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 [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)

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Nombre de messages : 12206
Date d'inscription : 30/03/2010
Age : 76
Localisation : Un petit coin au soleil

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Sam 14 Aoû - 14:04

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 668138
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Nombre de messages : 13333
Date d'inscription : 05/06/2010
Age : 63
Localisation : Trop loin de lui

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Sam 14 Aoû - 15:36

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 668138
Ils étaient 5000 personnes à vouloir être Edward et aujourd'hui personne n'envie Rob [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 342587
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Sam 14 Aoû - 19:00

Tout ça parce que James Franco se dit fan de Twilight, il va avoir un rôle dans BD [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 565945 [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 668138
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Nombre de messages : 16344
Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Sam 14 Aoû - 21:40

James Franco is Not Set to Join ‘Breaking Dawn’

Is another famous face primed to join Breaking Dawn?

James Franco recently gave an interview to Esquire in which he reveals that he’s reading Twilight and explains, “It’s for a project.”

Even though the actor added, “But that [project] is way, way off. It’s just something I’m thinking about,” his choice of reading material — not surprisingly — inspired a lot of chatter.

“It’s very possible that James Franco could be joining your favorite vampire and werewolf hotties in Breaking Dawn!” chimes HollywoodLife. Dozens of other outlets, including MTV, also wondered whether the busy Eat Pray Love actor could be sinking his teeth into a Breaking Dawn role.

Well, for good or for bad: It’s not happening.

A rep for Franco tells Gossip Cop the speculation about him joining Breaking Dawn is “not true.”

Rumors often seem to come from thin air, their origins a mystery. Given the Esquire piece, this one is at least somewhat more reasonable — but it’s still inaccurate.

gossip cop
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Dim 15 Aoû - 9:54

Mais Gossip Cop, on s'en doute que c'est du pipeau. On a des neurones et on les fait aller lol!
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Jeu 26 Aoû - 11:01

Meyer a de nouveau rencontré les fans

Breaking Dawn, Motorcycles, Alternate Endings & Spoilers…

Matt: Okay, so Stephenie we were talking a little bit about how…like how in the tent scene Jacob the first initial scene he wasn’t even touching her because you know sometimes they have to censor it. What is your viewpoint…What is your opinion about how they censor some of the stuff to film from your books? Like some from the past books. Some from the present. Or the future books.

SM: Right. Right. Some of the future. I really want my kids to be able to watch these. Eclipse is a little bit for them…I mean, not that it’s like graphic in any way but just you know, when I read the kids Eclipse I did the chapter when the younger ones were asleep. And it was kind of a thing for me and my son like: “Do you understand what this is about? Let’s talk about it. Let’s have this conversation.” I think my younger ones are a little too young for you know: “What are they talking about, mommy?” And I’m like: “Okay, well when a man and a woman love each other very much…” And I just don’t really wanna go there yet till they’re ready for it! Um, and so I mean, there…I do want them to be something that…You know the fans who are nine? They’re gonna go see them anyway. And I don’t want to have their parents pissed at me you know? I’m okay with them because that’s what our imaginations are for. That’s what, you know,…we have our version of the scenes and if they did them exactly that way? Yeah, okay the rating would be prohibitive. And uh, not everybody could go and see it. And I think that we’ll…In the next one that we’ll have some nice steamy stuff. I think it’ll be good, but I think it’ll also be something that thirteen-year-olds can get into. Which is being true to your audience.

Elysa: There’s also the gory things to consider too, though.


SM: There are the gory things. And the birth scene’s gonna be tricky you know? Particularly because directors love that kind of stuff: “Alright!” We were just talking about like: “We gotta have this and that!” I dunno. It’s so funny how people are so freaked out by the birth scene.

Fansite: I’m excited about it.


Matt: I wanna see Rob chewing on Bella!


SM: I’ve noticed a real difference…


Fansite: We need a director’s cut. An unrated version.


SM: I find a kind of mind with people who have had children or been around that and people who haven’t in how they receive that. Because if you’ve been through a birth scene you know this is a messy, freaky, screamy thing. And you kind of have to take that to the x power, right? You have to take it up a notch. And so for me it was really fun to write, and I didn’t even think that it was like: “Wow, this is cool! This is blood and gore! Come on let’s go!” And then like I sent it to Jodi, who’s never had children, and she’s like—

Jodi: Well no, it wasn’t that.

SM: But I think that there’s—

Jodi: I do not have children, that is true. But, it was, again I’m thinking that it’s a YA audience is what I was thinking. I was thinking with an agent’s perspective.

SM: But I was very proud I made her squeamish.

Jodi: I was just like: “This isn’t gonna make the cut. No, I’m sorry.” I was like—

SM: It got toned down.

Jodi: What were some of the other…Didn’t you say like some of the “ripping” and the bones cracking?

SM: Yeah, there were specific words like “shredding” that we had problems with.

Matt: Is there like a manuscript or something that we could…?

SM: I’m sure there’s an original version somewhere.


Kallie: That would be awesome to read.

SM: Well you know I actually have violence in my nature, although some people doubt it. But you know it comes out in different places.

(chatter and laughter)

SM: Unless you get into really horrific car accident you’re never gonna live through something like that. I mean it’s the most violent part of your life that you’ll ever have if you’re lucky, right? Well you know it’s also good birth control, right? Reading Breaking Dawn: “I don’t wanna do that!”

LT: How do you see it playing out in your mind?

SM: Um, it’s interesting. I think that it’ll be very like the book from Bella’s perspective. So you know it’ll be what she’s seeing of this scene and everything. Um, which is actually more like Forever Dawn because we have Jacob’s perspective in this. And I don’t think that the Jacob’s perspective will be nearly as pronounced in the movies. Um you know I think it’s gonna—

Fansite: Aw.

SM: Yeah. It made me a little bit sad. I mean I think we’re gonna get some good moments, but they feel like they have to keep it Bella and Edward centric so…I mean I can see that. I know how people respond to it.

?: He’s got some good stuff though.

SM: Yeah, he does. He has some good moments.

?: It’s alright guys.


SM: But the birth scene may be, I think that now the concept is, Bella’s perspective.

LT: You know in the first movie, Twilight, where they’re sucking the blood, the venom out of her, and it’s just like flashes. It feels like it should be something like that.

SM: Yeah, something along those lines. I mean, yeah that was a good way…When Catherine did that it really did feel like Bella’s experience more than just an outside view. She was able to really personalize it which was nice. And even Edward personal too with that shot she came up with of Bella’s face kind of morphing over the days. I thought that was really beautiful.


Fansite: This is the only disruption in the…so far. The motorcycle clip, where Bella gets on the motorcycle with Jacob. Our members wanna know. They don’t think book Bella would’ve ever done that. Would’ve ever hurt Edward like that.

SM: I have read the comments and I said the exact same thing. I had…that was one of those days that I threw down. I’m like…The way that this…You know in the script I said the way that this is written, her getting on the back of the [motorcycle] is a direct response to her saying: “You lied to me. Well, I’m going with him.” And we were able the day of, and they cut down the clip that they played for MTV and stuff, we were able to soften it. We were able to get some lines in, and you’ve seen the whole thing so you know that there’s a breakaway. We tried to put in you know her response to Edward, and then now it becomes about Jacob. “Why haven’t you called me?” We switched…We tried as hard as we could to soften how that went down so it didn’t feel like something where: “Well, I’m gonna go get on the back of his motorcycle.” Because I felt like that was not Bella at all, and it’s not assertive. It’s rude. You know what I mean?

Matt: Yeah. It was like a slap in the face.

Fansite: Too reactionary.

SM: Yeah, it’s not like: “I’m a strong female character.” It’s like: “I’m a jerk.” And so yeah, that was…

Fansite: We were mad at movie Bella.

SM: Yeah, that was…

Fansite: Book Bella and I were okay, but movie Bella and I were like: “Ugh!”

S: That was very much my same reaction. I think that it, in the form that it exists in the film, is better now. I think it works somewhat. I still think it’s kind of a stretch that she would do that. But you know you only have so much…that was one I lost. Early in I lost that one. You do what you can do.

Fansite: They’ll be happy that you agree!


LT: So true. Um, in the book Eclipse, we’ve kind of talked about it. We asked all the podcasts and we talked about it with some guys that have read it as well, and we talked about—

SM: The Font right?

LT: Yeah, The Font and White Yorkie.

SM: White Yorkie, that’s right.

LT: Those are our boys.

SM: Your unicorns.

LT: They all love talking about it. Um, so we were talking with them and we were talking about the character of Edward and kind of, it feels like in the end of New Moon, especially into Eclipse and especially in Breaking Dawn, it feels like his character changes a little bit. Or a lot maybe even. Um, how he goes from this strong, like as you said earlier, know-it-all to really almost a 180. Like simpering. Isn’t in control. Simpering is a bad word.

SM: There’s a lot of self-doubt that happens particularly after New Moon because this is someone who feels like he’s always had the answers and now he has screwed up worse than he’s ever screwed up in his entire life. And the one thing that he wanted more than anything else he destroyed her. And that was like so not what he was planning, so there is a lot of self-doubt. I feel like in Breaking Dawn the evolution completes where he goes from kind of like, not having hope or faith in himself, but faith in his ability to know everything. And he knows he’s right a lot. But he doesn’t have a lot of hope for anything and then he meets Bella and that throws everything into a mix and he screws up and he starts to doubt himself. In Breaking Dawn is the first time he really has faith and hope, like he comes around. He goes from being the worst pessimist to actually being an optimist, and for me that was a really big evolution. And it takes place a lot off screen in Breaking Dawn, because you know Bella is going through so much just here in her body it is very centered in her physically. And she has another battle, like she at this time has to say, “Edward, I can’t deal with you! I have something bigger to do here. Back off!” And so he becomes someone who believes at the end. Like the way she always has believed: “You and I are something special. This is gonna work out.” And he’s always felt like that she was wrong, and by the end he’s like: “You know what? I don’t even care what happens now ‘cause you’re right.” And see I always liked that about him, I liked that he was able to change. He’s one of those that changes. And Breaking Dawn for me was…on the surface there’s all this action, but for me it was all about Edward coming around. You know it’s hard for people though I think to watch the hot boy become the responsible dad because that’s not a sexy transition. Unless you have dated the hot boy and he has become the responsible dad to your children, and it’s really sexy. That’s not something that when you’re fourteen makes sense because dad is your father. But when it’s the father of your children it’s a whole other ballpark. A whole new level of sexy. You guys know. And that’s something that is not YA. It’s not a YA emotion and I always knew it was gonna go there.


SM: Oh my gosh it’s so sweet. It’s such a different level when you see them bond with their children. But I always knew this, that’s one of the reasons why it was hard to go YA because this was never gonna be…Remember Sweet Valley High? Okay, I’m really old.

Fansites: Yes!

SM: And those novels that like every…they’re still in high school. They’ve been there for 400 years and they’re still in high school. My books were theAnne of Green Gables where she grows up. She goes to college. She gets married. She has six kids. Her kids grow up. Her kids get married. I love the evolution. I love that they get to grow up and so for me the story was always…they were always gonna grow up.

Fansite: So it does change.

SM: And it does…It really changes. It’s not YA anymore in Breaking Dawn and that’s something that throws a lot of people.

Fansite: Totally.

SM: But I like letting them grow up. You feel bad when you make your characters stifle. They get to grow and change.

Elysa: Just back to Eclipse for a second. You mentioned on your website that there was an alternative ending to Eclipse.

SM: Yes.

Elysa: What can you tell us about that and will you ever write it or is it—

SM: See if I tell them, I can’t write. And so that becomes…’cause then you’ve destroyed it. But um, there was a certain point in time not as much faith in the series and I was told to end it at three. And I’d never planned to do…you know I was…There were three books right? There were supposed to be three books and there was no idea of it going on, and in my head it was this long series. And so it was like: “No, we should end this.” Because you know if you go on too long sometimes series lose their steam or whatever. And the story was just so wide open then. There was so much that wasn’t done and so to have ended it there, it would have had to be a radical ending. Um, radically different. There [were] some fantasy elements that I don’t think people would’ve seen coming. I don’t think they would have responded well. My mom hates it! Hates the ending. My sister was cool with it. And you know I could see that because there were things…Some people, the way they’re tied to the characters are dependent on certain aspects of those characters, and now I’m gonna sound really really bad but it messed with that for some people. But then once I started thinking about it I was really intrigued by that conversation. There was this really dramatic scene and Bella doesn’t know what’s going on and the visuals in it were really strong for me. And so then I wanted to write it. You know back when nobody cared about the books and I could do whatever I wanted, I was like Bree it was gonna be on the website. That was the plan all along. I would write up this alternate ending, but will people throw rocks at me if I write this? There’s a possibility! Oh and then people will think: “Oh this is the real ending and that’s the fake ending.” When it’s not you know…this is just an alternate. This is the way it could’ve gone. But it didn’t and I like it better how it is.

Matt: Are you leaving it open so—

SM: I’m leaving it open in case I decide some night I wake up and start typing and then I can put it on my website. Although you know I hate spoilers but then sometimes I wonder would Breaking Dawn have been an easier transition if people had had the spoilers? If I hadn’t thought: “Oh, I don’t want to ruin it.” And I just said, “Okay, hey guys, Bella’s gonna have a baby! Strap in!”

(chatter and laughter)

SM: Would people have been like: “Okay, I’m ready for it.” I don’t know. It’s a hard thing. Do you fight to keep it spoiler-free? Can you anymore? I was so disappointed, you know the last Harry Potter there was no way to avoid being spoiled. It was impossible. My friend took her little nieces and nephews and they went to go stand in line at the bookstore and some people drove by in a car with a megaphone shouting out the names of the people who died in the book.


Matt: Yeah, I got spoiled with the sixth book with Dumbledore.

SM: Yeah. I mean people just…there’s this desire people have to ruin the fun for other people.

Kassie: I don’t like that.

(chatter and laughter)

Kassie: I want to hunt them down!

(chatter and laughter

Kassie: My vampire comes out!

SM: Why would you do that when you see little children? Like who can be that person who sees little kids there in line and wants to upset their fun? I don’t understand that.

Kassie: Oh it makes me mad! I wanna go talk to their mom.


Elysa: For Breaking Dawn my house was Fort Knox . I didn’t go anywhere. I was not online. Nothing. I mean I fell off the face of the earth. I did not want to be spoiled, and I wasn’t. I did not get spoiled—

Matt: You live in the middle of nowhere. I live in L.A.


Elysa: Fair enough. Fair enough

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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Jeu 26 Aoû - 11:02

Résumé à venir...
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Jeu 26 Aoû - 11:16

Meyer veut que ses enfant puissent regarder Eclipse donc par exemple, elle n'a pas lu certains passages du livre à ses plus jeunes enfant. Donc pour le prochain film, elle veut s'assurer que les scènes sensuelles soient visibles par des adolescents de 13 ans.

La scène de l'accouchement est aussi périlleuse. Son manuscrit a été modifié car dans la version originale , l'accouchement était plus violent. La scène sera tournée comme dans le livre , selon le point de vue de Bella. Par contre, ils risquent de ne pas garder la partie du point de vue de Jacob dans le film . Ils veulent plus ses centrer sur Edward et Bella.
Pour cette scène , ils envisagent de la faire comme dans Twilight quand on lui suce le venin. On verrait donc cela par flash.
Meyer avait beaucoup aimé cette idée de Catherine Hardwicke , elle trouvait cela très beau.

Elle revient sur la scène dans Eclipse où Bella s'en va avec Jacob , que les fans n'ont pas aimé et Meyer non plus car ce n'est pas la Bella du livre.

Ils parlent ensuite de l'évolution d'Edward. dans Twilight, il est très sûr de lui, dans New Moon , il la détruit en partant et il a vraiment merdé. Dans BD, il a foi en ces connaissances. Il passe de ce pessimiste invetéré à un être optimiste. Bella a toujouurs su qu'ils avaient un lien spécial et à la fin , il s'en rend vraiment compte. Il évolue et passe de cet être très sexy à celui de père qui devient aussi sexy.

Il y avait une fin alternative pour Eclipse car au départ , il ne devait y avoir que 3 livres . Elle refuse de dire ce qu'elle "tait car les gens diront qu'il y a une vraie fin et une fausse fin.
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Nombre de messages : 16344
Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Jeu 26 Aoû - 11:21

Citation :
Donc pour le prochain film, elle veut s'assurer que les scènes sensuelles soient visibles par des adolescents de 13 ans.

adolescents américains de 13 ans qu'elle aurait dû préciser. cette bonne femme est vraiment désespérante [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 931782 je ne peux plus la sentir [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 563150

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 598150
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Nombre de messages : 12206
Date d'inscription : 30/03/2010
Age : 76
Localisation : Un petit coin au soleil

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Jeu 26 Aoû - 12:15

Elle va nous le gâcher ce film , qu'est ce qu'elle puritaine [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 875216 J'ai connue des mormons mais ils étaient pas comme elle.
[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 598150
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Jeu 26 Aoû - 12:19

Oh oui et le pire c'est que cette fois ci , elle est productrice sur le film. J'espère que Gorfey va la tempérer et que Condon va s'imposer car sinon on est pas dans la mouise. Elles parent aussi dans cette interview des enfants de 9 ans qui iront voir le film mais c'est bon , ils en ont vu d'autre car vu ce qu'on va voir, ils ne risquent pas d'être choqués [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 99352
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Nombre de messages : 16344
Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

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MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Jeu 26 Aoû - 12:39

Alice a écrit:
Elle va nous le gâcher ce film , qu'est ce qu'elle puritaine [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 875216 J'ai connue des mormons mais ils étaient pas comme elle.

elle sait surtout qu'il faut ratisser large pour se faire un max de fric et se dit qu'après la première génération qui a connu le 1er film en 2008 et qui aura donc 16 ans en 2011, faut penser à la nouvelle génération des 13 ans de 2011.

sa nouvelle religion, c'est le pognon.
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Nombre de messages : 11161
Date d'inscription : 25/05/2009
Age : 37

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Jeu 26 Aoû - 17:34

ptiteaurel a écrit:
Par contre, ils risquent de ne pas garder la partie du point de vue de Jacob dans le film .

Enfin quelque chose de positif !

merci pour le résumé ptiteaurel !
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Jeu 26 Aoû - 17:40

Oui c'est le seul truc positif lol!
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Nombre de messages : 3082
Date d'inscription : 19/01/2010
Age : 64
Localisation : Nancy (54)

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Jeu 26 Aoû - 17:55

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 598150 pour cette traduction ! Oh la Meyer!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 269303
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Nombre de messages : 648
Date d'inscription : 06/06/2010
Age : 36
Localisation : Sud de la France ;-)

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Jeu 26 Aoû - 18:50

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 598150
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Nombre de messages : 13333
Date d'inscription : 05/06/2010
Age : 63
Localisation : Trop loin de lui

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Jeu 26 Aoû - 19:56

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 598150 pour la traduction

Je vais être déçue par ce film, je le sens [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 612507 [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 23382
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Nombre de messages : 307
Date d'inscription : 02/05/2009
Localisation : Paris

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Jeu 26 Aoû - 20:29

Je sens que je n'irais pas le voir au ciné et que j'attendrai que les DVD soient en solde
pour les acheter lol!
C'est toujours ça que la Meyer n'aura pas dans la poche !
Je pense être la seule sur le forum a avoir bien aimé la partie Jacob : on y voyait Edward autrement que par les yeux énamourés de Bella et cela n'était pas inintéressant
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Nombre de messages : 3082
Date d'inscription : 19/01/2010
Age : 64
Localisation : Nancy (54)

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Jeu 26 Aoû - 23:58

T'a raison Dashka !!! (pour la meyer) de toute manière je vais me focaliser sur les autres films de Rob, (Bel Ami - WFE) je serais certainement moins déçue. J'aimerai bien avoir ses anciens films en dvd, c'est quand même mieux de le voir en bonne qualité... c'est du gâchis de le regarder en streaming, j'ai un peu de mal, c'est pour ça que je squatte un max le ciné... [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 424157
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Nombre de messages : 722
Date d'inscription : 08/04/2009
Age : 47

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Ven 27 Aoû - 0:47

J ai bien aime aussi la parite jacob dans le dernier tome; ca permet de voir edward d un autre point de vue et celui de Jacob n est pas des moindres. Meme lui finit par craquer pour lui lol!
En plus il ma bien fait rire par moments !

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 598150 pour la traduction et ca presage rien de bon !!! Ca sent la CATASTOPHE ce truc !!!
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Nombre de messages : 12206
Date d'inscription : 30/03/2010
Age : 76
Localisation : Un petit coin au soleil

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Ven 27 Aoû - 7:35

Moi ce que j'aurais aimé c'est qu'elle continu la partie Edward " cette courge" au lieu de nous pondre n'importe quoi [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 368599
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Nombre de messages : 307
Date d'inscription : 02/05/2009
Localisation : Paris

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Ven 27 Aoû - 20:24

Moi aussi, j'aurais bien aimé qu'elle aille jusqu'au bout de midnight sun cette gourde mais peut être attend elle son heure quand les recettes des films commenceront à baisser.

D'accord avec toi Valy, je préfère de loin la qualité DVD que les films en streaming que je regarde pour patienter jusqu'à la sortie des DVD. Je guette la sortie de ses "anciens films" (haunted air man ....) en France pour les avoir en VOSTFR parce que l'anglais, dur, dur lol!

Vivement la sortie au cinéma de Bel Ami et de WFE [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 862141
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Nombre de messages : 307
Date d'inscription : 02/05/2009
Localisation : Paris

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Ven 27 Aoû - 20:30

Pour parler du n'importe quoi d'Alice : l'appel du sang n'est pas si nul que cela, le coté assoiffé de sang des nouveaux nés est bien rendu et l'ambiance est sombre a souhait. Le scénario d'Eclipse s'en est bien inspiré.
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Nombre de messages : 3082
Date d'inscription : 19/01/2010
Age : 64
Localisation : Nancy (54)

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Ven 27 Aoû - 22:36

Moi je pense que la meyer a envie de nous faire languir et fait ce qu'elle a envie.

C'est pas les lecteurs qui lui ont piqué son manuscrit et c'est bien nous qui payons... si elle avait voulu nous faire plaisir elle l'aurait terminé, elle fait ça rien que pour nous faire c****. [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 931782

De toute manière, j'ai boycotté l'appel du sang... vraiment pas envie de le lire... study

La meyer en a rien à faire du pognon, elle a même pas changé de vie, tout son fric va à la communauté mormone... [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 269303 [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 424157
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Nombre de messages : 16344
Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 Icon_minitime1Ven 3 Sep - 19:32

m'a bien fait rire cet "article"

Twilight 4 Breaking Dawn: les secrets du tournage

Twilight 4 est sujet à bien des cachotteries. Alors que des extraits des précédents épisodes avaient été diffusés sur YouTube, Breaking Dawn s’annonce secret défense.

Rien de filtre, les acteurs sont muets comme des tombes. Aucune info à se mettre sous la dent. Breaking Dawn, le dernier volet de la saga Twilight, dont le tournage ne commence que le mois prochain, est un secret bien gardé.

Kristen Steward, Robert Pattinson et Taylor Lautner (les trois stars les plus médiatisées) auraient reçu des consignes de discrétion de la part des producteurs. Selon un forum bien informé, les acteurs auraient signé un contrat de confidentialité.

La raison ? Créer une buzz énorme pardi! Alimenter les spéculations des Twilighters pour créer un réel effet de surprise dans les salles obscures. Ce 4e épisode est scindé en 2 parties, la première sortira seulement le 16 novembre 2011 et la seconde le 14 novembre 2012. Autant dire qu’en un an, on n’est pas à l’abri des fuites.

Tout ce que l’on sait, c’est que les deux scènes les plus attendues, à savoir la scène d’amour entre Edward Cullen et Bella Swan et surtout l’accouchement de celle-ci devraient être aussi « intenses » que dans le livre selon la scénariste du film Melissa Rosenberg.

déjà le titre est quelque peu mensonger. ensuite c'est vrai que la saga twilight est tellement peu connue la pauvre qu'elle a besoin de buzz pour exister. [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 844734 encore un site de bouffons qui racontent n'importe quoi [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 7 342587
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