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 [Presse] Tù Magazine (Italie) - Avril 2011

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11 participants

Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

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MessageSujet: [Presse] Tù Magazine (Italie) - Avril 2011   [Presse] Tù Magazine (Italie) - Avril 2011 Icon_minitime1Jeu 14 Avr - 17:39

[Presse] Tù Magazine (Italie) - Avril 2011 Th_tu-style-1 [Presse] Tù Magazine (Italie) - Avril 2011 Th_tu-style-4 [Presse] Tù Magazine (Italie) - Avril 2011 Th_tu-style2[Presse] Tù Magazine (Italie) - Avril 2011 Th_tu-syle-3

Tu style interviews ”I haven’t understand yet What Am I Doing Here”

An english survey says that 87% of english women, of every age wouldreplace their husbands immediately with Robert Pattinson. And thesuspect is that everywoman in the world would do the same. Pattinson,25 next may 12, a very tall man (1.85 cm) skinny, pale and apparentlyunhappy (as vampires should be), is the center of a mass idolatrysimilar only to the Leonardo di Caprio’ s (Titanic )Another movie, Breaking Dawn, divided in two chapters (first will comeout november 18th 2011, second one november 16 th, 2012) after thatdate Twilight Saga and his Edward will be in retirement. And he andKristen Stewart will be free, if they want to , to live their lovefreely, a love that they never confirmed. Since the series begun, in2008, semi-unknown Parrinson, chosen between 5000 candidates, rise tothe 15th placement between most payed actors, for Twilight Saga heasked and obtained 12.5 $ milion for every movie; when he changedgenre he renounced to a lot of money: for his new job “water forElephants” he asked only 1.5 $ milion . “But I need to put my feetdown and to wake myself”, he says very seriously. Based on Sara Gruenmost successful novel, set in the ’30, the movie follows Jacob thatbecame a veterinary in a circus by chance. And falls in love withMarlena (Reese Whiterspoon), even if she is married with theringmaster and animal trainer August (Christoph Waltz).

What attracted you of this story?
RP: The script: I react to words and descriptions in a visceral way.If I can feel myself into the story immediately, this must be theright script to do.

In 2004′ Vanity Fair you had a little cameo as Reese Whiterspoon’sson. Now you become her lover: Hollywood’s miracles?
RP: Reese is not so happy that everybody’s talking about this thing,because she says that aged her. But, to think properly, she isidentical to how she was at the time. It was my first job and she wasso sensible to come to visit me, to help me with my lines, because shenoticed that I was terrified.Every Time director said “action”, Ibecame paralyzed. When I went with a colleague to the premiere of themovie in London, we saw his scene, and mine was cut off. Nobody havetold me that. So bad! I was planning serioiusly to give up withacting, before.. starting it”
This time, in love scenes, you did not feel paralyzed, didn’t you?Reese succeded to make feel me completely at ease. In the real lifeshe is exactly how she seems on screen: very very sweet, friendly,with a positive aura

And Christoph Waltz as the villain?
Words are not enough for him. This movie is going to be appreciated bymy mother, not only because is a romantic one, but because she willfeel proud about me too: I perform myself with two Oscar winners(Reese Witerspoon won for Walk the Line in 2006, Chisthoph Waltz in2010 with Unglorious Bastards) On the set sometimes I repeated my selfthe title of a book by one of my favourites writers , Bruce Chatwin”What Am I Doing Here”

When you were a child you were fascinated or scared by the circus?
I went to see a circus only one time, it was called Zipper Circus, Istill remember it. I liked the clown and to this clown happened a lotof funny things. But in a certain moment of the show there was a caraccident with mini cars. And my sister screamed to me “the clown isdead!”, and I ve burst into tears. Some years ago she told me that wasa joke.

how is your relationship with animals?
It is funny you’re asking now because I’m the new owner of a dog. aMut with some traces of german sheperd dog. I’ve adopted it from arefuge in Louisiana before they decided to kill him, and I cannot bearit. I don’t know how I will do because I always travel. I grew up witha dog, Patty and probably it is true that you’ll always be as a child.the weird thing is that he (he has not yet a name , but probably itcan be “bear”) one day was in a refuge and the next day he went withme in a five stars hotel room in Hollywood. It seems like “Lady andthe tramp” to me.

Speaking about Hollywood, that is like a circus, isn’it?
Maybe a little, is a world where illisions are created and they try tomake people believe in them.Have you accostumed yourself to fame?I don’t know what fame is, for real, because my inner life did notchanged at all (my values did not change at all)You’re a sex symbol?see below, at the word “hollywood illusions”, before twilight I wasunable to go out for a date with a girl

And now?
Yes If I wanted to. But I’m not the sex Symbol. He is Edward, the vampireHow are you spending the money you gained?I’m so used to be a penniless that I’m not able to spend them. Lastthing I buyed with a certain value is a vintage guitar

If You were not an actor what you have done in your life?
I was absolutely convinced to become a musician. Some times I stillperfom myself to. Performing my self to an audience gives you freedomand, to tell the truth, it blows my mind ( in a good way) as no moviecan.

You stiill write songs, don’t you?
I have no time for it

And are you still writing that two “famous” novels you were writingsome years ago?
I have no time for them too

How you see your future?
I know for now what will be my next movie, Cosmopolis, based on anovel by Don DeLillo, directed by David Cronemberg, and played also byPaul Giamatti Juliette Binoche, Mathieu Amalric. Another project thatwill make my mother proud of me, and I will repeat to my self What AmI Doing Here

source robertpattinsonmoms via ToR
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

[Presse] Tù Magazine (Italie) - Avril 2011 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Presse] Tù Magazine (Italie) - Avril 2011   [Presse] Tù Magazine (Italie) - Avril 2011 Icon_minitime1Jeu 14 Avr - 17:59

Comme y'a rien de neuf, je vous en fais un résumé Wink

“Je n'ai toujours pas compris ce que je fais là”.

Selon une étude anglaise 87% des femmes échangeraient leur maris contre Robert Pattinson. Le pâle et très grand acteur est le centre d'attention des médias. Il lui reste encore deux films de la saga à promouvoir et ensuite il sera libre de vivre son amour librement avec Kristen Stewart , même si aucun n'a confirmé officiellement leur relation. Pour son nouveau film, il n'a demandé qu'1,5 millions de dollars.

Il réexplique ce qui l'a attiré sur ce film, à savoir le script, il se voyait en Jacob. On lui reparle aussi de Vanity Fair et de sa scène avec Reese Witherspoon. Cette fois ci , il était complétement à l'aise avec elle et il affirme que Reese est pareil à la ville comme à l'écran: elle est douce et a cette énergie incroyable.

Selon Rob, il n'y a aucun mot pour décrire Christoph Waltz dans ce film. Il ajoute que sa mère sera fière de lui car il joue dans un film romantique et aux côtés de deux acteurs Oscarisés. Sur le tournage, il ne cessait de se répéter le titre d'un de ses livres préférés “Qu'est ce que je fais là?” de Bruce Chatwin.

Il reparle ensuite de l'anecdote de sa visite au cirque avec sa soeur dans sa jeunesse et le traumatisme qui en est découlé suite à la blague de sa soeur sur la mort du clown. Il parle aussi de son chien et de Patty , son ancien chien qu'il a perdu il y a quelques années. L'histoire de Bear, son nouveau chien, lui fait penser à La Belle et le clochard car il passe d'un refuge à un hôtel 5 étoiles

Il dresse un parralèle entre Hollywood et le cirque car c'est un monde d'illusion. Il reparle aussi de l'époque avant Twilight où aucune fille ne voulait sortir avec lui et désormais , on dit qu'il est un sex symbol. C'est une nouvelle preuve de l'illusion.

Malgré l'argent qu'il gagne, il ne dépense pas à tort. Son dernier plaisir: une guitare vintage.

S'il n'était pas devenu acteur, il aurait fait de la musique car lorsqu'il faisait des concerts, ça lui procurait un tel plaisir mais il ne peut plus et n'a plus le temps de composer des chansons.

Son prochain film sera Cosmopolis, un autre projet qui rendra fière sa mère et qui le fera à nouveau se poser la question “Qu'est ce que je fais là?”
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Nombre de messages : 14223
Date d'inscription : 17/11/2009
Age : 51
Localisation : suisse

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MessageSujet: Re: [Presse] Tù Magazine (Italie) - Avril 2011   [Presse] Tù Magazine (Italie) - Avril 2011 Icon_minitime1Jeu 14 Avr - 18:03

[Presse] Tù Magazine (Italie) - Avril 2011 598150
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Nombre de messages : 12206
Date d'inscription : 30/03/2010
Age : 76
Localisation : Un petit coin au soleil

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MessageSujet: Re: [Presse] Tù Magazine (Italie) - Avril 2011   [Presse] Tù Magazine (Italie) - Avril 2011 Icon_minitime1Jeu 14 Avr - 18:18

[Presse] Tù Magazine (Italie) - Avril 2011 598150
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Nombre de messages : 9405
Date d'inscription : 16/03/2009
Age : 51
Localisation : ici et ailleurs

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MessageSujet: Re: [Presse] Tù Magazine (Italie) - Avril 2011   [Presse] Tù Magazine (Italie) - Avril 2011 Icon_minitime1Jeu 14 Avr - 18:33

[Presse] Tù Magazine (Italie) - Avril 2011 598150
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Nombre de messages : 13333
Date d'inscription : 05/06/2010
Age : 62
Localisation : Trop loin de lui

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MessageSujet: Re: [Presse] Tù Magazine (Italie) - Avril 2011   [Presse] Tù Magazine (Italie) - Avril 2011 Icon_minitime1Jeu 14 Avr - 18:39

[Presse] Tù Magazine (Italie) - Avril 2011 598150
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Nombre de messages : 2579
Date d'inscription : 31/12/2010
Age : 33
Localisation : Belgique

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MessageSujet: Re: [Presse] Tù Magazine (Italie) - Avril 2011   [Presse] Tù Magazine (Italie) - Avril 2011 Icon_minitime1Jeu 14 Avr - 19:21

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Nombre de messages : 3082
Date d'inscription : 19/01/2010
Age : 64
Localisation : Nancy (54)

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Nombre de messages : 10897
Date d'inscription : 18/01/2010
Age : 65
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[Presse] Tù Magazine (Italie) - Avril 2011 598150
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Nombre de messages : 6638
Date d'inscription : 11/02/2011
Age : 35

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[Presse] Tù Magazine (Italie) - Avril 2011 598150
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Nombre de messages : 507
Date d'inscription : 06/03/2011
Age : 36
Localisation : PARIS

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[Presse] Tù Magazine (Italie) - Avril 2011 598150
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Nombre de messages : 5145
Date d'inscription : 12/11/2009
Age : 46
Localisation : au milieu des montagnes

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