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 [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)

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21 participants
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Nombre de messages : 3082
Date d'inscription : 19/01/2010
Age : 64
Localisation : Nancy (54)

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Icon_minitime1Ven 8 Oct - 22:37

Tout à fait d'accord avec toi Ptiteaurel !!!
Nikki était surtout très amie avec Catherine Hardwicke et Michael Angarano...
Pendant le shotting Vanity Fair de novembre 2008 on voit Nikki et Kristen s'embrasser sur la bouche, elles étaient donc très proches...
Nikki trainait souvent avec Rob pendant cette période (il l'a même aidé à déménager "les cartons") et Kristen était avec Michael...
Nikki n'a pas apprécié, elle avait certainement des vues sur Rob et a effectivement peut-être flirté avec... hs1 [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 5510
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Nombre de messages : 16344
Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Icon_minitime1Lun 18 Oct - 1:32

Nikki Reed Talks Top-Secret 'Breaking Dawn' Script

Actress says even getting the script to her acting coach 'was a huge process.'

"Breaking Dawn" vampire Nikki Reed is one of the few people who have checked out the script for the upcoming "Twilight Saga" installment. And as the starlet tells it, the big wigs behind the flick are trying hard to keep it that way.

When MTV News chatted with Reed on the Scream Awards red carpet Saturday, she said the script is guarded so carefully that even well-known industry professionals have to jump through hoops to get a peek.

"They're definitely watermarked," Reed admitted of the script's security. "In fact, I work with an acting coach ... and I wanted her to obviously have a copy so that we could work together and it was a huge process. She's like a really well-respected coach."

It appears that studio execs are keeping such a close eye on the script for good reason, as Reed said filmmakers have knocked a great screenplay.

"I think that they've really mastered the art of translating these books and transferring every single element almost verbatim, yet it's obviously condensed because the book is endless," Reed said. "I didn't know how they were gonna conquer that challenge but they seem to have done it."

The actress said she is ready to tackle the script head-on as production gets underway for the 2011 release, and is amped to work with the flick's acclaimed director.

"Lots of fittings, no rehearsals yet [but] we head out there pretty soon. I'm really excited, I think Bill Condon is a genius," she said. "I've only spoken to him on the phone but his love and devotion has sort of bled into [other parts of the production] because I've had wig fittings and wardrobe fittings here and you feel his presence even though I haven't spent any time with him one on one."

As Reed continues to ride out her role as Rosalie in the "Twilight" series, the actress reflected on the experience so far and said she's satisfied with her contribution to the onscreen phenomenon.

"If it all ends tomorrow for me I'm happy because I feel like I've been a part of things that I'm really proud of [and] that I'm really grateful for," she said.

source :
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Nombre de messages : 3082
Date d'inscription : 19/01/2010
Age : 64
Localisation : Nancy (54)

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Icon_minitime1Lun 18 Oct - 1:42

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 62674 pour cet article, j'ai "un tout petit peu" compris grâce au dictionnaire "anglo-chinois... j'attends la traduction littérale qui n'en sera que meilleure flower
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Nombre de messages : 13333
Date d'inscription : 05/06/2010
Age : 63
Localisation : Trop loin de lui

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Icon_minitime1Lun 18 Oct - 9:01

J'ai compris le mot actrice, vampire mais les verbes etc...J'attends aussi notre spécialiste préférée sunny
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Icon_minitime1Lun 18 Oct - 11:45

Traduction en cours.....
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Icon_minitime1Lun 18 Oct - 12:04

Nikki Reed parle du script de' Breaking Dawn' qui est top secret

L'actrice ajoute même que donner le script à son coach fut un processus difficile .'

La vampire "Breaking Dawn" Nikki Reed est l'une des rares personnes à avoir vu le script . Et comme l'a dit la starlette , toutes les ficelles derrière le film vont bien être tirées.

Quand MTV News a discuté avec Reed sur le tapis rouge des Scream Awards samedi, elle a dit que le script est si bien gardé que même les professionnels du cinéma doivent faire de leur pied et de leur main pour y jeter un coup d'oeil.

"Ils sont secret défense ," a admit Reed concernant la sécurité entourant du script . "En fait, je travaille avec un coach ... et je voulais qu'elle en est la copie afin que nous puissions travailler dessus ensemble et la démarche fut difficile. Pourtant, elle est une coach reconnue de toutes"

Il semblerait que les chefs du studio gardent l'oeil sur le script pour une bonne raison , comme le dit Reed les réalisateurs et scénaristes ont fait du bon boulot..

Je pense qu'ils ont maîtrisé l'art de traduire le livre et chaque moment clé, pourtant il est évident que c'est condensé ," a dit Reed . Je ne savais pas comment ils allaient réussir ce challenge mais ils semblent avoir réussi"

L'actrice dit être prête a transcrire ce script sur écran alors que la production va débuter pour une sortie en 201 et elle a hâte de travailler avec le réalisateur.

"Beaucoup d'essayages , pas encore de répétitions [mais] on va débuter dans peu de temps. Je suis vraiment excitée, je pense que Bill Condon est un génie," dit elle. Je ne lui ai parlé qu'au téléphone mais son amour et sa dévotion se sont unis aux autres aspects de la production car j'ai eu des essais perruques et costumes et vous sentez sa présence même si je n'ai pas passé beaucoup de temps avec lui en tête à tête."

Reed reprend son rôle de Rosalie dans la saga "Twilight", l'actrice se dit ravie de sa collaboration au phénomène.

"Si tout devait s'arrêter pour moi demain , je serais ravie car j'ai le sentiment de faire partie de choses ont je suis fière et reconnaissante," t elle

source :
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Nombre de messages : 14223
Date d'inscription : 17/11/2009
Age : 51
Localisation : suisse

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Icon_minitime1Lun 18 Oct - 12:06

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 598150
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Nombre de messages : 16344
Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Icon_minitime1Lun 18 Oct - 12:10

merci ptiteaurel [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 285756
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Nombre de messages : 13333
Date d'inscription : 05/06/2010
Age : 63
Localisation : Trop loin de lui

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Icon_minitime1Lun 18 Oct - 12:17

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 598150 [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 737911
Top secret ouais sûrement une feinte pour qu'on soit en attente [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 893820
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Nombre de messages : 9405
Date d'inscription : 16/03/2009
Age : 51
Localisation : ici et ailleurs

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Icon_minitime1Lun 18 Oct - 12:24

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 598150
C'est top secret jusqu'à ce que quelqu'un le perde ou l'oublie quelques part [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 893820
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Nombre de messages : 16344
Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Icon_minitime1Lun 18 Oct - 12:25

il parait que les scripts sont tous marqués au nom de celui qui le possède comme ça si il le perd on saura à qui il appartient. ceci dit on avait bien su sans ça à qui était les scripts "perdus" par le passé Wink
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Nombre de messages : 16344
Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Icon_minitime1Lun 18 Oct - 13:03

Jackson Rathbone Doesn't Want 3-D Breaking Dawn

Jackson Rathbone hit the red carpet at the 2010 Spike TV's SCREAM Awards as one of the three Twilight Saga cast members in Los Angeles to represent SCREAM Awards multiple-nominee, Twilight: Eclipse.

"I like the through line. I like the way it is, you know? I think 3-D is an amazing element for certain types of films but I think at the core what the Twilight series is about is about making choices and to be with the people you love," explained Rathbone in our exclusive interview. "And I think that doesn't really have a place in the 3-D world. The 3-D world's more for that kind of action epic kind of quality, and that definitely is in the Twilight series, but I think it's more so about the connections we make in life. And I think that doesn't don't need 3-D to show that. You just need to look know, when Rob and Kristen look at each other as Edward and Bella and that spark happens, you don't need 3-D for that." via
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Icon_minitime1Lun 18 Oct - 13:42

Traduction en cours....
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Icon_minitime1Lun 18 Oct - 13:48

Jackson Rathbone ne veut pas de la 3-D pour Breaking Dawn

Jackson Rathbone était sur le tapis rouge des SCREAM Awards 2010 et c'était l'un des trois acteurs de la saga présents à Los Angeles pour représenter la saga nominée à de nombreuses reprises pour les SCREAM Awards.

"J'aime la ligne qu'on a pris. J'aime la façon dont on l'a fait jusque là ?Je pense que la 3-D est un élément incroyable pour certains types de films mais je pense qu'à l'origine de la saga Twilight , il s'agit plus de faire des choix et être avec les personnes que vous aimez," a expliqué Rathbone dans notre ITW exclusive. "Et je pense que la saga n'a pas sa place dans le monde de la 3-D . Ce monde est plus pour les films épiques , d'action, il y en a dans la saga Twilight mais je pense qu'il s'agit plus des connections qu'on fait dans la vie. Et je pense que ça n'a pas vraiment .on n'a pas besoin de la 3-D pour montrer ça. Il faut juste regarder ...quand Rob et Kristen se regardent en tant qu'Edward et Bella et là il y a cette étincelle ,pas besoin de la 3-D pour ça." via
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Nombre de messages : 16344
Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Icon_minitime1Lun 18 Oct - 13:54

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 598150

et même en tant que Rob et Kristen, l'étincelle est bien là [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 373855
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Icon_minitime1Lun 18 Oct - 13:57

Oui j'y ai pensé en traduisant. Je me suis dit qu'il se rattrapait en ajoutant Bella et Edward. En tout cas, je suis d'accord avec lui sur le principe : la saga TWilight n'a pas besoin de 3D
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Nombre de messages : 38566
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2009
Age : 44
Localisation : Arras

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Icon_minitime1Lun 18 Oct - 14:02

Valeriane a écrit:
il parait que les scripts sont tous marqués au nom de celui qui le possède comme ça si il le perd on saura à qui il appartient. ceci dit on avait bien su sans ça à qui était les scripts "perdus" par le passé Wink

Pour celui d'Eclipse c'était déjà le cas car quand j'ai lu le script que soit disant Jackson aurait égaré dans un centre de tranfusion sur le 1ère page , il y a son nom Wink
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Nombre de messages : 11161
Date d'inscription : 25/05/2009
Age : 37

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Icon_minitime1Mar 19 Oct - 0:14

Lainey du blog à potin lainey gossip à lu le script de breaking dawn partie 1 et révèle quelques détails :

A very well dressed, good-spirited Kristen Stewart attended Scream 2010 the other night to collect some awards for Twilight. My girl crush is alive and well. Stewart was joined on stage by co-stars Jackson Rathbone and Nikki Reed, also her ex best friend. Wonder how well that went over. Two years ago – Christ, has it been that long? – the two were inseparable. Girl sh-t is the best sh-t especially when it’s over boys.

The entire group will soon be reunited as production is scheduled to begin shortly on the fourth and fifth films in the franchise. Bella and Edward get married, there’s some sex, and then a hybrid baby, and then a really lame war which will actually play ever so slightly better on film because, well, someone other than Stephenie Meyer wrote the screenplay.

Having said that, for the faithful, there is still So.Much.Cheese for you to enjoy. Like the wedding toasts. The wedding toasts in Part 1 are perhaps the most cliché and uninspired words you will hear next year. And when delivered by Kellan Lutz, Jesus Christ it’ll be a great time, to go and laugh yourself silly with your friends. Or squeeze their hands from the pain of the fontrum. It really depends on how you react to such things.

If it were me, because you never know what will end up in editing, I would cut that sh-t out and leave the sex scenes intact. Before that though, if they stay true to the script, Edward and Carlisle have a birds and the bees talk that is supposed to be, I guess, the vampire advice equivalent to human boys and “baseball”. When does a boy think about baseball? Baseball is for bringing you back from the brink. Therefore Edward Cullen’s premature ejaculation = crushing his wife to death when he’s taking her virginity, preventable, according to his father, by thoughts of baseball.

F-cking unintentional comedy gold. Please leave that sh-t in. Please, please, please.

And what’s Kristen Stewart looking forward to? She spoke to Access Hollywood, video is below, about being excited about heading back to work on the blockbuster series, and perhaps some of that has to do with shooting those highly anticipated intimate moments.

There are three of them in total in Part 1 right now. The first is in the water, and they get the business started with a super cringe line, as Bella walks naked into the ocean and looks at the moon and sighs that “it’s beautiful”, to which Edward replies, while looking at her and obviously not the moon...


See, I just laughed out loud writing that.

Happily though, they dispose of the dialogue quickly and then it’s supposed to be all limbs and writhing and wrapping around each other from the sea to the house and much of it is relayed, rather cleverly actually, in flashback form. After they show the initial hook up from beach to bedroom, we jump to the morning after as Edward is constipated about something and Bella is examining her body. Cut to her memories of the night before, the touching, and his kissing the length of her body, and the clenching, and her head thrown back, and his struggle to, um, think about baseball, and her resulting pleasure, and some furniture gets broken. It actually reads pretty erotic, and if they cut it the way it’s written, it should be even hotter to watch. Even I would enjoy watching it if they stay with that spirit.

She keeps begging for it afterwards, and the two following love scenes are more of the same soft porny vibe which, to be honest, totally impressed me because having blue balled it for 3 straight movies, I thought they would pull that sh-t all over again. On paper though, they appear to be totally going for it. Which means that’s how they’ll shoot it. So you’ll just have to hope they don’t f-ck around with it in the edit suite.

source :
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Nombre de messages : 3082
Date d'inscription : 19/01/2010
Age : 64
Localisation : Nancy (54)

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Icon_minitime1Mar 19 Oct - 0:25

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 737819 les filles pour toutes ces infos et traductions
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Nombre de messages : 5145
Date d'inscription : 12/11/2009
Age : 46
Localisation : au milieu des montagnes

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Icon_minitime1Mar 19 Oct - 0:44

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 598150 [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 873355
:val: et [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 624219 Un script pas si secret que ça en fait!!! lol!

@Jackson: "bien rattraper mon gars!" [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 965520 [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 591178 [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 770332 lol!
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Nombre de messages : 16344
Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Icon_minitime1Mar 19 Oct - 1:26

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 624219
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Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Icon_minitime1Mar 19 Oct - 4:25


Je vous passe le premier paragraphe où Lainey revient sur le passage de Kristen aux Scream Awards



si besoin est, n'oubliez pas d'utiliser les balises spoiler pour vos commentaires Wink

Dernière édition par Valeriane le Mar 19 Oct - 9:16, édité 1 fois
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Nombre de messages : 16344
Date d'inscription : 12/03/2009

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Icon_minitime1Mar 19 Oct - 8:51

Kristen Stewart: 'Breaking Dawn' will change people's minds about Bella Swan

Getprev"Twilight" fans love to debate their favorite novel in Stephenie Meyer's bestselling vampire series. Kristen Stewart says she has her own favorite -- and it's the most explicit and intense of the bunch.

"This one's really good. This one really goes there, finally," said the actress who plays the iconic Bella Swan of "Breaking Dawn." "This one is like the forming of a family. You see everything really come to fruition because I feel like [Bella] has sort of gone through an accelerated growth period."

In November, Stewart will reprise the Bella role when she begins filming the first half of “Breaking Dawn,” the fourth movie in the “Twilight” franchise, which will be directed by Bill Condon. The story follows [spoiler alert: if you aren't familiar with "Breaking Dawn," skip to the last paragraph] Bella’s marriage to vampire Edward Cullen (Rob Pattinson), as the two finally consummate their relationship and Bella becomes pregnant.

"At at this point," Stewart says, "you do accept [Bella] as a mom.”

Because their child is half-human and half-vampire, Bella’s pregnancy is riddled with complications -- all leading up to a dramatic birth scene, in which Edward tears open Bella’s stomach with his teeth to save their baby.

There has been speculation about how the graphic scene will be depicted on screen. Stewart acknowledges it's a "crazy concept," also describing werewolf Jacob's hearing "vampire teeth against vampire skin" during the childbirth scene.

Just how that will play out on screen, though, has yet to be determined. "I've seen the script," which tracks closely to the book, she says. "But it depends on how they shoot it."

Stewart, who was speaking to 24 Frames to promote her new independent drama "Welcome to the Rileys," said she thinks her "Twilight" character has been misunderstood. “Bella’s criticized sometimes for being, like, you know -- I don’t know, selfish and overly emotional and silly and frivolous and annoying and young,” said Stewart. “That’s sort of like a very judgmental way of looking at it." via robstenation
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Nombre de messages : 9405
Date d'inscription : 16/03/2009
Age : 51
Localisation : ici et ailleurs

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Icon_minitime1Mar 19 Oct - 8:51

Quoi dire qu'à part qu'elle et moi auriont certainenment beaucoup de point en commun,et la même vision de la chose lol!
Siouplé les mièvreries !
Et le meilleur,le gentil tâcle à Mme Meyer:"mieux dans le film parce que, bon, quelqu'un d'autre que Stephenie Meyer a écrit le scénario." [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 373855 Un grand moment!
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Nombre de messages : 12206
Date d'inscription : 30/03/2010
Age : 76
Localisation : Un petit coin au soleil

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1)   [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 Icon_minitime1Mar 19 Oct - 8:53

[Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 42735 [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 42735 :val: [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 862141 [Breaking Dawn] Presse/Web (1) - Page 13 859906
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