu r Josh Janowicz. “Quand j'ai lu le script,je savais que je devais interpréter ce personnage . Je me souviens avoir dit , ‘Si je n'ai pas ce rôle , j'arrête.’”
Dans Remember Me , de Ravin est Ally Craig, june jeune femme tentant de revenir à la normalité après avoir vu sa mère se faire tuer sous ses yeux , quand Tyler,incarné par le beau gosse de Twilight Robert Pattinson, entre dans sa vie . “je pens qu' Ally n'a pas mis de côté l'amour ,mais elle ne le cherche pas ,” explique de Ravin. “Ils se lancent alors dans quelque chose qui n'est pas que physique mais qui a un niveau intellectuel et psychologique . Ca semble si réaliste ,” dit elle . Ca a fait quoi de travailler avec l'Homme du moment R-Patz? “Je ne savais aps qui était Rob !” dit elle en riant . Sans doute pas ? “Vraiment – j'ai lu le script et je suis tombée sous le charme .”Ceci est typique de l'attitude de de Ravin vis à vis d' Hollywood: pour elle , il s'agit plus de choisir les bons projets et avoir la chance d'être entouré de bonnes personnes , plutôt qu'être une star.

source via spunk ransom
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Nombre de messages : 11161
Date d'inscription : 25/05/2009
Age : 37

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MessageSujet: Re: [Remember me] Revue de presse   [Remember me] Revue de presse - Page 9 Icon_minitime1Lun 19 Avr - 0:31

L'essentiel - Luxembourg :


Source : alixia pour robsessed
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

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MessageSujet: Re: [Remember me] Revue de presse   [Remember me] Revue de presse - Page 9 Icon_minitime1Lun 19 Avr - 13:35

Merci Sabine
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Nombre de messages : 5145
Date d'inscription : 12/11/2009
Age : 46
Localisation : au milieu des montagnes

[Remember me] Revue de presse - Page 9 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Remember me] Revue de presse   [Remember me] Revue de presse - Page 9 Icon_minitime1Jeu 3 Juin - 0:28

Nouvelle / ancienne Itw de Rob pour un magazine hongrois pour la promo de RM

100xSzép Magazine: We’ve become Robsessed!

If you ask Robert Pattinson directly about his relationship with Kristen Stewart, he usually gives an evasive answer. But what we saw at the Loews Regency Hotel in New York told us more than words ever could. Rob did not arrive alone to the press junket of his new movie Remember Me, he also brought Kristen with him. Apparently he even carried her bag at the airport. A gentleman? One of the last remaining romantic men in the world? Decide for yourself!

Do you believe in the strength of emotions, in eternal love?
Yes. I know it sounds cheesy but my parents are still in love after all the years they’ve been together. That’s true and eternal love. They’re proof that this sort of stuff exists, even if it is very rare. Almost all my old friends from school have parents who are divorced.

The set of Remember Me was swarming with fans and paparazzi. Were you able to concentrate on your work at all?
Some days I wished that there wouldn’t be so much paparazzi. For example there was this one time when I sat down on the curb and tried to get into character. I looked up, completely lost in thought… and there were all these camera flashes right in front of me. It was very hard to concentrate!

Even when you’re not working you can’t go out undetected. Have you adjusted to this yet?
It only ever gets that crazy in America; I can go anywhere I want in London. English people are more shy and they just look down instead of working up the courage to talk to me. Even when I’m standing in a DVD store next to my own poster. (laughs)

There is a fight scene in the movie. Did you ask for a stunt double?
No, that was all me. And I felt terrible afterwards. My hands didn’t stop hurting for days.

What do you do when you’re truly angry? How do you let off steam?
I go off on the people around me! (laughs) No, that’s not true of course. When I’m angry I just try to stay away from others and calm down on my own.

What’s been the most important thing you’ve learned so far?
Probably the fact that my friends and family still treat me exactly the same way as they did before I became famous. And I learned that if a relationship is honest, it can last through anything despite all the challenges we have to face and everything that happens around us.

Are you referring to your relationship with Kristen?
(He doesn’t answer, just grins widely. Pretty obvious, yes?…)

source: alexandra1116 et spunk-ransom
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Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

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MessageSujet: Re: [Remember me] Revue de presse   [Remember me] Revue de presse - Page 9 Icon_minitime1Mer 23 Juin - 10:02

“Remember Me” Co-Star, Tate Ellington Talks Rob Being Comedic

Don’t let the serious façade fool you — according to his onscreen BFF Tate Ellington, Rob Pattinson is a barrel of laughs!

When you think Robert Pattinson, you think of his dark and brooding Twilight Saga character, Edward Cullen. You don’t think: ‘Hey, R-Patz could totes be the next Russell Brand.’ But guess what? According to his Remember Me co-star Tate Ellington, Rob has all the makings of a seriously hilarious stand-up comic!

“He’d be a great [comedic actor],” the star, who played Rob’s BFF Aidan Hall in the film, which is released on DVD today, June 22, told exclusively during a phone chat June 21. “He would say these great and wonderful things that make you go ‘What?’ He would just crack you up the whole time. All the time, on set, he was always smiling. I think he’s hilarious. He could do straight-up comedy.”

In fact, Robert, 24, was SUCH a jokester that Tate thought his pal was kidding when he got hit by a cab for real while filming in NYC. The actor was at lunch when he one of the Remember Me producers got a text reading, ‘Rob has just been hit by a cab.’ “We were in the middle of soup thinking, ‘Oh God, what are we going to do?’ Tate recalls. “But it turned out that he was great, he’s fine – thank God! We were all terrified for a good half hour, but he did show back up [on set]. It felt like a practical joke, but it turned out to be real.”

Also real was the British hunk’s chemistry with leading lady Emile de Ravin. But although they were close on-set and off, Tate says that they were NOT dating (good news for all you K-Stew fans!).

“They pretty much laughed off [the hook-up rumors],” Tate tells us. “There was one day where Emile kept on getting texts about it and she was just all like ‘Oh, good lord!’ Their chemistry on and off was great. They definitely worked a lot and took it seriously to do a good job at presenting themselves as a couple.”

Tate is still close to both his co-stars. “I shot Emile a message the other day after the Lost finale. I was like ‘Thanks a lot for making me cry, you were great.’” He added, “I’ll shoot [Rob] a message every now and then when big events are coming up. When New Moon was coming out, I shot him a message saying, ‘Hang in there, best of luck, hope things won’t get too nuts.’”

Good luck with that, Tate. Do you KNOW how crazy Rob’s life is about to get when the Twilight Saga: Eclipse premieres June 30? via spunk ransom
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Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
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MessageSujet: Re: [Remember me] Revue de presse   [Remember me] Revue de presse - Page 9 Icon_minitime1Mer 23 Juin - 14:28

Traduction en cours.....
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Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: [Remember me] Revue de presse   [Remember me] Revue de presse - Page 9 Icon_minitime1Mer 23 Juin - 14:53

Le collègue de Robert Pattinson dans Remember Me” , Tate Ellington parle de sa capacité à être drôle

Ne vous laissez pas méprendre par son apparence sérieuse —selon son meilleur ami à l'écran Tate Ellington, Rob Pattinson est une machine à rire

Quand vous pensez à Robert Pattinson, vous pensez à son personnage mélancolique et sombre de Twilight , Edward Cullen. Vous ne vous dites pas ‘Hey, R-Patz pourrait sans conteste être le prochain Russell Brand.’ Mais devinez quoi? Selon Tate Ellington, Rob a tout le potentiel pour faire une comédie hilarante !

“Ce serait un grand acteur comique ,” a dit la star , qui a incarné le meilleur ami de Rob, Aidan Hall dans le film qui sort en DVD le 22 juin , en exclusivité à lors d'un entretien téléphonique le 21 juin . “Il disait ces choses incroyables et formidables qui vous faisaient réagir ‘Quoi ?’ Il se marrait tout le temps . Il souriait continuellement sur le plateau . Je pense qu'il est hilarant . Il pourrait faire une comédie.”

En fait , Robert, 24 ans , était un si grand blagueur que Tate pensait qu'il plaisantait quand il a été touché par un taxi lors du tournage à NY. L'acteur déjeunait quand un des producteurs de Remember Me a reçu un SMS , ‘Rob vient juste d'être percuté par un taxi .’ “On était en plein repas et on se disait , ‘Oh mon dieu , que va t on faire ?’ se souvient Tate . “Mais il s'est avéré que tout allait bien , qu'il allait bien – dieu merci !Nous fûmes terrifié pendant 30 minutes , mais il est venu sur le plateau . On aurait dit une de ses blagues , mais cette fois c'était la réalité.”

Une autre chose réelle: son alchimie avec Emile de Ravin. Mais bien qu'ils étaient proches sur le plateau et en dehors , Tate dit qu'ils ne sortaient pas ensemble (c'est une bonne nouvelle pour les fans de K-Stew !).

“Ils se marraient en lisant toutes ces rumeurs ,” nous a dit Tate . “Une journée, Emile n'a cessé de recevoir des SMS à ce propos et elle s'est dit ‘Oh, punaise ’ Leur entente était parfaite . Ils ont beaucoup travaillé et tenaient à rendre leur couple crédible.”

Tate est encore proche de ses collègues “J'ai envoyé à Emilie un message l'autre jour après le dernier épisode de Lost . Je lui ai dit ‘Merci de m'avoir fait pleurer , tu étais géniale .’” Il poursuit , “j'ai aussi envoyé un message [à Rob] surtout lors d'événements importants . Quand New Moon est sorti , je lui ai envoyé ce message ‘Accroche toi , bonne chance , j'espère que ce ne sera pas trop la folie.’”

Bonne chance , Tate. Sais tu à quel point la vie de Rob est pleine de folie et que l'avant première d' Eclipse a lieu le 30 juin? via spunk ransom
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Nombre de messages : 13333
Date d'inscription : 05/06/2010
Age : 63
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MessageSujet: Re: [Remember me] Revue de presse   [Remember me] Revue de presse - Page 9 Icon_minitime1Mer 23 Juin - 15:18

Merci ptiteaurel !
On le sait que Rob à la joie de vivre !
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Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

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MessageSujet: Re: [Remember me] Revue de presse   [Remember me] Revue de presse - Page 9 Icon_minitime1Mer 23 Juin - 15:21

Y'a vraiment que Rob pour croire qu'il n'a aucun potentiel comique [Remember me] Revue de presse - Page 9 844734

[Remember me] Revue de presse - Page 9 285756 merci ptitaurel
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Nombre de messages : 242
Date d'inscription : 07/03/2010
Age : 39

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MessageSujet: Re: [Remember me] Revue de presse   [Remember me] Revue de presse - Page 9 Icon_minitime1Jeu 24 Juin - 23:18

Valeriane a écrit:
Y'a vraiment que Rob pour croire qu'il n'a aucun potentiel comique [Remember me] Revue de presse - Page 9 844734

[Remember me] Revue de presse - Page 9 285756 merci ptitaurel

Absolument d'accord avec toi Valériane !!!
Rob est une vraie bête de foire (pour reprendre les termes de Mike dans Twilight [Remember me] Revue de presse - Page 9 793733 ) [Remember me] Revue de presse - Page 9 557397
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Nombre de messages : 11161
Date d'inscription : 25/05/2009
Age : 37

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MessageSujet: Re: [Remember me] Revue de presse   [Remember me] Revue de presse - Page 9 Icon_minitime1Lun 28 Juin - 21:52

‘Remember Me’ alive with emotion :

There is an elephant in the room, metaphorically. He is a most handsome, most famous, most perplexing elephant. His name is Robert Pattinson, a superstar among Twi-hards who follow his every breathless, bloodless moment in the Twilight series.

But "the room" is an American indie film called Remember Me, beautifully crafted with an air of thoughtful melancholy by director Allen Coulter. This is the story of a New York university student estranged from his wealthy father, in trouble with cops, and intrigued by the daughter of one detective who has already smashed his face in during an alley fight. The film just debuted on DVD following its modest theatrical run, timed to coincide with Friday's release of The Twilight Saga: Eclipse.

In Remember Me, Pattinson gets to play a real human being in a romantic drama populated by other functioning humans. They are flawed, complex, interesting people played by Pierce Brosnan, Chris Cooper, Lena Olin, wonderful child actress Ruby Jerins and Australian discovery Emile de Ravin as the object of Pattinson's burning desire. No one drinks blood, although this saga is rife with tragedy.

Coulter, a New Yorker, is on the phone explaining how Pattinson, already cast in the first Twilight, was eager to find an antidote -- something radically different -- even before its release. Executives at Summit Entertainment, producers of Twilight, were looking to help out.

"Honestly," Coulter recalls of an early luncheon meeting with Pattinson, "he was not known, Twilight had not been released and there was no way to see it. We just knew he was interested. Sitting in front of us was a guy who was scruffy, intense, charming, unpretentious."

Pattinson was freshly returned from Mexico and astonished because he had been besieged "by 50 girls at the airport," future Twi-hards who knew him from pre-release publicity. "Little did he know that this was not even the tip of the tip of the iceberg," Coulter says, laughing. "Nor did we."

After lunch, Coulter told producer Nicholas Osborne: "I don't know why but I have the instinct that this guy could do it." It would also clinch the production deal because Summit would commit to the $16 million budget. "Clearly," Coulter says now, "that's not lost on a director. That certainly gets your attention. But, if we didn't think he was right, we would have said no."

The "yes" came, Coulter recalls, "because he seemed to understand the role. He had the kind of scruffy attractiveness we needed and a hidden intensity. He was kind of secretive in a way that I thought was kind of interesting, given who his character is and how he's conflicted about his father. So we said: 'Let's just take a flier!'

"It was after that I saw Twilight and had to admit that, if I had seen it before, just because it is so radically different, I might have hesitated."

The Twilight films, Coulter says, are like silent movies and Pattinson is like 1920s star Rudolf Valentino. Pattinson was also about to go viral. "It might have given me pause because someone that famous brings a certain amount of baggage."

One problem now might be typecasting. "There will be people who cannot accept that this young man is doing something different from Twilight," Coulter says. "Or they may have an attitude about Twilight and about his fame, about his face being on the cover of magazines, and that may influence how they see the movie.

"That is something that, in my opinion, the movie will outlive and, at that point, people will simply see it as a young man in a role. And, in my opinion, I think he is perfect for the role."

Americans not in the mood

Remember Me, which co-stars Robert Pattinson and Emile de Ravin along with a rogues gallery of great character actors, is a romantic tragedy -- not a romantic comedy. That already makes it different from most Hollywood movies, especially with its melancholic mood.

"I didn't think of it as daring," says American director Allen Coulter. "But it's not a mood that most Americans necessarily sign up for. I just thought it was true to the story."

Indeed, Americans did not sign up. Remember Me earned $55 million worldwide, just $19 million of that in North America despite the star power of Twilight star Pattinson (he was cast before Twilight was released and became famous during the Remember Me shoot). Remember Me, like other challenging films that look at youth romance in an intelligent way, is now looking for its audience on DVD.

Remember Me includes reference to 9/11. "It just seemed like the ultimate version of what this whole story was about," Coulter says, "which is the event that shatters your life and changes its direction. It was a gamble, to be honest, and one that I wrestled with really until the film was finished. But it was a gamble that I was also willing to take."

Any American filmmaker who even mentions 9/11 within a fictional story is taking a risk because many people are still so sensitive about the subject. "For some, it was something that they wish I had not done," Coulter admits. "And, for others, I think it worked in the way I intended. But everybody felt the need to be as respectful and delicate as possible."

source : via thinking of rob
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
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MessageSujet: Re: [Remember me] Revue de presse   [Remember me] Revue de presse - Page 9 Icon_minitime1Mar 29 Juin - 14:47

Je ne traduis pas cet article car il reprend les déclaratins du réalisateur sur le choix de Rob , on explique l'histoire de RM etc...
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Nombre de messages : 11161
Date d'inscription : 25/05/2009
Age : 37

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MessageSujet: Re: [Remember me] Revue de presse   [Remember me] Revue de presse - Page 9 Icon_minitime1Lun 26 Juil - 17:52

Robert Pattinson's Remember Me co-star Tate Ellington on working with a heartthrob

Robert Pattinson EXCLUSIVE: Remember Me's Tate Ellington on life as a Twilight hunk

Being mobbed every time you leave the house is all in a day's work for Robert Pattinson.

But for Tate Ellington, who played Robert Pattinson's on-screen best friend in Remember Me, thousands of screaming fans following you down the street is one helluva terrifying experience.'s Nicola McCafferty spent an evening chatting with Tate, the self-effacing actor who starred as Aidan Hall, about what life is like for the Twilight hunk; how tricky it is working with him and how they escaped the hysteria...

What was it like working with Rob on Remember Me, did you guys strike up an instant rapport?

"Yeah I think so [I hope so]! I met Rob at the screen test and luckily I wasn't too nervous that day as I was like I probably won't get the job so...

"But when I got the job and I met him again, he was automatically as nice as can be and I had to make a point to be more talkative as I can be really shy, and Rob had a bit of shyness too.

"I was happy he wasn't like this big jerk coming into the room and he was utterly always so humble and nice about everything."

You played Rob's best friend in the movie, did you guys spend time getting to know each other in preparation?

"After I got the job we had a couple of times where we would go to the hotel where he was staying and get to know each other.

"We sat around and had a beer and just chatted - it was good.

"I felt very comfortable with him from the get go. And I met Emilie de Ravin not long after, and automatically we were all jerking around!"

You had just finished a stint on Broadway with actor Matthew Broderick when you got the Remember Me job. Were you used to working with big Hollywood stars by the time you met the cast?

"Oh yeah! I was pretty terrified! Initially I was really excited when I found out who was gonna be in it but everybody was so nice...there was never any reason to be intimidated."

Were you a Twilight fan before you started working on this movie?

"I was not... I actually made a point not to watch Twilight [when I got the role], but a girl I was dating at the time was an insane fan about it.

"She explained to me all four books, I was like that sounds great I might read that at some point! She was also a Harry Potter fan and got me hooked on it and when I heard Rob was in it, I was like Oh Cedric Diggory! Oh no wait, Twilight... [laughs]

"I watched Twilight not too long after we finished shooting and I kinda expected it to be a bit girly but it was good - I was like, way to go Rob!"

"At some point I have to watch New Moon - I still haven't seen it. But it feels weird now - you're like watching a friend.

Rob quite famously got mobbed by dozens of fans on the New York set... What was that like?

"It was like a running joke [when Rob got mobbed on-set.]

"The producers sort of prepped me, they were like this sort of thing might be happening and I got there the first day and exactly that happened and I was like woah, you weren't kidding!

"We had to figure out how we were gonna get round it. It was tricky."

How did Rob cope with all the attention?

"He was so great, I dunno if i could do that everyday, the guy can't even walk down the street - that would probably throw me.

"But it was hilarious 'cos everyday you knew exactly when Rob was gonna show up on set, you'd just hear the screams and you'd be like - oh Rob's coming!

"We always got a kick of that. The crew handled it really amazingly.

"You just kinda got used to it and it was nice - everyday there was just a lot of people there to say hello!"

Did he get a bit freaked out the time?

"Rob was initially a bit... New York is quite an enclosed space but he figured it out.

"[But] he was always so nice to all the fans.

"It was always overnight for him. I think he's really settling into it now. I think he's done a great job with it.

"i dunno if I could cope with it... It would freak me out."

How would you describe your character, Aidan, in the film?

"He's a complete jerk and anyone would punch this guy in the face, but regardless of all the things he says and does he has the best intentions.

What drew you to the role?

"When I read the script I was like, I want this guy to show through in the moments where he can.

"He has a big heart and he feels things for this people. Tyler is like his adopted family and he's always trying to look out for his friend.

"He's the kinda guy you can call whenever you're in any sort of trouble and he'll be there in a heartbeat."

source : via twitter KStewDevotee via livejournal pattinsonlife

Dernière édition par Sabine le Lun 26 Juil - 18:00, édité 1 fois
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Date d'inscription : 12/11/2009
Age : 46
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MessageSujet: Re: [Remember me] Revue de presse   [Remember me] Revue de presse - Page 9 Icon_minitime1Lun 26 Juil - 17:58

[Remember me] Revue de presse - Page 9 624219 tu m'as devancé de quelques secondes lol! [Remember me] Revue de presse - Page 9 737911
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