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 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set

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34 participants
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Nombre de messages : 16344
Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

[New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set   [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Mer 27 Mai - 5:05

Toujours en Edward le 26.05

Photobucket Photobucket

source : radaronline via spunk ransom
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

[New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set   [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Mer 27 Mai - 14:16

Ah la tête lol!
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Nombre de messages : 796
Date d'inscription : 27/03/2009
Age : 47
Localisation : Nice

[New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set   [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Mer 27 Mai - 15:28

ouais bof pas terrible y en a des mieux!!! [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 565945
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Nombre de messages : 181
Date d'inscription : 20/04/2009
Age : 45
Localisation : au Québec

[New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set   [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Mer 27 Mai - 18:51

effectivement ca ne vallait meme pas la peine de les mettre de la part de radaronline via spunk ransom
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Nombre de messages : 16344
Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

[New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set   [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Mer 27 Mai - 18:58

beh écoute je préfère tout mettre. ça montre qu'il n'est pas toujours sublimement beau.

enfin bon passons

photos prises hier sur le plateau de tournage

[New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_si10 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_si11 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_si12 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_si13 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_si14 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_si15 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_si16 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_si17 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_si18 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_si19 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_si20

source : X17online
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Nombre de messages : 16344
Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

[New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set   [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Mer 27 Mai - 19:31

Kristen et Dakota, séance maquillage pour Kristen, Chris Weitz, les figurants en costume, la doublure de Robert Pattinson

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

source : L&LL - x17online
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Nombre de messages : 16344
Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

[New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set   [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Mer 27 Mai - 19:56

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

source : just jared

je ne m'en remets pas là [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 33771 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 580948
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

[New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set   [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Mer 27 Mai - 19:58

moi non plus [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 598500
Par contre je ne me souvenais plus que dans Twilight edward avait autant de grain de beauté scratch
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Nombre de messages : 16344
Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

[New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set   [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Mer 27 Mai - 20:00

euh non en fait ce sont les repères pour l'effet scintillement qui sera fait en post production avec les effets spéciaux Wink
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

[New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set   [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Mer 27 Mai - 20:01

ah non je suis trop conne [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 557397 désolée pour ma connerie les fillles [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 424157
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Nombre de messages : 16344
Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

[New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set   [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Mer 27 Mai - 20:17

j'en ramène d'autres de laineygossip elles finissent de s'héberger
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Nombre de messages : 16344
Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

[New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set   [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Mer 27 Mai - 20:21

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

source : laineygossip
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Nombre de messages : 206
Date d'inscription : 09/04/2009
Age : 47
Localisation : très à l'est

[New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set   [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Mer 27 Mai - 20:43

OUAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH je suis au bout du bout quel corps d'athlète.On voit qu'il a fait de a muscu depuis Dali
[New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 33771 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740
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Nombre de messages : 11161
Date d'inscription : 25/05/2009
Age : 37

[New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set   [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Mer 27 Mai - 20:47

ptiteaurel a écrit:

Par contre je ne me souvenais plus que dans Twilight edward avait autant de grain de beauté scratch

C'est la réflexion que je me suis faite en voyant les photos lol! ...c'est qu'après que je me suis dis que c'était pour les effets spéciaux Laughing

Sinon que dire à part que j'aime ces photos [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 480877 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 480877 ! déjà bah rob torse nu c'est pas tout les jours qu'on voit ca [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 731333 et la scène des retrouvailles fait parti de celle que j'ai le plus hâte de voir dans le film ! Vivement le 18 novembre tiens qu'on puisse voir ca sur grand écran! Very Happy

Dernière édition par Sabine le Mer 27 Mai - 20:50, édité 1 fois
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Nombre de messages : 582
Date d'inscription : 26/03/2009
Age : 50
Localisation : 28230

[New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set   [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Mer 27 Mai - 20:49

hou lala!!
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Nombre de messages : 16344
Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

[New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set   [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Mer 27 Mai - 20:51

d'autres à venir (en cours d'hébergement)
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Nombre de messages : 16344
Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

[New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set   [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Mer 27 Mai - 21:05

Nouvelles photos et photos sans tag

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

source : celebrity gossip,, just jared
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

[New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set   [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Mer 27 Mai - 21:11

[New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 33771 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 598500 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 580948
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Nombre de messages : 16344
Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

[New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set   [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Mer 27 Mai - 21:20

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

source : radaronline
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Nombre de messages : 206
Date d'inscription : 09/04/2009
Age : 47
Localisation : très à l'est

[New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set   [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Mer 27 Mai - 21:48

Vous voulez me tuer ou quoi.J'ai cru avoir une attaque;là je vais prendre une douche pour me raffraichire un peu [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 580948
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Nombre de messages : 10
Date d'inscription : 11/05/2009
Age : 50
Localisation : LORRAINE

[New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set   [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Mer 27 Mai - 21:50

alors la !!
je suis a moitié evanoui !!
peut on etre aussi beau ??
ben , oui la preuve , quel torse , quel baiser !! je veux ca aussi moi [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 60230
en tout cas merci pour ces "photos" elles sont magnifiques !!
oh my god !!
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Nombre de messages : 796
Date d'inscription : 27/03/2009
Age : 47
Localisation : Nice

[New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set   [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Mer 27 Mai - 21:57

[New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 33771 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 580948 il a fait de la muscu !!!! le resultat est [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 67740 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 480877 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 480877 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 480877 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 480877 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 480877 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 480877 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 480877 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 480877 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 480877 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 480877 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 480877 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 480877

[New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 598500 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 598500 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 598500 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 598500 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 598500 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 598500 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 598500 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 598500 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 598500
[New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 580948 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 580948 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 580948 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 580948 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 580948 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 580948 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 580948 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 580948 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 580948

bon je sais ca fait un abus de smileys mais j ai du mal a exprimer ce que viens de voir!!!
[New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 332631
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Nombre de messages : 16344
Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

[New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set   [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Mer 27 Mai - 22:02

[New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_01-1 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_02-1 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_03-1 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_04-1 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_05-1 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_06-1 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_07-1 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_08-1 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_09-1 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_10-2 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_11-2 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_12-2 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_13-2 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_14-2 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_15-2 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_16-2 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_17-2 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_18-2 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_19-2 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_20-2 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_21-2 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_22-1 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_23-1 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_24-1 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_25-1 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_26-1 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_27-1 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_28-1 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_29-1 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_30-1 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_31-1 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_32-1 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_33-1 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_34-1 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_35-1 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_36-1 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_37-1 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_38-1 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_39-1 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_40 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_41 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_42 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_43 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_44 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_45 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_46 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_47 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_48 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_49 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_50 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_51 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_52 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_53 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_54 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_55 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_56 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_57 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_58 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_59 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_60 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_61 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_62 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_63 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_64 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_65

source : mrpattinson
hébergement : twilighters
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Nombre de messages : 16344
Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

[New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set   [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Mer 27 Mai - 22:07

[New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_gallery_main-shirtless2-robertpatti [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_gallery_main-shirtless2-robertpa-1 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_gallery_main-shirtless2-robertpa-2 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_gallery_main-shirtless2-robertpa-3 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_gallery_main-shirtless2-robertpa-4 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_gallery_main-shirtless2-robertpa-5 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_gallery_main-shirtless-robertpattin [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_gallery_main-shirtless-robertpat-1 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_gallery_main-shirtless-robertpat-2 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_gallery_main-shirtless-robertpat-3 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_gallery_main-shirtless-robertpat-4 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_gallery_main-robertpattinson-kriste [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_gallery_main-robertpattinson-kri-1 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_gallery_main-robertpattinson-kri-2 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_gallery_main-robertpattinson-kri-3 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_gallery_main-robertpattinson-kri-4 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_gallery_main-robertpattinson-kri-5 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Th_gallery_main-robertpattinson-kri-6

source : socialite life
hébergement twilihgters
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Nombre de messages : 722
Date d'inscription : 08/04/2009
Age : 47

[New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set   [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Mer 27 Mai - 22:14

[New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 765273 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 60230 [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 33771
genial genial j ai encore plus hate de le voir !!!!
mon dieu torse nu en plus mais ils veulent nous tuer ou quoi ?????
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[New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set   [New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set - Page 7 Icon_minitime1

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[New Moon - Photos] Cast on the set
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