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 [Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011

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Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

[Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011 Empty
MessageSujet: [Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011   [Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011 Icon_minitime1Ven 25 Fév - 15:48

I do not know why but all the interviews with Robert Pattinson, almost all at least start with a description of how he is dressed. My interview, however, has not yet written: it will be ready in Italy at the release of his new movie after “Twilight” , I mean ” Water for Elephants”; probably in May. But when I know that it will take me just to do something different, I will not say anything about how he was dressed.

But I also know that in the case of Pattinson, even the smallest detail can not be wasted, because millions of women worldwide, from 9 years old, would sacrifice more than just broken a nail just to get their hands on the smallest news about him. Here, then, a detailed account of Pattinson look. Meanwhile, the location, a second floor suite at the Four Seasons hotel in Los Angeles. Then the time: are the 3 and a half in the afternoon and although it is not his first interview of the day, he seems to be just pulled out of bed.

Finally he arrives: He pours himself a cup of coffee, “;I need to wake up”, he apologizes. And, indeed, he has the sleepy face, but her eyes incredibly clear. Then he sits down and puts his feet near the coffee table in front of the chair. He wears a pair of jeans blacks, quite narrow at the bottom to move back on bended knees exposing a piece of skin between the short socks (and those blacks) and the edge of his trousers. He has white skin, dark hairs and sparse. At the foot wears a pair of Dr. Martens, ça va sans dire, black. Complete put a T-shirt and a jacket that I would say vintage eye. The hair is shaved on the neck, with a little part visible front of the bunch, the skin is clear and smooth. And then his lips: I swear, the more red I’ve ever seen in a man …..

source : anglaise :
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

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MessageSujet: Re: [Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011   [Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011 Icon_minitime1Ven 25 Fév - 17:35

Traduction en cours...
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

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MessageSujet: Re: [Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011   [Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011 Icon_minitime1Ven 25 Fév - 17:52

Je ne sais pas pourquoi toutes les interviews de Robert Pattinson, enfin presque toutes, débutent avec une description de la manière dont il est habillé. Mon interview, cependant , n'est pas encore écrite : ça sera prêt en Italie pour la sortie de son nouveau film post “Twilight” , ” Water for Elephants”; sans doute en mai. Mais lorque je sais que je vais devoir faire quelque chose de différent, je ne dirais rien sur sa tenue.

Mais je sais aussi que dans le cas de Pattinson, même le détail le plus infime ne doit être négligé , car des millions de femmes dans le monde , dès 9 ans , pourrait sacrifier plus qu'un ongle cassé pour mettre la main sur la moindre nouvelle sur lui. Voici donc un rapport détaillé du look de Pattinson . Pendant ce temps , le lieu , une suite au 2ème étage du Four Seasons de Los Angeles. Puis le moment : 15h30 et bien que ce ne soit pas sa 1ère interview du jour , on dirait qu'il sort juste du lit.

Il arrive enfin : il se verse une tasse de café, “ Je dois me réveiller” s'excuse t-il. Et en effet, il a un visage ensommeillé , mais ses yeux sont incroyablement clairs. Puis il s'asseoit et met ses pieds près de la table où se trouve le café , en face de la chaise. Il porte un jean noir ,assez étroit en bas et on repasse vers ses genoux pliés exposant un bout de peau entre ses courtes chaussettes ( noires aussi) et le bas de son jeans. Il a la peau blafarde , des cheveux foncés et clairsemés. Aux pieds, il a une paire de Dr. Martens, cela va sans dire, noire Pour compléter le tout un T-shirt et une veste qui selon moi est vintage. Ses cheveux sont rasés devant , avec une part visible de houppe, la peau est claire et lisse . Et ensuite ses lèvres : je jure que ce sont les lèvres les plus rouges que j'ai vu chez un homme …..

source : anglaise :
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Nombre de messages : 13333
Date d'inscription : 05/06/2010
Age : 62
Localisation : Trop loin de lui

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[Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011 598150
pour ce début d'interview qui ne sortira qu'en mai ... lol!
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Nombre de messages : 2579
Date d'inscription : 31/12/2010
Age : 33
Localisation : Belgique

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:val: et [Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011 598150 pour cet prewiew de l'interview !! [Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011 793733

Mon dieu qu'il va falloir attendre jusqu'en mai ! lol

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Nombre de messages : 14223
Date d'inscription : 17/11/2009
Age : 51
Localisation : suisse

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[Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011 737819 les filles
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Nombre de messages : 9405
Date d'inscription : 16/03/2009
Age : 51
Localisation : ici et ailleurs

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[Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011 737819 les filles.
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Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

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MessageSujet: Re: [Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011   [Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011 Icon_minitime1Sam 26 Fév - 6:54

[Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011 598150

j'étais interpelée par le cheveu "clairsemé" [Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011 844734 (on a l'impression qu'il fait un début de calvitie lol)

du coup j'ai vérifié l'italien "radi" et en anglais ça donne "radi" du verbe "radere" :

(rasare) to shave(irregular) [persona, testa, viso, gambe]

donc je pense que la journaliste sous entend qu'il a le cheveu court Wink

pour le coup des lèvres rouges, c'est peut être parce qu'il passe son temps à bisouiller sa belle [Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011 373855
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Nombre de messages : 11161
Date d'inscription : 25/05/2009
Age : 37

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MessageSujet: Re: [Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011   [Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011 Icon_minitime1Mar 29 Mar - 19:34

Un autre avant goût de l'interview :


While waiting to come back for working on the Twilight Saga, he is playing the lover of a married woman. But being a cheater for him will be really hard.

You don't have to be smart to understand that, generally speaking, there is worst than became a poster-guy who needs to hide from the fans in a five star hotel room around the world. And it looks like Robert is a very smart guy. But is also looks like, in his everyday life, that he didn't took his destiny from the bright side. He is young (25 years old in May), he has money, success, a job, actor, which half of the world would love to have and all the women whom he could have. But you can see he is not happy.

The reason, I believe, is because he is smart enought to understand that he is not that special. He is still down-to-earth even when the whole world is going crazy for him. That makes him a good person, but so so lonely. I met him a few weeks ago, for the promotion of the movie "Water for Elephants".

Born in a normal English family - his mother working for a model agency, his father used to sell vintage cars - he was going to work on international relations. His role as Cedric in Harry Potter and the Globet of Fire was a lucky event and the same was for the role that was going to change is life: the Vampire Edward Cullen in Twilight.

Water for Ekephants is a romance movie. "What attracted me was the historical period, the great depression, the circus, it's fascinating".

The main plot is however the story between Jacob and Marlena. "Even if at the beginning you are thinking "oh now he comes and sees her, they like each other they run away together" the story is more than that. Jacob is ready to give, not to take. Best relationship ever".

Could you have an affair with a married woman?

"Life is not black or white. There are married people that don't share anything. How can you call that a marriage? There is something I can't even understand: why people cheat?"

You can't understand something that most people do???

“I can understand the impulse, but not how you can maintain a long-standing relationship at the same time. And though I realize that can happen to those who have children, I can't really understand how someone free of any commitment could possible choose to have four women at the same time. it must be like hell for a man”

You don't believe in cheating. What about in the happly ever after, like a movie ending?

“My parents met when my mom was 17 and my father 25, they are still together and seem very happy. I grew up believing that you can be together all life."

The whole interview will be on the next issue of vanity fair out on March 30th

source :, traduction anglaise : via livejournal pattinsonlife
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Nombre de messages : 13333
Date d'inscription : 05/06/2010
Age : 62
Localisation : Trop loin de lui

[Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011   [Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011 Icon_minitime1Mar 29 Mar - 20:52

[Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011 624219
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

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MessageSujet: Re: [Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011   [Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011 Icon_minitime1Mar 29 Mar - 21:17

Trad en cours....
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

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MessageSujet: Re: [Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011   [Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011 Icon_minitime1Mar 29 Mar - 21:38

En attendant de retourner sur le tournage de Twilight , il incarne l'amant d'une femme mariée. Mais faire preuve d'infidélité serait très dur pour lui.

Vous ne devez pas être intelligent pour comprendre ça. Il y a pire qu'être le gars sur les posters qui doit se cacher des fans dans un hôtel 5 étoiles voyageant dans le monde entier. Et il semblerait que Robert soit un mec très futé. Mais il semblerait aussi , dans sa vie de tous les jours, qu'il n'ait pas pris le bon côté des choses. Il est jeune (25 ans en Mai), il a de l'argent, du succès , du travail , il est acteur , et la moitié des gens paieraient pour être à sa place sans oublier toutes les femmes qu'il pourrait avoir .Mais ça se voit qu'il n'est pas heureux.

La raison , je pense , c'est qu'il est assez intelligent pour comprendre qu'il n'a rien de spécial. Il est toujours terre à terre même si le monde entier est fou de lui . Ca fait de lui une bonne personne mais si seule. Je l'ai rencontré il y a quelques semaines, pour la promotion de "Water for Elephants".

Né dans une famille anglaise traditionnelle – sa mère travaillait pour une agence de mannequin , son père vendait des voitures de collection – il devait faire des études de relations internationales. Son rôle de Cedric dans Harry Potter et la coupe de feu fut une chance pour lui et on peut dire la même chose du rôle qui a changé sa vie : le Vampire Edward Cullen dans Twilight.

Water for Elephants est un film romantique. "Ce qui m'a attiré fut la période historique, la Grande Dépression, le cirque, c'est fascinant".

L'intrigue principale est cependant l'histoire entre Jacob et Marlena. "Même si au début vous vous dites "oh , il arrive , la voit , ils s'aiment et s'enfuient ensemble" , l'histoire va au delà. Jacob est prêt à tout donner , et à ne rien prendre. C'est la meilleure relation qui puisse être.

Auriez vous pu avoir une relation avec une femme mariée?

"La vie ne se résume pas au bien ou au mal. Il y a des gens mariés qui ne partagent rien. Comment peut t-on nommer ça un mariage? Il y a un truc que je ne comprends pas: pourquoi les gens trompent-ils leur époux/ épouses?"

Vous ne pouvez pas comprendre une chose que la plupart des gens font???

“Je peux comprendre la tentation, mais pas comment gérer une autre relation en même temps. Et bien que je sache que cela peut arriver à des personnes avec des enfants , je ne comprends pas comment une personnne libre de tout engagement peut choisir de voir 4 femmes en même temps: ça doit être l'enfer pour un homme”

Vous ne croyez pas à l'infidélité. Et au dicton " Ils se marrièrent et eurent beaucoup d'enfant", comme dans les films?

“Mon père a rencontré ma mère à 17 ans et mon père en avait 25, ils sont encore ensemble et semblent très heureux. J'ai grandi avec la conviction qu'on pouvait être ensemble pour toute la vie"

L'interview complète dans le prochain numéro de vanity fair en kiosque le 30 mars

source :, traduction anglaise : via livejournal pattinsonlife
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Nombre de messages : 5145
Date d'inscription : 12/11/2009
Age : 46
Localisation : au milieu des montagnes

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Nombre de messages : 10897
Date d'inscription : 18/01/2010
Age : 65
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[Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011 624219 [Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011 598150 qu'est ce qu'il est bien ce gars là [Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011 859906 [Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011 862141
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Nombre de messages : 9405
Date d'inscription : 16/03/2009
Age : 51
Localisation : ici et ailleurs

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MessageSujet: Re: [Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011   [Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011 Icon_minitime1Mar 29 Mar - 22:54

[Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011 737819 Les filles.
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Nombre de messages : 632
Date d'inscription : 30/09/2010
Age : 51
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MessageSujet: Re: [Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011   [Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011 Icon_minitime1Mar 29 Mar - 23:19

[Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011 737819
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Date d'inscription : 19/01/2010
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Patty a écrit:
[Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011 624219 [Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011 598150 qu'est ce qu'il est bien ce gars là [Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011 859906 [Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011 862141
+1 [Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011 737819 Sabine et Ptiteaurel [Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011 352319
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Nombre de messages : 507
Date d'inscription : 06/03/2011
Age : 36
Localisation : PARIS

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MessageSujet: Re: [Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011   [Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011 Icon_minitime1Mar 29 Mar - 23:31

jadore !

[Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011 737819 Les filles
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Nombre de messages : 13333
Date d'inscription : 05/06/2010
Age : 62
Localisation : Trop loin de lui

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[Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011 481428 [Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011 765273
[Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011 598150 pour la traduction
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Nombre de messages : 11161
Date d'inscription : 25/05/2009
Age : 37

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Scans du magazine :

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

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Nombre de messages : 13333
Date d'inscription : 05/06/2010
Age : 62
Localisation : Trop loin de lui

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MessageSujet: Re: [Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011   [Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011 Icon_minitime1Mer 30 Mar - 12:30

[Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011 624219 pour les scans
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Nombre de messages : 507
Date d'inscription : 06/03/2011
Age : 36
Localisation : PARIS

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MessageSujet: Re: [Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011   [Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011 Icon_minitime1Mer 30 Mar - 12:47

[Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011 624219
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

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[Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011 624219
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Nombre de messages : 14223
Date d'inscription : 17/11/2009
Age : 51
Localisation : suisse

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[Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011 737819 les filles
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

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MessageSujet: Re: [Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011   [Web] Interview pour Vanity Fair Italie - Mai 2011 Icon_minitime1Mer 30 Mar - 16:10

Rob's Full Interview with Vanity Fair Translated

Full translation thanks to CSI_Robsten

You don’t have to be intelligent to understand that, generally speaking, there’s worse than becoming a poster guy who has to hide from hordes of screaming fans into five-star hotels all around the world. And Robert Pattinson sounds very intelligent. He’s young (he’s turning 25 in May), has a lot of money, success, a job which loads of people envy him and could have all the women he wants. Yet, it stands out a mile he’s not happy about it. And I guess the reason is that he is intelligent enough to understand not to be so special.

He’s very down to earth, while everyone around him goes crazy. That makes him a good guy, but terribly alone. We wouldn’t be surprised if one day he decided to pack and leave. I met him some weeks ago for the promotion of his new movie Water For Elephants.

He’s just bought a dog. He really wanted it. “I don’t know how I’ll handle it, but if you have to travel around the world, it’s good to have a mate. I took him from the animal shelter: I laugh if I think that he went from a shelter to a suit of the Four Season Hotel.” It’s not what happened to him. Well, almost.

Rob was born in London; his mother worked for a modeling agency, and his father Richard, imported vintage cars from the U.S; when he was a child he thought he would deal with International relations. But then he got the part of Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the goblet of fire. It happened by chance as well as for the the role of Edward Cullen that has changed his life.

Music was his passion, but he had to put it aside for now. “I play sometimes, but you have to be concentrated to do it seriously, and I do not have so much time right now.” I point out that many actors do both, he bursts out laughing “yeah, but look at the results. It’s embarassing”.

So, apart from changing the subject when speaking about his relationship with Kristen Stewart (not even Oprah managed to make him talking), Robert says he spends his time working (mostly) and among beers, gym, cigarettes and junk food. But he really needs to sleep, he adds. “I worked last night. I’ve just come back from Lousiana”. Luckily at that age, sleep deprivation doesn’t make wrinkles on your face, but makes it look sexier somehow.

In Louisiana he’s shooting the first and the second part of Breaking Dawn at once. The first one is coming out on November 18th, 2011. Meanwhile in LA, Rob’s trying to build a career outside of Twilight. In Water For Elephants he plays Jacob, a veterinary school student struck by his parents’ death. With no money and no home, he starts wandering until he sees a train of a circus and jumps on it. There he meets two creatures: the elephant Rosie, and the star of the show Marlena (Reese Witherspoon), who is also the despotic ringmaster’s wife (Christopher Waltz).

Is it true that the first thing you do when you are given a script is read the first and the last line?
“If the screenwriter is good, the beginning and the its work and there’s a 75% chance it’s a good story. Otherwise, the best thing to do is forget it. Today the problem is that scripts with the worst-written first pages are those that are made into movies and and make more money.”

-Are you saying that Twilight is bad-written?
“Things don’t always work this way. But it’s true that when I first read it, it didn’t appeal to me. I couldn’t understand what was so special and why everybody was so into it.”

- Water For Elephants is a romantic movie.
“Yeah, but what appealed to me was the historical period, the Great Depression and the circus. It’s so intriguing. Chlidren don’t dream of running away with a film crew, but with the circus. It still happens today, I guess. At least they did in the 30’s, when there was no tv and no cinema down the street. Besides I liked that it was also about animals and and human-animal relationship (he stops and bursts out laughing). I know, it sounds weird this way.”

-Anyway, the fact remains that it’s mostly about the love story between Jacob and Marlena.
“In the beginning, you may think “oh there comes the guy, he’s going to meet the girl and it’ll be love at first sight. Then they’re going to run away together”. But it’s not like this. It’s a more complex story. Jacob falls in love with Marlena, but doesn’t try to bring her with him. She first kisses him and then rejects him, but indeed he accepts her choice. She will always be an extraordinary woman to him, no matter what. Jacob just wants to give and doesn’t ask for anything in return. That’s the best kind of relationship.”

-Could you ever have a relationship with a married woman?
“Life is not black and white. There are married couples that never see each other. Is that marriage? But there’s a thing I’ve never got, that is why do people cheat?”

-You can’t understand a behavior which is typical of the majority of people nowadays.
“I can understand the impulse, but not how you can keep two relationship going at the same time for long. This usually happens to people with children, but I can’t really get why a non-commitment guy would choose to date four girls at the same time either. It must be hell, especially for men”.

-Why especially for men?
“I think it’s more complicated for men, because somehow they have to “provide for” their women. I’m not talking about money support, but about enthusiasm: they have to cultivate the relationship. Doing it with more women at the same time would be very hard, a real work.”

- Are you saying that because you’ve already tried?
“I’m not the casual-affair kind of guy. If I choose to be with someone it’s because I really want it. When I have a relationship, I’m 100% into it. If I felt like seeing more women at once then I wouldn’t go around saying “this is my girlfriend”.

- So you do not believe in cheating. And what about the until-death-us-do-part love, like the one in movies?
“My mother was 17 and my father was 25 when they met, they’re still together and look very happy. I’ve grown up believing that you can stay with the same person throughout your life.

- Speaking about parents, in Vanity Fair you played Reese Witherspoon’s son. But then your part was cut from the movie during the editing.
“It was my first movie. She was already famous, and I remember she was very nice to me: she always asked me if I wanted to read the lines together, if I had doubts or questions”.

- In less than 10 years you’ve turned from being mother and son into lovers. What do you think about it?
“Well, looking back on it, I think that let me play her son didn’t make any sense. I mean, she wasn’t even 28, she was too young to have a kid. That’s why they decided to cut it, apart from other problems. Another reason was that our scene together was way too depressing. The problem was that nobody told me anything. I found it out when I went to see it. At the end, someone was supposed to ask Reese “Are you going to meet Rawdy?”, that was the name of my character. She was supposed to say yes and there I would have come. But she said “no”.

- Bel Ami, starrring Christina Ricci, Uma Thurman and Kristin Scott Thomas, is coming out this year as well. You play the part of a seducer and make sex with lots of women. Then we have Breaking Dawn in November, where you and Bella finally have sex. You mentioned many times your unease shooting these kinds of scenes. Are you getting used to it?
“It wasn’t that difficult in Bel Ami, since we were dressed most of the time. Twilight worried me a lot instead: there are high expectations and everybody is talking about it. So I went to the gym every day for a month. It was the first time I was in shape in all my life.

- Was a month enough time?
“Yes, but anyway I could’t have done it for longer. Oh, you forgot Cosmopolis. That’s plenty of sex scenes. In one of them a girl shoots me with an electic gun, it’s crazy!”

- So going back to my question, are you getting used to it?
“I don’t know. But I know I will have to go back to the gym.

-You are not a physical fitness buff, aren’t you?
“I go from one extreme to the other: before starting work I practice for four hours per day, every day. Then I stop. It’s the same story with alcohol: all or nothing. In Louisiana it’s very difficult to resist temptation; but I found out that if I drink 5 beers a day, doing sport is useless. Try as you might, your body won’t change. I think I should really stop drinking, too.

source RPlife

Dernière édition par ptiteaurel le Mer 30 Mar - 18:05, édité 1 fois
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