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 [Twilight] Spike Scream Awards 2009

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Nombre de messages : 16344
Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

[Twilight] Spike Scream Awards 2009 - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Twilight] Spike Scream Awards 2009   [Twilight] Spike Scream Awards 2009 - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Lun 19 Oct - 14:39

[Twilight] Spike Scream Awards 2009 - Page 2 737819 ptiteaurel
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

[Twilight] Spike Scream Awards 2009 - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Twilight] Spike Scream Awards 2009   [Twilight] Spike Scream Awards 2009 - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Lun 19 Oct - 19:30

Gossip Cop fait taire les rumeurs selon lesquelles Rob et Kristen auraient enregistré un cassette pour les Scream awards

Kristen Stewart Rumors Will Not Die: Gossip Cop Wants to ‘Scream’

When Gossip Cop confirmed – for the third time – that Kristen Stewart didn’t participate in Scream 2009, we thought that’d be the end of it. After all, the only “evidence” to the contrary was that Stewart happened to fly from Vancouver to Los Angeles on the same day the awards show taped. Everything else – official statements, unofficial statements, the fact Stewart didn’t attend the ceremony – seemed to suggest she would not be a part of it.

Never underestimate the stubbornness of bad gossip.

Rather than admit to perhaps being wrong, various outlets INSISTED Stewart had secretly taped material to be included in the show’s broadcast next week. One even charmingly recommended Gossip Cop “Chirp when the TAPED show airs .. Surprise, Surprise.”

Gossip Cop doesn’t “chirp.” We collect facts and report.

When Gossip Cop asked specifically, “If there are going to be any TAPED pieces from Kristen Stewart and/or Robert Pattinson added to the final broadcast,” a rep for the awards show vehemently declared, “NO!”

We don’t pretend to be perfect. We will be wrong on occasion.

But unlike almost everyone else, we’ll own up to it when it happens. We were right about Stewart and Scream 2009.

source gossip cop
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[Twilight] Spike Scream Awards 2009
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